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Boosting confidence, getting endorsements, and much more… Newsletter #10: Boosting confidence,

Boosting confidence, getting endorsements, and much more… Newsletter #10: Boosting confidence, getting endorsements, and much more… By The ClickFunnels Team September 18, 2023 Hey, I hope you had a great weekend and are ready to charge into this week! Here are some nuggets to help you do just that… WHAT YOU'RE ABOUT TO DISCOVER... - Allostatic load and how it impacts your confidence - What’s happening for ClickFunnels’ birthday - Getting endorsements for your business - Top advice from a 2CC winner - The humble origin story of one of the world’s top brands THE AUTHORITY PRINCIPLE: HOW EXPERT ENDORSEMENTS CAN BOOST YOUR BRAND In a world where there are more brands than ever vying for attention, a single recommendation from a trusted expert can thrust your business into the spotlight. This is known as the "Authority Principle," and it's a powerful psychological tool that can be used to boost your brand's credibility and sales. In a world where there are more brands than ever vying for attention, a single recommendation from a trusted expert can thrust your business into the spotlight. This is known as the "Authority Principle," and it's a powerful psychological tool that can be used to boost your brand's credibility and sales. The Power of Authority The Authority Principle is rooted in our inherent trust in figures of authority. From childhood, we're conditioned to respect and trust the advice of those in authoritative positions, such as teachers, doctors, and community leaders. When these figures endorse a product or service, their credibility rubs off, often leading to increased consumer trust and sales. Expert Endorsements vs. Influencer Marketing Expert endorsements and influencer marketing are often confused with each other. However, there are some key differences between the two: Expert endorsements: Expert endorsements are based on the credibility and expertise of the endorser. They are often used to promote products or services that require a high level of knowledge or experience. Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing is based on the popularity and reach of the endorser. It is often used to promote products or services that are targeted to a specific audience. Why Endorsements Work There are three main reasons why expert endorsements work: Trustworthiness: When an expert, especially one with no direct ties to the product, vouches for its efficacy, it immediately elevates the product's trustworthiness in the eyes of potential customers. This is because we naturally assume that experts have the knowledge and expertise to make informed decisions about products and services. Credibility: An endorsement from an expert in the relevant field strengthens your brand's credibility. It signals to potential customers that your product has been vetted and found worthy by someone who knows what they're talking about. Relatability: Sometimes, experts are also influencers with their own following. Their endorsement can make your brand more relatable to their audience, which can lead to increased sales. How to Choose the Right Expert Not every expert is the right fit for every brand. When choosing an expert to endorse your product, there are a few things to keep in mind: Relevance: The expert's field of expertise should be relevant to your product or service. For example, an endorsement from a doctor should be more effective for a health product than an endorsement from a celebrity chef. Credibility: The expert should have a strong reputation and be respected in their field. Their credentials should be solid and verifiable. Alignment with Brand Values: The expert's personal and professional values should align with your brand's values. This will help ensure that their endorsement is authentic and believable. How to Approach Experts for Endorsements The first two bits are pretty standard. However, this is where most people fall away: Do your research: You can reach out directly on social media, find the person’s PR company if they have one, their agent, or contact them via email. But, before you reach out, take time to learn about the person’s work and background. Showing that you’re genuinely interested in them and not just approaching them hoping to make money off their name will go a long way. Imagine the difference between someone reaching out to you who is a clear fan of yours vs someone who just wants you for your followers. Be clear about your expectations: Explain what you're looking for in an endorsement and how it would benefit the expert. This is especially true if you’re worried your business is too small to get noticed. People love helping the underdog so be honest about who you are and what you’re looking for. Be prepared to offer something in return: Exactly as we mentioned on Monday when discussing sponsorships. Be prepared to offer them something of value in return, such as a free product or service or a commission on sales. Be patient: It may take some time to get an expert's endorsement. Don't be discouraged if you don't hear back right away. Be optimistic! Most of us will not implement these steps because that little voice in our head will tell us we’re not big enough or will be wasting the person’s time. Leave all that up to the universe and send the messages anyway. I’m certain you’ll see results if you do. The Pitfalls to Avoid While expert endorsements can be a powerful marketing tool, there are a few pitfalls to avoid: Over-reliance: Don't rely solely on expert endorsements. They should be part of a grander marketing strategy. Misrepresentation: Never twist an expert's words or take them out of context. This could damage your brand's reputation. Overexposure: If the same expert is seen endorsing too many products, their credibility (and by extension, your product's credibility) might get diluted. THE ORIGIN OF ONE OF THE WORLDS BIGGEST BRANDS One company that used endorsements to become a huge brand was 1960s startup Blue Ribbon Sports. In the early 1960s, a gentleman named Phil Knight was a runner at the University of Oregon, where he met his track coach, Bill Bowerman. Bowerman was obsessed with helping his athletes perform better and was always tinkering with their shoes to improve traction and support. After graduating, Knight had an idea to import high-quality running shoes from Japan and sell them in the US, believing they could compete with established German brands. Knight and Bowerman each invested $500 (around $5,000 in today’s money) to start Blue Ribbon Sports. However, things didn't go well. First, because Adidas and Puma already dominated the market, they faced huge skepticism from retailers and resorted to selling shoes out of Knight's car at track meets. Then, low sales meant Knight had to take a job as an accountant to support his growing venture. However, they continued searching for the answer, certain their idea was a winner. One day while making waffles, Bowerman had an epiphany. He realized the waffle iron could be used to create a new type of shoe sole, offering better traction and cushioning. He named it the "Waffle Trainer". Convinced the shoe would be a success, Knight and Bowerman decided to rename the business to something more in line with their vision for the company. Inspired by the Greek goddess of victory, in 1974, they changed the name from Blue Ribbon Sports to Nike. The waffle trainer became a big hit and brought a level of respect and trust to Nike. They rode the success of the waffle trainer for years but soon realized if they were going to thrive, they needed to do more. In 1984, Nike decided to take a chance and sign an up-and-coming basketball player to endorse their products. The gentleman they went with was an up-and-comer named Michael Jordan. Alongside Jordan, Nike created the "[Air Jordan]( line of basketball shoes. Jordan went on to be considered by many as the greatest basketball player of all time, and the partnership revolutionized the sports marketing industry. While endorsements with sports stars were already popular at the time, the result of Jordan’s endorsement turned endorsements into one of, if not the most important marketing avenues for brands. According to Front Office Sports, Nike’s Jordan Brand reportedly raked in $5.1 billion in 2022 alone. Surely it’s worth a go for your business? TIPS FROM A 2CC WINNER I stumbled upon a post from way back in 2021 by Doug Boughton and wanted to include it today because of the journey Doug went on to reach 2CC. Here’s the post: “The truth behind my 2 Comma Club Award… 3 years ago, I attended my first Funnel Hacking Live. I watched in awe as the speakers and several 2CC award winners taught us #funnelhackers in the audience the strategy behind their success. I left that event with a new fire inside of me. At the time, I had just quit my restaurant job after nearly a decade of telling myself over and over that “I am going to leave in 6 months.” At the time, I was negative in the bank and was given a loan to get to FHL 2019. - I had $96,390 in student loan debt. - I had 0 results and no expertise. - I was comparing myself to those who have already achieved what I was setting out to do, and it literally had me in tears. - I had no idea of what path I was going to go online, but I knew I’d be up on that stage to collect my own 2CC Award. I went through the One Funnel Away challenge for the third time until I finally got my first idea of how I was going to do it. Instead of worrying about having results and experience, I decided to go a different route after Steve Larsen talked about documenting the journey. I started a Facebook group and told the small audience I had, exactly where I stood. I told them about my current bank balance, my massive student loan debt. I declared my goals to be a ClickFunnels Dream Car winner and the plan I had to make it happen. Then I proceeded to take another page out of Steve’s playbook and publish every day. I went live for 30 days, documenting my own experience of going through the OFA challenge for a 4th time. I had a breakthrough and was able to make an offer that made me over $34,000 that next month. I officially launched my online course, Sales Funnel Mastery, and made my first 6 figures 3 months later. I earned my Dream Car Award, paid off my student loan in full, and declared my next goal to earn the 2CC award. This past month I did it! Does this make me a millionaire… not even close. I reinvested over 75% of those earnings back into the business. However, becoming this new version of myself in the process, I now have everything it takes to earn and KEEP my next million and beyond. Today, I get to start over and declare my new goal, and bring along all who are willing to watch me make it happen and help them do the same. $1M in the bank 🚀 If you are still reading this, my best advice to you is: 1. Be authentically you, your audience will follow 2. Declare your big goal 3. Document your journey 4. Publish daily and be consistent 5. Choose 1 platform, 1 message, and 1 offer 6. Give as much value as you can 7. Don’t stop, even when you achieve your goal 8. Invest in yourself and your business 9. Become someone you can trust 10. Put that trust into hiring a team Lastly, double down on the things that are working best and forget the rest. Never compare yourself to anyone but you yesterday. Outwork you and you only!” WHAT’S HAPPENING AT CLICKFUNNELS THIS WEEK Teaching Experts Ryan Lee and Brad Gibb Are The Guests on The ClickFunnels Radio Podcast Thursday (9/21) These two incredible instructors share their unique approach to non-traditional life insurance and investment opportunities, which have traditionally been associated with network marketing. Tune in to learn how they have harnessed the power of funnels to grow their business and revolutionize online marketing. Check out this and previous episodes on [Spotify]( or [Apple Podcasts](. Its ClickFunnels’ Birthday! Saturday (9/23) ClickFunnels turns 9 this Saturday! Keep an eye on the [ClickFunnels Instagram account]( for a special video going over some of the highlights of the past 9 years. ALLOSTATIC LOAD: THE SECRET TO UNLEASHING YOUR POTENTIAL If you have doubts about implementing anything we share in these newsletters, I might have the solution… Few people have heard of Allostatic Load, but it impacts absolutely everyone. Allostatic load is the physical and mental wear and tear that accumulates as an individual is exposed to repeated or chronic stress. It’s easy to imagine the physical build-up of repeated knocks and injuries a sportsperson is subjected to, but what most don’t realize is that this also occurs psychologically. Stressful experiences in school, with our families, in our work, and in love are like knocks and injuries. And while we move past these events, they impact us subconsciously. Imagine a camel with straw on its back. Each straw is a mix of remnants of an experience in the camel’s life and the stressful experiences they’re going through at the moment. The weight of that straw is the allostatic load (you’re the camel). The camel isn’t fazed by small amounts of straw. It can move, make decisions, and head towards its destination without much concern. Imagine how that changes when the straw increases. The more straw the camel has on its back, the more it impacts the actions it takes, its happiness, and its willingness to take risks. For entrepreneurs, understanding and managing their allostatic load is crucial because it impacts everything from your ideas to your confidence to take a specific action (like reaching out to someone for an endorsement). How High Allostatic Load Can Impact Your Performance Confidence: Having a high allostatic load can cause an increase in self-doubt and second-guessing, reducing the size of your comfort zone. Energy: Mental stress and allostatic overload don't just affect the mind; they can take a toll on the body too. Chronic cognitive overload can lead to physical fatigue, making tasks seem more daunting than they truly are. Creativity: Creativity thrives when the mind can wander, explore, and connect different ideas. However, high allostatic load can push the brain into a more reactive mode. Instead of coming up with fresh, innovative ideas, the mind might revert to familiar, tried-and-tested solutions. Problem-solving: With a high allostatic load, entrepreneurs might experience tunnel vision, focusing only on a narrow aspect of a problem. This limited perspective can prevent you from seeing the bigger picture or considering alternative solutions. Body Language: When an individual is preoccupied or under significant cognitive strain, their body language might send unintended signals. They might appear distant, disinterested, or even defensive when that isn't their intention. A furrowed brow, lack of eye contact, or closed-off posture can all be misinterpreted by potential customers. How To Lower Your Allostatic Load Being negatively impacted in any or all of these areas is going to have a huge impact on your ability to succeed as an entrepreneur. Luckily, once you’re aware of the existence of allostatic load, you can work to reduce it! Below are 8 activities that will reduce your allostatic load and gradually unlock your entrepreneurial potential. I don’t think any of these will be new to you, but with the promise of increased confidence, creativity, and problem-solving skills, you may see them in a different light: 1. Exercise: A study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology demonstrated that exercise has a beneficial impact on creative potential. Participants who engaged in aerobic exercise showed an enhancement in convergent and divergent thinking, both crucial for problem-solving and innovative ideas. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. This could be brisk walking, running, swimming, or biking. 2. Meditation: Research from Frontiers in Psychology noted that participants who underwent a 13-minute meditation exercise focusing on a "loving-kindness" practice showed a 22% increase in their creative output compared to those who didn't meditate. There are many different types of meditation, so find one that works for you. A simple way to start is to focus on your breath for 5 minutes each day. 3. Creative activities: Research in The Journal of Creative Behavior suggested that engaging in creative activities can increase one's ability to handle challenges by 23%. This adaptability is critical for entrepreneurs who constantly face new challenges. Find something you enjoy doing creatively, such as painting, writing, or playing music. Even if you're not good at it, the act of creating can be enjoyable and stress-relieving. 4. Create To-Do Lists: A study in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes journal found that when individuals set challenging and specific goals, they outperform others who have easy or no goals by an average of 15-25%. Set small, achievable goals for yourself and work towards them. This will give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment, which can boost dopamine levels and lower allostatic load. 5. Gratitude: In an experiment on gratitude and well-being published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, those who journaled about things they were grateful for showed a 10% higher life satisfaction score than those who didn't. They also reported 20% lower depressive symptoms after six months. Take some time each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for. This can be as simple as writing down three things you're grateful for before you go to bed. This greatly reduces stress, reducing load. 6. Social connection: The Journal of Business Venturing found entrepreneurs who engaged in active networking were found to have a 17% better firm performance than those who did not. Spend time with friends and loved ones, either in person or virtually. This can help to reduce stress and improve mood. 7. Nutrition: A study published in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity found participants who consumed probiotics for four weeks reported, on average, a 34% reduction in negative thoughts compared to those on a placebo. Try to add a good supply of pre and probiotics to your daily diet. 8. Sleep: A study published in Occupational and Environmental Medicine found sleep-deprived individuals performed, on average, 50% worse on cognitive tasks compared to those who had a full night's sleep. Moreover, their decision-making abilities mirrored those of individuals who were legally intoxicated. Take a look at some of the videos by sleep expert Matthew Walker to find ways to enhance and increase your sleep. Sleep is hugely impactful when it comes to lowering your allostatic load. Be on the lookout for that voice that puts doubt in your mind about an action you take. Everyone has it. I’d imagine Doug Boughton and Phil Knight both had that same voice telling them not to take action, but they did it anyway. What action can you take this week? That’s it for today. Hopefully, you’ve picked up some things you can take away and start implementing this week. If you want to implement something from the newsletter, share your progress in the ClickFunnels Facebook group and add #newsletter. We’ll be on the lookout for it! Then, we’ll see you back here Thursday when we dive into conversion boosting premiums, event networking, and much more. Have a great week, -ClickFunnels Team Not sure the best way to get started? Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running. Step #1 - Get The Funnel Books: [DotComSecrets]( | [Expert Secrets](  | [Traffic Secrets](  [The Linchpin]( Step #2 - Get The Funnel Software: [ClickFunnels]( | [Voomly Cloud]( | [GERU]( Step #3 - Online Training To Ignite Your Funnel:  [Your First Funnel Challenge]( | [Magnetic Marketing Challenge]( [PLR Funnels]( Step #4 - Connect With The Community: [FunnelHacker Facebook Official Facebook Group]( [Funnel Hacking LIVE (Annual Event)]( [Facebook]( | [Instagram]( | [YouTube]( | [Twitter]( © Etison LLC By reading this, you agree to all of the following: You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. You are solely responsible for the use of any content and hold Etison LLC and all members and affiliates harmless in any event or claim. If you purchase anything through a link in this email, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. Copyright © 2018+ Etison LLC. All Rights Reserved. Our mailing address is: 3443 W Bavaria Street, Eagle, ID, 83616 To make sure you keep getting these emails, please add us to your address book or whitelist us. If you don't want to receive any other emails, click on the unsubscribe link below. Etison LLC 3443 W Bavaria St Eagle, ID 83616 Questions? Here's our [Support]( and [Terms]( If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below: [Unsubscribe](/unsubscribe/new?source=email&medium=email&name=14424117)

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