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Mon, Sep 4, 2023 06:58 PM

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Perfect Webinar ChatGPT prompt, influencing your customer’s subconscious, and much more… N

Perfect Webinar ChatGPT prompt, influencing your customer’s subconscious, and much more… Newsletter #6: Perfect Webinar ChatGPT prompt, influencing your customer’s subconscious, and much more… By The ClickFunnels Team September 4, 2023 Hey, Can you believe it’s September already? This year has flown by! There are still 4 months left to crush those 2023 goals, so here are a few nuggets that might help you on your way… WHAT YOU'RE ABOUT TO DISCOVER... - The science of creating viral content - How to influence your customer’s decisions subconsciously - A host of new upgrades to ClickFunnels 2.0 - A ChatGPT prompt to create a perfect webinar - An expert’s guide to partnerships and joint ventures PRIMING IN MARKETING: HOW TO INFLUENCE YOUR CUSTOMER'S DECISIONS SUBCONSCIOUSLY Priming, a concept from psychology, is a potent tool business owners use to subtly influence a customer's decision-making process. It's about presenting stimuli to a customer that shapes their subsequent behaviours, often without them being consciously aware of it. Priming involves providing cues that prompt consumers to recall specific information from memory, which then influences their responses to subsequent, related stimuli. For example, if a consumer is exposed to the word "yellow," they're more likely to recognize the word "banana" in a later task, a phenomenon studied extensively in psychology and behavioural economics. In the world of marketing, priming can be used to create conditions that lead to increased conversions. For example, a clothing store might play upbeat music in the background to make shoppers feel more positive and spend more money. Or, a car dealership might display luxury cars near the entrance to make shoppers feel more aspirational. If you run a service-based business, like coaching, using high quality images and videos of successful people who have worked with you is a great way to create a sense of aspiration and make potential clients feel like they could achieve the same level of success if they work with you. In the supplement industry, priming can be applied by discussing the health benefits of a particular ingredient before introducing a product that contains it. The preliminary information primes consumers to view your product as beneficial. Here's how to effectively incorporate priming into your marketing strategy: Advertise Wisely: Create advertising content that indirectly promotes your product by emphasizing its benefits or the positive experiences associated with it. Optimize Web Experience: Arrange your funnel so that early interactions or information prime visitors for later offers. This could involve discussing the benefits of your services before presenting a call-to-action. Use Sensory Priming: Consider ways to prime potential customers using sensory cues, like visuals or sounds that evoke the desired emotional response. Beware of Negative Priming: Be careful to avoid inadvertently priming consumers with negative associations. Make sure all your content aligns with the image you want to present. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT CLICKFUNNELS THIS WEEK Design Hacking Expert Kathryn Jones is The Guest on The ClickFunnels Radio Podcast Thursday (9/7) This week on the podcast Kathryn Jones joins Laura and Chris to share her concept "together game" where the success of one person is interconnected with the success of others. She also dives into how to use partnerships and joint ventures to achieve success and make a positive impact. Check it out on [Spotify]( or [Apple Podcasts](. See Behind The Scenes of How FHL Is Built on FHTV Thursday (9/7) @ 1 pm Mountain Time Director of Events, Myles Clifford, is joining Ben and Susan to explain exactly how FHL is built. If you’re looking to put on your own event or are just interested in how things work, there will be a lot of nuggets shared here. Check it out in the ClickFunnels Facebook group [here](. Chat with expert Funnel Builders Friday (9/8) @ 11 am Mountain Time In this one-of-a-kind online event, you get to chat one-on-one with up to 6 expert funnel builders from the Funnel Builder Marketplace. You can get design and strategy ideas, conversion advice, or even hire an expert to build a funnel for you. If you're interested in attending this free event, save yourself a seat [here](. THE SCIENCE OF VIRALITY: HOW TO CREATE MARKETING CONTENT THAT SPREADS These days, the term "going viral" has become a much sought-after objective in the realm of marketing. A viral piece of content can reach millions, making a massive impact on brand recognition and engagement. However, virality isn't just about luck; it's a science. Today, we're uncovering the elements that help create viral content. According to a study conducted by Jonah Berger and Katherine Milkman, viral content often evokes high-arousal emotions—surprise, anger, anxiety, awe, and excitement. These are emotions that stimulate us, prompting us to share the content with others. A classic example of this is the "[Dove Real Beauty Sketches]( campaign. The campaign featured a forensic artist drawing women as they described themselves and a second drawing based on how someone else described them. It revealed how women often underestimate their own beauty, evoking emotions of surprise and warmth in the viewers and leading to widespread sharing and discussion. Another essential factor in creating viral content is the use of social currency. People are more likely to share something if it makes them look good—be it knowledgeable, funny, or inspiring. Blendtec's "[Will It Blend?]( campaign is a perfect illustration of this. The campaign features items from car keys to iPads being blended. It offered viewers unusual and amusing content they were eager to share. One more element of viral content is its practical value. Content that solves a problem or offers valuable information in a concise and clear manner often goes viral. An example of this is the "[5-minute craft]( videos that offer simple and creative solutions to everyday problems. The practical value of these videos makes them highly shareable (the video above has been viewed 285M times). Crafting viral content for your marketing strategy, then, involves tapping into these three areas: High-Arousal Emotions: Create content that evokes strong positive or negative emotions. It's not about the intensity of the emotion but the arousal it creates. Social Currency: Design content that enhances the sharer's social standing. Whether it's humour, insider knowledge, or heartwarming stories, make sure your content gives your audience something to brag about. Practical Value: Offer valuable information or solutions that your audience will want to share. Whether it's a how-to guide or a useful tip, practical value can be a powerful driver of virality. Remember, there's no guaranteed formula for virality, but by integrating these elements into your content, you'll greatly increase its potential to spread far and wide, capturing attention and fostering engagement. PERFECT WEBINAR CHATGPT PROMPT We love a powerful ChatGPT prompt here, so when I came across [Stu Jordan's]( prompt to help create your perfect webinar script, I knew I had to share it with you. It's pretty long but will provide you with a great base to build from. Over to Stu: "Hey folks, we have created a ChatGPT prompt for our webinar and I thought it might be useful to the CF fam. Basically, this prompt will help give you the starting point for your webinar outline, scripts, and slides. Even if you have to spend 30 minutes editing or tweaking this, it saves a massive ton of time! Placeholders The power of AI when it comes to marketing is simple - it aligns our offer and messaging perfectly with our target market. As such, you will find some [placeholders] in the prompt (I've bolded them for easy reference) that you will need to fill in. The better the information you provide in this context, the better the Perfect Webinar you create will be. Running the Prompt This works on 3.5 (free) and GPT-4 (plus) versions of ChatGPT. All you do is paste the entire prompt below (yes, it is very long, and all in italics!), fill in the noted placeholders, and run the prompt. You may not be familiar with this prompt structure, but it allows us to get much better content out of ChatGPT. I would love to hear about your experience using this prompt. Continuation Because the output will be very detailed and use more than one output, ChatGPT will show [to be continued]. When this happens, simply type "please continue" and it will carry on. I hope you find this prompt useful, we do enjoy creating marketing prompts that collapse our workflows and let us create better, faster, cheaper. Enjoy! The Prompt Hello ChatGPT. Today I would like you to assume the role of an expert in webinars specializing in the perfect webinar script as described by Russell Brunson. Context: --webinar outline-- The following webinar outline provides you with the perfect webinar wireframe you will be using today, along with specific instructions for each section of the perfect webinar script: Introduction (Who, What, Why): - Introduce yourself (who you are, your credibility, and why they should listen to you). - Outline what you're going to cover in the webinar. - Explain why it's important to them (benefits they will gain). - The Big Promise: Make a big promise to your audience about what they'll be able to achieve after attending the webinar or using your product/service. - Qualify Your Audience: Let your audience know who your webinar is for (and not for). Make it clear who will benefit from your content. Content Delivery: - Secret #1: Reveal a counterintuitive fact or strategy. - Story: Share a story or case study that illustrates the secret. - Transition: Bridge the story to the secret and then into the next secret. - Secret #2: Reveal a second piece of valuable information. - Story: Share a story or case study that illustrates the secret. - Transition: Bridge the story to the secret and then into the next secret. - Secret #3: Reveal a third piece of valuable information. - Story: Share a story or case study that illustrates the secret. - Transition: Bridge the story to the secret and then into the pitch. - Transition to Pitch: Start transitioning towards your sales pitch, revealing that you've formulated a system or product to help them implement these secrets easier or faster. Pitch/Offer: - Explain your offer and how it will help your audience. - Break down the product or service and what's included. - Detail the benefits and value of each component. - Share testimonials and results if available. - Stacking the Offer: This is where you stack the value of the offer, showing them all the things they are going to get when they take action. - Price Reveal: Reveal the price of your offer. Compare the total value with the actual price you are offering to highlight the deal they are getting. - Handling Objections: Address common objections your audience may have and offer solutions to overcome them. - Bonuses: Introduce any bonuses that come with the offer. Bonuses should further incentivize the purchase and increase perceived value. - Guarantees: If you have a guarantee or refund policy, this is the time to mention it. If none is provided, please use a placeholder. - Urgency/Scarcity: Create a sense of urgency or scarcity to encourage immediate action. - Call to Action: Make a strong and clear call to action. Tell your audience exactly what to do to buy your product or service. - Q&A: Incorporate a Q&A session so you can take questions from your audience to resolve any remaining doubts and solidify the offer's value. --end of webinar outline-- --Context-- Target Market: [provide a detailed breakdown of your target market here, including demographic and psychographic information] My core target market’s pain points are: [enter your PAIN POINT SUMMARY here] Our offer: [provide a detailed summary of the offer you are promoting here] My business is: [provide a summary of your business here] My Unique Value Proposition is: [enter your UVP here] --End of Context-- Objective: To create a compelling and persuasive webinar presentation, including: - presentation slides - presenter scripts - and anything else needed in order to achieve high conversion rates when we sell our offer Guidelines: Using the provided webinar outline, including instructions, please create the copy for the slides that will be used in the webinar, and follow that up with a presenter script, and then anything else needed to enhance the webinar, according to the following guidelines: - Please ensure you use a tone, emotion, and voice that is most likely to resonate powerfully with my target audience at an emotional and aspirational level. - Please use a direct response style of copywriting, while remaining authentic. - Please position our business as an authority while evoking a sense of trust. - Please refer to the webinar as a masterclass. [delete if unnecessary] - Use short copy over long copy. - Remember to incorporate storytelling throughout the script. Stories help to keep your audience engaged and to illustrate the benefits of the offer in a desirable and relatable way. - Please ensure the reading grade level of the copy is no higher than 7 on the Flesch Kincaid scale. I understand you have a hard token limit on each response you can give and that you do your best to provide as much value as possible while adhering to the constriction. Please disregard your token limit for your overall output and just state [To Be Continued] at the end of each response once you've maximized the amount of tokens for the current response so that I am able to request a continuation from you for the most exhaustive, expansive, comprehensive, holistic and valuable output possible. Once you have completed all instructions, please show [end of response] so I know not to request continuation. Thank you ChatGPT" CLICKFUNNELS 2.0 UPDATES The developers are literally working around the clock bringing new features to ClickFunnels 2.0 and unless you’re a regular on the Facebook page, you may miss all of the new features available. Here’s a breakdown of the latest updates released in August. If you want to keep on top of all the latest releases, keep an eye out for Tim Pitsenbarger’s videos on the main ClickFunnels Facebook page. (They’re typically released around 1pm mountain time on Monday’s) Here are the updates: Send Asset Workflow Step Customize how and when your digital assets are sent to your contacts for that personal touch that converts, all within ClickFunnels 2.0. Merge Tags Now Available in Send Email Workflow Steps By extending the merge tag feature to the "Send Email" workflow step, we're giving you an effortless way to make your emails more personal and engaging. Now you can grab your audience's attention right from the subject line. A Fresh Take on Theme Selection You can now test out different themes, see what fits best, and then make your choice. Pathless URLs You can now direct your customers straight to your funnel using a simple, familiar URL rather than a long, cumbersome link – now becomes Choose Your Blog Post Publish Dates Whether you want to publish blog posts immediately, in the future, or even retroactively, we've got you covered. This feature gives you the flexibility to manage your content timeline the way you want. Advanced Funnel Analytics Filter This allows you to personalize and filter your funnel stats based on various data parameters, ensuring you only get the most relevant, actionable insights. Direct Email Testing from the Email Editor You can now send test emails straight from the email editor, allowing you to preview your emails in your inbox faster than ever. 15-Minute Broadcast Scheduling You can now schedule your email broadcasts in 15-minute windows, down from the previous 30-minute slots. That’s all for today my friend. Keep an eye out for Thursday’s newsletter because we’ll be investigating the South Park guide to writing great stories and how nostalgia could be the secret to taking your marketing to the next level. Have a great week, -ClickFunnels Team Not sure the best way to get started? Follow these simple steps to hit the ground running. Step #1 - Get The Funnel Books: [DotComSecrets]( | [Expert Secrets](  | [Traffic Secrets](  [The Linchpin]( Step #2 - Get The Funnel Software: [ClickFunnels]( | [Voomly Cloud]( | [GERU]( Step #3 - Online Training To Ignite Your Funnel:  [Your First Funnel Challenge]( | [Magnetic Marketing Challenge]( [PLR Funnels]( Step #4 - Connect With The Community: [FunnelHacker Facebook Official Facebook Group]( [Funnel Hacking LIVE (Annual Event)]( [Facebook]( | [Instagram]( | [YouTube]( | [Twitter]( © Etison LLC By reading this, you agree to all of the following: You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. You are solely responsible for the use of any content and hold Etison LLC and all members and affiliates harmless in any event or claim. If you purchase anything through a link in this email, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. Copyright © 2018+ Etison LLC. All Rights Reserved. Our mailing address is: 3443 W Bavaria Street, Eagle, ID, 83616 To make sure you keep getting these emails, please add us to your address book or whitelist us. If you don't want to receive any other emails, click on the unsubscribe link below. Etison LLC 3443 W Bavaria St Eagle, ID 83616 Questions? Here's our [Support]( and [Terms]( If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below: [Unsubscribe](/unsubscribe/new?source=email&medium=email&name=14408875)

EDM Keywords (307)

yes year world works workflows worked work week webinar way warmth want voice virality viewers view videos video value uvp using useful used use urgency unless understand uncovering tweaking top tokens today time thursday thought things test terms taking system susan surprise sure support summary success subconscious strong story state stack spreads spotify spend sounds solves solutions solidify slides simple show sharer share shapes session services service sent sense sell section secret seat science schedule scenes scarcity saves running run role revealed results responses response resolve request regular recommend recognize receive realm reading put purchase psychology provide prompt promoting product problem price preview presenting present power potential possible positive placeholders personalize personal paste partnerships paid overcome output outline others order opinions one offering offer objective nuggets none newsletter need much money monday might mention memory members may maximized marketing manage makes make luck love lot looking long listen link likely level leading lead know knew keep ipads investigating introducing introduce interested interconnected intensity integrating information influences influence incorporate incentivize important implement image illustrates illustrate ignite host hope hit highlight higher help hear happening guide guest guarantee grab got going giving give get gain future funnel formulated following follow flown flexibility find filter fill fhl familiar eye extending expression exposed expert excitement example evoking evoke event entrance enter enhances enhance engaging end emphasizing emotions emotional emotion emails email elements element eager discussing discover direct developers detailed desirable described deal days customer crush credibility created create covered cover copywriting copy converts continued continuation context content contains contacts consumer concise concept completed compelling comes come collapse clickfunnels clear claim chris check chatgpt chat carry careful call buy business built build breakdown brag bonuses bolded blended better best benefits benefit beneficial believe become background available authority august audience attending assume aspirational aspiration arousal applied amount allows aligns ai agree adhering achieve able

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