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Your Horoscope for Venus in Cancer 💝


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Mon, Jul 18, 2022 05:29 PM

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Venus has entered Cancer. Find out what this means for you. As Venus enters Cancer on July 17th, a t

Venus has entered Cancer. Find out what this means for you. [View this email in your browser]( [CHANI logo] Horoscopes for Venus in Cancer [Collage for Venus in Cancer]( As Venus enters Cancer on July 17th, a tidepool of memory, nostalgia, and feelings awaits, if you’re willing to risk some vulnerability (and a bawling fit or two). It’s time to get cozy with the people, practices, and places that feel like home sweet home. Whether it’s a date at the photo booth or a long walk along a barnacled pier, Venus in Cancer glues folks together when you’re willing to go deep. Just don’t be surprised if you start every other sentence with “remember when?” On July 24th, as Venus and Jupiter exchange smoldering glances, there’s opulence in the air (and even a bit of brattiness). Buy yourself the bodega’s most elaborate bouquet. Compliment a stranger. Spoil your nearest and dearest. If there’s a dream you’re wanting to usher into your reality, cast your spells on this day. Yet don’t be alarmed if your wishes start to shape-shift on you. What you once desperately wanted might taste a little different in reality. Give your desires room to evolve alongside you. When Venus and Neptune exchange signals on August 7th, you’re especially receptive to the finer dimensions of beauty. Book tickets to the film festival, concert, or gallery opening that rouses your inspiration antennae. Or simply spend an afternoon daydreaming in the tub. An emotional deep-dive is in order around August 8th, when Venus opposes Pluto. Whatever parts of you are hungry for pleasure and enjoyment — feed them. Let Venus in Cancer’s cosmic caregiver guide you through the spaces where affection was once denied. Every emotional hunger pang is worthy of your investigation. If in doubt, a little honey helps the medicine go down in the coming weeks. There’s no such thing as too much tenderness, so stitch that sequined heart on your sleeve and wear it with pride. Your Venus in Cancer horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and Sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates for you. Take what works and leave the rest. If you’d like to share this work, please credit the source and provide a link to this post or our website. Thank you for your support and for spreading this work around. We really appreciate it — and you. The following horoscopes were written by Stephanie Warner. [Aries glyph] []Aries & Aries Rising Even the zodiac’s high-octane rams need to pull in for a tire change from time to time. As Venus enters Cancer, it’s the moment for that pit-stop. Use these weeks to grease the gears and wheels of home, your chosen family, or your ancestral lineages. Whether it’s leaving a bowl of honey on your ancestor altar, or deadheading your garden patch, the more you nurture your roots, the more they support you in return. Let Venus in Cancer help you slow down for a hot minute and witness the blessings that come from cooling your engines. In the coming weeks, trust your intuition when it comes to calling in the home that truly feels abundant. Risk your vulnerability with chosen family members and witness the walls coming down. Your inner circle has a way of drawing out your softer side, so put those horns down and let your people spoil you. Invest in the furnishings, flowers, and soft textiles that inspire you, hold you, and help you know you are safe. If your dream home is still on the horizon, imagine yourself dancing through its halls on July 24th — a powerful day for manifestation. With Venus and Jupiter in cahoots, assume this home is hunting for you too. [Taurus glyph] []Taurus & Taurus Rising As Venus enters Cancer, words are spells, and your wish is truly your command — especially when you translate the lay of your emotional land. On July 24th, when Venus and Jupiter collaborate, write it, podcast it, or stream it into existence. Whisper your desires into the neck of your furred familiar. Cover your mirror in post-it affirmations (or kisses). Dream board your deepest emotional yearnings, then watch them manifest. Venus also wants you to reframe time as a magic medium: something that you flow with rather than against. Establish the rituals, routines, gratitude lists, and offerings that will help you to dance gracefully through the day. Assume that you have ample time to swim through your to-do list. If there are still errands left over for the next day, celebrate your wins — no matter how mundane. (You changed from the daytime sweatpants to the fancy evening sweatpants? Success.) Another way to work with Venus is to source those everyday pockets of sweetness. Whether it’s pausing under your favorite tree to do a body scan, or choosing your book rather than your phone before bed, your daily emotional self-care will pay dividends. Finally, remember that Venus is a sucker for flattery and can be plied by offerings of shells, beach glass, and feathers — so spruce up your altar and watch the Goddess of love return the treats. [Gemini glyph] []Gemini & Gemini Rising As Venus enters Cancer, use these fertile weeks to cultivate trust in the abundance that surrounds you (yes, we’ve seen your skeptical self side-eye a gift horse in the mouth before). Swaddle yourself in the textiles, colors, and adornments that make you feel abundantly resourced. Invest in the coaches, spreadsheets, and money magic books that will help you honeypot this sweetness. Believe that you can have nice things. As well, nurture the talent or hobby that has you in your creative flow. There’s truly an audience and market for everything in this interconnected age, so use your digital moxie to find your niche. Don’t be surprised if these waves of inspiration, or knack for macramé, carry you giggling all the way to the bank. July 24th is an especially auspicious day for manifestation, as Venus and Jupiter negotiate. Splurge on something lush and see it as a symbolic investment in your future flourishing. Leave extra honeycombs, figs, and lotus flowers on your altar, and bend Venus and Jupiter’s ears in terms of your wildest financial dreams. Receiving is in the asking, after all. Cosmos has so much to shower on you now, but you’ll need to jostle that giving tree. [Cancer glyph] []Cancer & Cancer Rising As Venus enters Cancer, cosmos’ most flattering lighting is trained on you. (Are you ready for your wind machine moment?) Take the podium. Cut the ribbon on a deeply personal offering to the collective. As Venus and Jupiter collaborate on July 24th, the timing is divine. The more you can bring your most naked self to a professional path, the more honey will flow your way. Your vulnerability is a beacon. Whatever personal ambition, grand debut, or deep inner calling has been on ice — melt your hesitation. Trust that the goals that feel most generative are exactly what you should be moving toward. Your body may know before your brain does. How does it talk to you? There are times in life to field other opinions, but right now you need to go within. Your intuition, your body’s wisdom: Lean into the practices that help you heed your inner voice. Do what you can to clear the static of “shoulds” and “oughts” and other people’s expectations. Venus will help smooth away the obstacles, but the first step into your agency and personal power — that’s on you, babe. [Leo glyph] []Leo & Leo Rising As Venus enters Cancer, rest is your royal mandate and the subconscious your kingdom. They call it beauty sleep for a reason, so let these idle hours be your glow-up. In the coming weeks, a current of pleasure is available when you surrender to rest, privacy, and your most luxurious cat naps. When was the last time you flirted with your snooze button or romanced your inner realms? Now is the time to keep frozen cucumber slices at the ready, or a pair of earplugs — whatever will help you clear out the static of the day. In fact, July 24th is a particularly lush day for sinking into the depths of your solitude, as Venus and Jupiter exchange conspiratorial glances. If you’ve been meaning to book that seaside meditation retreat or invest in a backyard hammock, now is the time to put your feelers out. You might be surprised at the lengths Venus and Jupiter will go to lavish you with the R & R that you need. Let their swells rock you into dreamland. If there’s something in your life that feels stuck at the moment, consider letting it incubate too. Time is the most generous of healers, but first we must relinquish control to its invisible work. [Virgo glyph] []Virgo & Virgo Rising As Venus enters Cancer, your dance card will feel deliciously full. The planet of all good things will help you cultivate the community you need to feel emotionally supported. If the most tender parts of you are craving witness, let your covens, book clubs, and collectives rally around you. Crowdsurf your way through the crunchier times. Revel with your people through the victories. In fact, July 24th is a particularly fruitful day to move toward these communities of care and mutual flourishing. As someone so often doing the caring and the doting, how can you surrender to the people spoiling you? This is also the perfect time to reflect on the generosity you trail within your networks. Whether it’s spearheading a grocery delivery program, or surprising your friends with hand-written letters, these small acts of kindness radiate farther than you know. Feel out the collective initiatives that could benefit from your intuition and free-flowing creativity. Move toward the social causes that feel meaningful to you. Consider the creator whose Patreon you could support. Know that these chains of generosity will circle back to you. [Libra glyph] []Libra & Libra Rising As Venus enters Cancer, you will be hot on the perfume trail of the professional and vocational tracks that simply feel right in your bones. You need a life direction that honors your intuition and emotional intelligence. You yearn for a career that allows you to cultivate a tide pool of mutual flourishing. If your career doesn’t have anything but a deeply human impact, you don’t want it. And that’s more than ok. In fact, it’s your professional secret sauce. Whatever you can do now to infiltrate your field or industry with a more caring and nurturing alternative — rock those boats. Lead by example and witness folks in your field waking up to what they’re missing. In fact, July 24th will see Venus and Jupiter in co-conspirator mode, helping you to reel in that big whale, pitch your grand idea, or simply surrender to the life path that feels most abundant. Use this day to schmooze and mingle a bee-line through your industry. Charm them with your heart-sleeves. Send a cover letter to the company of your wildest dreams — even if it feels out of reach. Trust that when a professional path feels right on the heart level, obstacles tend to melt away. [Scorpio glyph] []Scorpio & Scorpio Rising As Venus enters Cancer, it’s time to emotionally invest in all quests of the mind. Use July 24th to map out your most opulent long-range plans, trusting that the people, resources, and divine good luck you need will follow when this path is spiritually aligned. (Remember that many extraordinary scientific discoveries begin with a hunch.) Venus will also help you revel in the spaciousness of your life. Sign up for the yoga class, lecture series, or meditation retreat that will help you step outside any ideological framework you take for granted. If your attachment to certain beliefs or spiritual paths is loosening, let these paradigms fall away. Belief is a thing that shapeshifts and mutates — grant it this freedom. Whether it’s the temple, nature’s tapestry, or long conversations over tea with the wise elder in your life — humble yourself as a student of all life’s teachers. Surrender to the song lyrics or lines from a movie that mysteriously know more than you know. On August 8th, who are the folks dropping truth bombs in the shadows? This is a day to listen and hold space for those who have been left out of the conversation. If you’re the one pointing out the Emperor has no clothes, make sure you provide a more nurturing and caring alternative. This empress wears a crown of water lilies and trusts the mysterious unfolding of all paths to the future. [Sagittarius glyph] []Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising As Venus enters Cancer, it’s time to sniff out the truffle trail of loans, stipends, grants, and scholarships. The leads and income streams that you feel most strongly about could very well be the most generative —- trust your intuition. July 24th is an especially fertile day to play the role of squeaky wheel, so make sure the patrons, benefactors, and funding bodies of this world are aware of your brilliance. Whatever you’ve got, flaunt those tail feathers. As well, center the teachers, friends, or coaches that help you hone your abundance mindset. Remember that exchanges of resources are a fertile feedback loop. The giver is enriched by their gift, and the receiver will be that much closer to passing it on. Did someone say secret elf in July? Whatever side of the coin you find yourself on, rejoice in the generosity of this good earth. If you have a little extra cream to skim off the top, use these weeks to research the charities, outreach programs, or systems of online patronage that call you to them. Keep churning this butter — your toil will pay off. [Capricorn glyph] []Capricorn & Capricorn Rising As Venus enters Cancer, so begins a season of even the gruffest goats practicing radical vulnerability. If a dear friend, mentor, lover, or collaborator is tempting you to let down your guard — let them have their way (or think they’ve had their way — we all know this was your plan all along). July 24th is an especially potent day to surrender to the tenderness, sentimentality, and nurturance that you secretly yearn for in your relationships. Trickier yet is un-stiffening your upper lip. Pay someone a thoughtful compliment — from the heart. Slip a love note under your true blue’s windshield wiper. Treat your best friend to brunch. Kindness is the lubrication that will keep your relationships flourishing in the coming weeks. Let it flow without discretion. If a careless remark or prickly encounter has you in a spin on August 11th, reframe this tension as a mirror into your own emotional hunger pangs. This is also a day to take inventory of the exchanges of power that are inevitable in all intimate relationships. Is the balance feeling healthy? If not, the coming weeks will bring an opportunity to explore these dynamics. Remember that this tension is fruitful intel. [Aquarius glyph] []Aquarius & Aquarius Rising As Venus enters Cancer, your work-a-day rhythms find a sweet spot of flow and ease. Whether you’re practicing the art of delegation or implementing a slick new operating system, center the hacks and practices that will make your daily toil that much more enjoyable. When was the last time you whistled as you worked? Though capitalism often tells us otherwise, work and pleasure needn’t be oppositional forces. However, this alchemy requires your emotional investment. Allow yourself to feel through the clients, contracts, and projects that trigger a genuine nurturing instinct. Once you find the work that feels like home, the rest will fall into place. July 24th is a particularly fruitful day for all matters related to your usual toil. Take the first steps toward attracting your dream client. Give your side hustle’s website the ultimate glow-up. Pluck fresh wildflowers for your desk. Sing as you sweat. [Pisces glyph] []Pisces & Pisces Rising As Venus enters Cancer, surrender to the waves of pleasure lapping at your toes. Nurture your creative hatchlings. Feel your way through the emotional layers of a passion project. Whatever it takes to center the good things in life in the coming weeks, unapologetically clear the space to do so. July 24th, as Jupiter and Venus join forces, is an especially lush day when it comes to sampling life’s smorgasbord of delights. Assume that this cornucopia is self-replenishing, and don’t overthink the morsel you pluck first. There will be ample time for seconds. This is also a potent time for trusting your body’s wisdom when it comes to a creative project. The most personal angle into the work may feel the most intimidating, but trust that it will also be most abundant. Reframe your creative flow as something wiser than you, then follow its every dart and weave. Remember that one person’s junk is another person’s pleasure. Whatever gets you to that place of blissful absorption requires no justification. [Instagram]( [Twitter]( [Facebook]( [Website]( Copyright © 2022 Chani Nicholas, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at my website. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can [update your preferences]( or [unsubscribe from this list](.

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