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Your horoscope for Mercury in Gemini 🦋


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Fri, Apr 29, 2022 10:31 PM

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Mercury has entered Gemini. Find out what this means for you. On April 29th, Mercury breezes into Ge

Mercury has entered Gemini. Find out what this means for you. [View this email in your browser]( [CHANI logo] Horoscopes for Mercury in Gemini [Collage for Mercury in Gemini]( On April 29th, Mercury breezes into Gemini to pollinate the zeitgeist with new buzzwords and a multitude of marvel concepts. And a Mercury retrograde. The planet of communication will be retrograde from May 10th until June 3rd, making this an important period to double-down on backing up our data, triple-checking our itinerary, and rethinking the systems we rely on. We all know the ways Mercury retrograde can mess with our lives (missing texts, misunderstandings, mistakes that lead to massive reconstructions), but it’s not out for blood just because. Mercury retrogrades point to what was already wobbly. What was about to break crumbles under this celestial condition. What was never going to work long-term tends to come crashing down when the winged one moonwalks. Mercury retrograde tries, in its riddled way, to tell us what to fix before it’s too late. This means that the days leading up to Mercury retrograde are all about our pre-game practice. Inevitably, we need to learn the lessons that the universe has deemed we are ready for, but we can train for the race. Because Mercury is at home in Gemini, it makes the upcoming retrograde an interesting one. In this mutable air sign, the pixie-fairy is clever, inquisitive and dares to communicate a thousand what-ifs. When retrograde, this kind of curiosity needs to be worked with deftly. What questions are you asking? Are they the best ones, given this situation? Since Mercury in Gemini is queen of the hot take, accidental viral tweet, and rapid-send email blasts, the chaos that this retrograde could create online and in our inboxes may be outstanding. Stay in the eye of the storm. When Mercury returns to Gemini on June 13th, it will once again be direct, witty, and full speed ahead. Until then, steady on. Don't miss this. Try 30 days free on the CHANI app with code: RETROGRADEFREE30 *For new / returning users only until June 10th. If you’re already a premium subscriber, tell your friends. [📣] [Collage with offer code RETROGRADEFREE30 for 30 free days of the CHANI app with link to download the app]( Your Mercury in Gemini horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you. The following horoscopes were written by Thea Anderson and Chani Nicholas. [Aries glyph] []Aries & Aries Rising As Mercury flutters into Gemini, verbosity abounds. The chatter of your everyday life begins to boom, and there is no end to the impromptu meetups, farmers market dates, and spontaneous café hangs. As these little flutters of social activity swarm, make sure you aren’t double-booking yourself into oblivion. On May 10th, Mercury stations retrograde — an invitation to clear out what clutters your calendar. This pesky transit does have genius-grade solutions up its sleeve, so study its sleight-of-hand tricks. Where are you leaking time, energy, and resources? Who or what dominates your schedule? Your time is yours to spend and reclaim as you decide to. Don’t give this power away. Since Mercury’s retrograde scurries in-between the parts of your chart that govern routines and bank balances, it also wants to help you invest in high yields by process of elimination. Mercury retrograde shows you just how valuable your assets are and how to help them grow. From June 13th – July 4th, Mercury will be back in Gemini, your 3rd house of communication. With your calendar clarified, tough conversations processed, and maybe even a writing project edited, you’ve got a clearer understanding of how to safeguard your time and communicate needs more clearly. [Taurus glyph] []Taurus & Taurus Rising On April 29th, Mercury swoops into Gemini to calculate your accounts and acquired assets. Take note of what starts to appear imbalanced. By May 10th, Mercury stations retrograde, and it’s high time to catch any holes in your pockets. Because Mercury retrograde seeks to tell us what isn’t working, take note of the malfunctions that happen on the job. That’s especially with regard to how you get compensated and invest your resources. This is the time to attune yourself to your gut instincts, especially when they are telling you that an equation in your life isn’t quite adding up. Especially when it comes to valuing your talents. This retrograde skirts between your 2nd House of money and your 1st House of self. It’s a moment to acknowledge all the ways your gifts support your self-development. Since capitalism teaches us to be more machine than human, we are set up to be in an extractive relationship with ourselves. Instead of seeing how you can use your whole self to work, can you envision a life where your work supports your whole self? When Mercury circles back to Gemini (June 13th – July 4th), you get to put your communication skills to good use. Whether it’s a fuller appreciation for how you craft your message, announce your mission, or clearly communicate your intent, you're well-situated to be heard and to get the message across. [Gemini glyph] []Gemini & Gemini Rising You’ve got the megaphone now. Mercury returns home to Gemini on April 29th and all you have to say gets amplified. But, double-check your data. As Mercury stations retrograde, it’s an especially poignant time for you. Making mistakes is how we learn, refine, and find new ways to grow. Making the same mistakes repeatedly can point to a deeper pattern to become aware of. This Mercury retrograde will offer you ample opportunities to pause mid-sentence, tell people that you’ll get back to them (when you’re good and ready), and be explicit about what you don’t know or have yet to learn. Offer Mercury retrograde your humility. Consider how you might deepen your practice of listening to yourself. Slow down long enough to acknowledge what your intuition has to say. Reflect on why you feel the need to rush towards an answer before you’ve understood the question. This time could also have you learning to say less, but with greater precision — or more but with greater clarity. What do you need to risk being wrong about in order to feel right with yourself? What needs to be edited out of your Rolodex of excuses and explanations? There’s no time like the present to be totally accountable and completely unapologetic. [Cancer glyph] []Cancer & Cancer Rising When Mercury enters Gemini on April 29th, it pulls the shades down on your data collecting. There are times when we need to go into the think tanks and writing caves of our lives in order to integrate all that we’ve just accumulated. This is one of those times. This is also one of those Mercury retrogrades. As of May 10th, the winged one helps you to reflect, review, and reorganize your inner domain. Memories pool around you, awaiting your gaze, and wanting to reflect something profoundly personal back to you. Some stillness is required here: an activity that lies in stark contrast to your moment of fame, thanks to a Jupiter-induced public growth spurt. Like stealing away to the bathroom for a break at the party, this Mercury retrograde needs you to take every opportunity to gather yourself before heading back out on stage. This practice is amplified by the fact that Mercury will retrograde between Gemini and Taurus, the parts of your chart that govern crowds and solitude. Over the next few months, you’ll learn how to lead this double life with the grace of a superhero, knowing when to linger at the event a little longer and when to pay attention to your inner bat signal. [Leo glyph] []Leo & Leo Rising On April 29th, Mercury returns home to the sign of Gemini. The planet of chit-chat is keen on stimulating discourse, making this a time of being wowed and rocked by what your cohort has to say. Especially as of May 10th. As Mercury stations retrograde, you begin a process of review via your closest friends and allies. What are the collective dreams that called you together in the first place? Are they still a common goal? Do the water coolers of your life still hydrate, or are they simply sources of gossip that drag you down? This retrograde wants you to review where the sources of wind beneath your social butterfly wings come from. Stay close to the folks that stop you in your tracks with their practical wisdom. Take note of who can stay through the tough conversations, and who evaporates with the first sign of discord. You deserve folks that can steady through the storm. As Mercury backtracks all the way into Taurus, your 10th house of career, by late May, there is something key that you are learning about the folks that you surround yourself with and the goals you reach. You need a solid cheering section to burn bright. Find yours and nurture them. [Virgo glyph] []Virgo & Virgo Rising You’re no stranger to taking on several endeavors at one time, but on April 29th this tendency peaks. Simultaneous broadcasts will be very on-brand when Mercury glides into the part of your chart that speaks to your multiple callings and reputation(s). Take this time to refine your mission statement. Since Mercury will be retrograde from May 10th – June 3rd, it wants you to refine both the messages that you put out into the world and the ones that you take in as truth. Mercury will moonwalk between your 10th house of career and your 9th house of what you hold to be true. Both areas of your life are primed for this cosmic clean-up crew. What truths about your place in the world, your offering to us all, have gone unquestioned? What stories about your professional or vocational potency need to be reclaimed? Which learning journeys or adventures are reshaping your worldview, making you rethink your trajectory? These are some of the riddles this retrograde will ask you to ponder. It’s okay if there is more than one answer to each question. [Libra glyph] []Libra & Libra Rising Mercury enters Gemini on April 29th and turns words into the jet streams of inspiration. Passing curiosities can become breadcrumbs to wisdom pursuits that lead you to great adventure. However, since Mercury will be retrograde from May 10th – June 3rd, you are reminded that on the odyssey to truth you are often taken back to the beginning. It’s ok if some of your journeys feel cyclical right now. Getting ahead isn’t always where it’s at. More labyrinthine than straightforward, appreciate the wisdom that you can only glean when getting lost. Not only does this moment help you pick up what you accidentally dropped (a course of study, a travel plan, teaching gig, or book proposal), but it teaches you how to recognize sign posts of your life. Strengthening your relationship to your inner compass is a skill that you’ll be fine-tuning for the next while. Make a practice of writing down every moment that your intuition was right, saved you from a sticky situation, or snapped you back to reality. Each instance is an opportunity to tell this part of you that you would like more intel, please. As retrograde Mercury dips back into Taurus in late May, you get to excavate the deeper truths about a grief that you are holding. Adventures that are worth the cost of admission will always help us heal something in ourselves and reflect on how far we’ve come. Let the winding roads you’re on lead to greater understanding of all you are able to move past now that you are grown. [Scorpio glyph] []Scorpio & Scorpio Rising No one can navigate their way through the dark woods of agreements and collaborations better than you. When Mercury swoops into Gemini on April 29th, flex your superpower by outlining the contours of shared spaces with as much eloquence as possible. Remember that simplicity begets ease. As Mercury retrogrades from May 10th – June 3rd, your contracts and non-verbal agreements need you to slow down forward momentum in favor of precision. Take the time to make sure that your collaborations are set up to be a win-win. Investigate any equation that is out of balance. Your problems come bearing your solutions. When all is said and done, this Mercury retrograde will get to the heart of many a relationship issue, as the winged one floats from your 8th house of shared life into your 7th house of committed partnerships. What gets unearthed needs a moment at the mic. So many of our issues and wounds soften and sometimes even melt away when listened to. As you practice this fine art with yourself, do so with everyone else. You just might find that it ends up fixing so much more than the issues that have been raised. [Sagittarius glyph] []Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising Mercury waltzes into Gemini on April 29th, and you’re ready to chat until dawn with your nearest and dearest. The winged messenger takes flight in the part of your life that fosters connection and relationships. Mercury knows that you’ve got to ask questions to come into deeper relationship with the truth and everyone you love. As Mercury retrogrades from May 10th – June 3rd, it asks you to investigate your agreements in your primary partnerships. This opens a Pandora's box of topics you (or your partners) may have previously breezed over. What unspoken assumptions need to be tossed out in favor of genuine and honest dialogue? Ask each other questions as if it were your first meeting. Assume the other is a stranger and see what conversations spark. We are never the same from moment to moment. Honoring the mystery of the human condition can deepen our connections and heal our relationships to each other and to life at large. If your relationship container is big enough to hold all iterations of you both, this Mercury retrograde, will help you alchemize any issues and turn them into gold nuggets of wisdom. [Capricorn glyph] []Capricorn & Capricorn Rising There’s multitasking, and then there’s Mercury in Gemini, which has you puzzle-piecing data while on Zoom as you tweak your next email outreach. But hold up. When Mercury stations retrograde on May 10th, it points out the flawed thinking of doing more than one thing at a time. Yes you need a plethora of puzzles on the go, but you can’t actually be working on two at once. Swivel between projects when your brain needs a break, but remember that doing so demands a ton of energy. Take breaks. Set yourself some achievable short-term goals to keep your dopamine flowing, but take this time to see where the flaws in your daily systems lie. Concentration is key, even for someone who thrives with diversity in their days. On May 21st, when Mercury is cazimi, truths about how to operate with ease abound. This astrology asks you to cast your organization spells so that instead of getting lost in the data, you can make meaning from the information you compile. [Aquarius glyph] []Aquarius & Aquarius Rising On April 29th, Mercury returns home to Gemini to stir your curiosity about your creative process. Perhaps it’s time to learn a new craft, deepen your relationship to an existing one, or teach others what you’ve learned to make. When you look back to childhood, or your teenage years, what was your first passion? What art-making felt right for you? Getting curious about your artistic origins can be medicine when Mercury is retrograde from May 10th – June 3rd. Since this is a period that asks you to review both your creative process and your past, the place where these two areas of life link up offer you powerful reflections. Reclaim any part of your energy that is stuck or stagnant, and bring your talents into the world. We need them. [Pisces glyph] []Pisces & Pisces Rising On April 29th, Mercury makes its way into Gemini to stimulate conversations among your cohabitants. The winged messenger is here to remind you that language creates a home that doesn’t need to be anchored to a geographic place. Home is in the turns of phrases, inside jokes, and storylines between you and your people. It’s in the writing on the wall of your private space. On May 10th, Mercury stations retrograde, and so begins your tour of the past, ancestry, and lineage. You may need to Sherlock Holmes your way through family systems, patterns, and stories in order to sort out your own truth. Stay the course. On May 21st, information disclosed during these chats delivers brilliant insights about who you are and where you come from. Having a greater understanding of your personal history helps you to have a greater understanding of your current possibility. Want to tell a better story about your future? Here’s your chance. [Instagram]( [Twitter]( [Facebook]( [Website]( Copyright © 2022 Chani Nicholas, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at my website. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can [update your preferences]( or [unsubscribe from this list](.

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