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Your 2022 horoscope is here ✨


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Find out what's in store for your sign. Happy New Year ✨ Here are your horoscopes for the year

Find out what's in store for your sign. [View this email in your browser]( [CHANI logo] Horoscopes for 2022 [Collage for your 2022 horoscopes]( Happy New Year ✨ Here are your horoscopes for the year ahead. For more information on the major astrological highlights, we’ve got a detailed breakdown for you right [here](. We’re wishing you a safe, joyous, healing, and abundant 2022. 🎇 Your 2022 horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you. The following horoscopes were written by Chani Nicholas. [Aries glyph] []Aries & Aries Rising The opening act of 2022 encourages you to honor the gestation that is occurring in your life. Bold new expansions are right around the corner — but in the beginning of the year, the focus is on what you are incubating. Don’t mistake temporary hibernation for a permanent situation. Otherworldly healing is possible when you prioritize it, but it demands that you turn the volume down on what distracts. January - May of 2022 wants you to dream, rest, and eventually awaken to living life a little more on your terms. Take the visions for your future unfolding seriously. You are about to outgrow every version of success that you have ever clung to. By mid-May, you begin to understand the difference between what it means to be selfish and self-full. Rebirth isn’t easy, but 2022 asks you to be dauntless when barreling headfirst towards renewal. Swagger, darlings. Throughout the year, the dragons of accumulation and release weave themselves through your collaborative missions. You are well situated to get a raise or increase in business, but you are also more likely to spend it before you make it. The rapacious North Node of the Moon travels through your 2nd House of assets, objects, and livelihood for all of 2022, punctuated by eclipses in late April and November. The material realm becomes one of your most prominent teachers as your desire for well-crafted delights both derails and drives you. Focus on the joy of indulging in quality. Relish the skill, time, and effort that harvesting talent takes. Counter the powerful current of popular greed by savoring the sweetness imbued in all labors of love you come across. On the opposite end of the spectrum, the South Node helps you loosen the bonds of any collaborations that don’t fit. You find new ways to dislodge the grief that has passed its expiration date and release any “stuff” that doesn’t belong to you. Get rid of your ex’s shirt, toothbrush, and the emotional baggage they left behind. Be willing to walk away when the exchanges of your life keep coming up short. Smooth out the wrinkles in the fabric of your being so that the crumbs of self-doubt and sorrow can get swept away by the dragon's tail. Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Taurus glyph] []Taurus & Taurus Rising The word “rapacious” doesn’t do your current hunger for beauty, delight, self-development, and pleasure, justice. In general, this year and next has you exceeding expectations and growing your reach in every way. Especially in February, March, April and the first foray into May. This first chapter of 2022 has you connecting with others in ways that verge on miraculous. You seem to be in the right place at the right time, prepared in the perfect way. Astonishing associations rekindle a little faith in existence. While the last two years have ground so many of our hopes and dreams to dust, a new set of priorities emerges in your collectives, groups, and networks. Our time together is one of the greatest gifts we have to give, and one of the greatest gifts we can receive. Simply being with others working towards a conducive future utopia creates a timeless connective tissue between us and what we are hoping to create. We are each other's bridges, bricks, and mortar. As you pick up on the subtleties, needs, and immaterial yearnings of your cohorts, take note of what you are captivated by and what feels suddenly, sublimely possible. The muses of the collective want to work through you. Your uncanny ability to attune to what others are seeking, especially in April, helps you become a bridge to many a communal dream come true. The socialite life doesn’t last all year, however. Between May and late October, your expansion shifts inward. Here’s where you must bravely face the shadows of your inner domains, or any patterns you have that get in your own way. The good news is that you’ve got courage to spare. Also, sometimes it's bravest to let sleeping dogs rest. As this year’s eclipses in Taurus tease out your dreams for growth and living the good life (whatever that means to you), the South Node eclipses in Scorpio will demand that you do a reassessment of your relationships, exchanges, and attachment styles. You’re ready for a deep clean in this area of your life. What’s worked until this point no longer does. You might even be lucky enough to lose interest in anyone that can’t level up and love you like they mean it. Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Gemini glyph] []Gemini & Gemini Rising The first 4 months of 2022 see you devotionally tuning in to what the world needs now. Love, sweet love, is your current vocation, libation, and offering. April and early May are especially potent wells of affection that you get to soak in. You may notice an uptick in the ways others are inspired by the work you do, as well as an increase in the people who want to collaborate with you. What you put out now has the power to drown out the separatism that pervades most of the world. Remember that doesn’t require you to give more than you’ve got — model generosity inside and out. Decisive, action-oriented growth pervades your social sphere come mid-May. All of a sudden, you know how to inspire the group and gather the resources you need to barrel headfirst into collective growth. Friends find you more easily. Emboldened to connect to those that may have felt out of reach, you care less about what is popular and more about setting your own trends. Your own confidence blooms when you blaze a trail or two of your own. Soon enough you notice just how many are wanting to follow you. Amidst all this public growth and expansion, there’s a need to deepen your awareness of what makes you tick. Self-inquiry helps you to take a break from life above ground. Don’t be afraid to till the soil of your inner realms in order to mine your riches. At the same time, there’s a need to sweep the tool sheds of your life clean. Take stock of the gear you’ve got at your disposal. Reflect on the projects you’ve committed to and the ways you’re shifting priorities when it comes to the hustles of your life. We need to strive towards something. We need a healthy challenge and to stretch ourselves into new horizons. But burnout is nobody's best life. Learning when to stretch and when to rest makes all the difference — especially come the second half of the year when Mars spends an inordinate amount of time in your sign. Learning when to lean in and when to opt out will be a cornerstone of your curriculum. Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Cancer glyph] []Cancer & Cancer Rising The myths and metaphors that help you hold the wild, wondrous, and wounding experience of life, call your attention now. Turn towards the parables that renew your sense of wonder, that remind you how to trust life’s process and encourage your wanderlust. Big adventures await. The opening statement of 2022 ensures a major character arc for you. Stretch yourself. Seek out escapades with the intention of self-discovery. Soothe your weariness with the grand vistas that await your witnessing. Life is daring you to marvel at its grandeur and be a student of its mysteries. It’s also encouraging you to compost the creative projects that didn’t quite come to fruition. Part of manifesting our wildest dreams is knowing which ones were just meant to be bridges to our next best idea. It’s ok to clear the deck, wipe the slate clean, and go back to the drawing board. In fact, that’s what will help you build the muscle of trust needed to keep creating. Mourn if you need to, but don’t forget to be wowed by the destructive curve of the creative process. Growth is predicated on letting go. As you reassess certain works of art, your interactions with audiences, friends, and social networks go through a growth spurt. 2022 wants you to focus on the pleasure of connection and all the ways intimacy requires that we delight in the details of those we love. You might feel compelled to join a knitting circle, a community garden, or the slow movement. You might feel the need to break out of social norms you’ve upheld all your life. You might also notice how imperative it is to put your phone down when you’re with friends so that you can pick up on all the subtle messages that they’re sending you. Radically commit to sipping the sweetness of your life and learn to savor all the friends in your sphere. Especially the weird ones. Come mid-May, as Jupiter enters Aries, it brightens your enterprising spirit. Before you know it, you’ll be swashbuckling your way to glorious professional heights. This part of the year reminds you how to win, but more importantly, it reminds you what you want to win at this moment in your life. If you spend the first 4 months of the year studying at the feet of all that’s meaningful to you, you’ll have no problem bringing that inspiration to the masses. Light it up. Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Leo glyph] []Leo & Leo Rising Surrender the storylines that you have about your past. It’s not that they don’t hold the truth, it’s just that there is a deeper realization that’s waiting for you. As the South Node and eclipses in Scorpio zap your 4th House of home, foundation, ancestry, lineage, and past, your attention goes underground. Like a deep sea diver, you’re encouraged to investigate the strange creatures that lay at the base of your family tree. The subterranean monsters of misunderstandings. The unmothered ghosts of the past. The family fortunes that are encased in fear, bitterness, or hostility wait for you to free them. Dig deep and find your own buried treasures. On the flip side of things, the North Node and eclipses in Taurus, your 10th House of public roles, vocation, and career help you electrify the stages you find yourself on. You won’t be bored with this kind of wattage — but getting a little fried from it is a red flag. Since interest in what you are manifesting will be at a high, choose your projects wisely. This astrology also encourages you to break free of people-pleasing, tone-policing yourself, and doing what is expected of you. The eclipses of 2022 want you professionally wild and free. Jupiter’s transit through your 8th and then 9th Houses help you cultivate a well-spring of resources in your collaborations and travel to far-off destinations. The first 4 months of the year, while Jupiter is in Pisces, is the perfect time to undo any obstacles you may have to receiving what you need — especially from any sources in your life that have excess. Refusing help, gifts, or goodwill from others isn’t helping anyone. Least of all you. Feeling undeserving of the blessings in your life is your prerogative, but letting those feelings rule you is exactly how you refuse the abundance that wants to find you. You are a channel for cosmic goodies to flow through. Let them. By the time Jupiter enters Aries mid-May, your bags are already packed. Gallivanting, globe-trotting, and dazzling destinations await. Academic, philosophical, and spiritual pursuits also energize you, and for the first time in a while, you’ve got plenty of wide-open spaces to explore. Dare to go there. Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Virgo glyph] []Virgo & Virgo Rising The opening scenes of 2022 are rom-com worthy for you. Timeless and enduring love affairs fill your fantasies and reality. It’s not just about romance however, it’s about finding the ideal partnership scenarios for you given this moment in your life. Agape abounds. With Jupiter in Pisces for the first 4 months of the year, the partnerships of your life get a major boost. Now more than ever, you witness how potent win-wins can be. Part of this dynamic duo energy has to do with you feeling free to forge your own path. Knowing that your individuality is supported and encouraged strengthens your bonds. As North Node eclipses in Taurus beckon you into the fields of far-out epiphanies, your trips might require you to roam far from home. You’ll need to honor the intentional check-ins, dates, and dedicated time that your relationships require — if you want to enjoy the overflowing gifts they are offering. On the flip side, the South Node eclipses in Scorpio challenge you to choose your own adventure in your day-to-day existence. Your time is the most precious asset that you possess. This year wants you to reckon with your mortality each and every day. Delete time-sucking apps; deny calendar invites that aren’t essential, or which don’t delight; and do away with the meetings that could have been an email. By May, your pluck and precociousness help you move mountains in your collaborations. People want to be in business with you precisely because of your commitment to taking necessary risks. Your star burns bright in places of perceived difficulty. You're up for a task that others would fear to take on, and you’re able to spin the yarn of fate into the golden threads of your future. This boost will make all the difference in the last half of the year, when Mars makes a longer than comfortable pit-stop in your 10th House of career. There will be battles you have to face on the public stage. In doing so, you’ll come to realize that you are the warrior you’ve been waiting for. Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Libra glyph] []Libra & Libra Rising Daily delights need to be at the top of your to-do’s. Whatever you spend your time and energy laboring over needs to provide a great escape. Your healing and well-being depend on it. Wholeness requires us to tend to the interconnectivity of our lives. We’ve been taught to silo ourselves into different categories, separating one part from another, but all aspects of self feed into each other. We can’t deplete one system without impacting all others, eventually draining the lot of them. As Jupiter spends the first 4 months in your 6th House of work projects and healing expeditions, you come to a deeper understanding of what it means to live successfully in all your endeavors. Winning at work at the expense of your heart isn’t worth the trophies. With this transit you’ll receive many blessings, spontaneous healings, and opportunities to grow your professional skills and offerings. You’ll get a good look at what living your dream means for you. Please remember that it’s up to you, however, to make the most of it. Fairy godmothers only get us so far. We’ve got to know we are the belle of our ball. From May onward, gallantry is your go-to in relationships, partnerships, and all manner of committing. As Jupiter in Aries encourages you to make bold declarations of your devotion, your unions benefit greatly. Don’t waste this energy chasing hard-to-gets. Though you need thrill and adventure in your exchanges, burning this oil on unrequited affections would be a shame. Find those that know mutual expansion is the hottest trend of 2022. As the nodal axis shifts, and eclipses start commencing in Taurus and Scorpio, you are given the opportunity to heal age-old issues around abundance and building sustainable, regenerative wealth. Purge the parables that tell you to suffer for your art or go without as a path to social recognition. No one needs you to martyr yourself, but everyone needs a solid example of what a healthy relationship to the material world could look like, and what mutual aid could really mean. There’s no end to the growth we can experience if we let the outdated notions of extraction and greed decompose. A good deal of rot needs to take place in order for us to get there, and you have the perfect composting system to spur this transformation on. Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Scorpio glyph] []Scorpio & Scorpio Rising One part of your 2022 astrological curriculum is to indulge in a little escapism and delight. However, this reverie is met with equal amounts of healing, psychic un-knotting, and energetic exfoliations. With the South Node in Scorpio, there’s no end to the transformations your persona is about to go through. In the process you’ll need to let go of the personal expectations you’ve clung to. Under this influence, priorities change, desires disintegrate, appetites get lost, and new skin is eventually revealed. You can’t hold onto past versions of yourself and grow into all you’re meant to be. In order to take up space, you’ve got to witness, confront, and come to terms with what’s keeping you small. Then let it go. The good news is that with Jupiter in Pisces for the 4 months of the year, your portion of delight is double. At least. The indulgence of this moment may not be helpful in terms of the other illuminations you’re trying to make. Remember that healing from the grief of a lifetime requires you to fill the void with heaps of loving kindness, good fun, and to visit the well-springs that hydrate your creative soul. As the North Node and the eclipses in Taurus unfold in a steady rhythm, you’re more likely to experience a deep hunger for connection. But not every setup satiates. You need a deep commitment to freedom and a consistent intentionality that honors everyone's needs. Traditional relationship setups are likely to feel like suffocating catacombs. Seek out the situations that seek to free all involved. By mid-May, you become the dashing, dapper warrior you’ve been waiting for in your work life. No longer do you feel like you need someone else to come and fix it for you. You yearn for the ability to prove yourself and push past limits you’ve outgrown. To help you on your journey, be on the lookout for the teachers, coaches, healers, and helpers that are waiting in the wings, wanting to help you make the most of the tools in your tool shed. Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Sagittarius glyph] []Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising Jupiter spends the first 4 months of 2022 in Pisces, amplifying your yearnings for home, safety, and replenishment. They are not in vain. Having Jupiter, your ruling planet, in such a gorgeous position helps you help yourself. In Pisces, Jupiter encourages the healing of fractures in your family tree. When your root system thrives, the rest of you can stretch, reach, and unfurl in confidence. When you are on solid ground, you can tell the difference between the ties that bind you to generative generational wisdom and the ones that tether you to heartbreak that was never yours to heal. Study the difference and thrive. As the eclipse portals shift signs, they begin to activate the sectors of your chart that speak to your work and well-being. Having spent the last half of 2020, and all of 2021 with South Node eclipses in Sagittarius, you are no stranger to the cosmic powerwash of these little ditties. Hopefully they’ve left you feeling shiny and new — even if the process was rough and tumble. Occurring in Scorpio and Taurus, 2022’s eclipses will have you examining the processes of your personal psychic compost heap so that you can let your whip-smart ways build the workplaces of your dreams. There’s a lot that goes on behind your scenes this year, but make no mistake about how loud you are asked to be when it comes to banishing inequality and building regenerative workplaces. Moving slowly and intentionally is still a radical notion in our modern world. Yet it’s the only option if we want to be part of future life cycles on this planet. This year, you’re bringing some essential wisdom in regards to pacing and progress on the job. You know that what is done quickly doesn’t have to equal burnout. When cycles of high yield are balanced with fallow periods, we give ourselves the option to enjoy the ebbs and flows of life. No one should seek to slow you down when you are in race-horse mode, but there’s a wisdom in knowing when to gallop and when to wander around the pastures of life. As Jupiter bolts into Aries mid-May, you're called to initiate a new creative venture. These wild gift horses will drag you if you don’t oblige. Take note of how you may belittle, begrudge, or bad-mouth your talents. Take note of how resistant you are to letting yourself have some fun. Take every opportunity to romance your way into a little more recreational bliss. Since Mars will be poking its way around the agreements, contracts and commitments to others from August onwards, much can be said about taking it slow when thinking about signing on the dotted line. Your partnerships will teach you how to fight constructively, but it’s easier to learn when you're with someone who plays fair. Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Capricorn glyph] []Capricorn & Capricorn Rising As the year opens, your inboxes are more likely to be flooded with opportunities, appreciations, and an abundance of invites. It’s all good, but the deluge will ask for your discernment. Since you can’t be everywhere at once, what’s your system for prioritizing your time? Since this situation is temporary, how might you catch some of the overflow so nothing goes to waste? Your communications, writings, and teachings have a universal appeal at the beginning of the year, which helps you erode the boundaries and barriers you may have previously felt. Focus on the feeling you want people to take away with them after they’ve encountered your message. The impressions that you make now linger for a long while. A new set of eclipses will spend the year activating the parts of your chart that have to do with your audiences, creative endeavors, pastimes, and the friends that keep the party going. Some aspects of your social circles will go through a cleansing because of the eclipses. By the end of the year, who you call on will look quite different, or at least much more specific, than it does right now. As this alchemical process takes place, you get to investigate the more hidden and even secret motivations in your collectives. We all succumb to the survival needs that only a group can provide for us. We need each other in order to thrive, but not all root systems allow for mutual growth. Weed out whatever and whomever strangles your capacity to flourish. Another aspect of 2022’s eclipses is your creative appetite. It’s growing. So too is your desire to let your hair down and give in to the wildness you inherently contain. Not everything needs to end up on the stage, but in the process of getting your act together, allow yourself to try the most radical of creative risks. By mid-may, Jupiter rushes into Aries and the flames of your sanctuaries burn bright. The planet of expansion wants you to sprawl out and grow your family of people, plants, or animals. Here, Jupiter also wants you to know that you have the courage to fight the demons of your past, embrace your inheritance as-is, and forgive yourself for what you were too young to understand. We may never be able to go home again, but we can find all the ways we make one for ourselves here and now. Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Aquarius glyph] []Aquarius & Aquarius Rising Enchantment is your most valuable asset at the beginning of 2022. As Jupiter helps you mesmerize the masses with your wares and versatile know-how, the first 4 months of the year teach you about the pots of gold at the end of your rainbow. This is the time to set up bank accounts for specific dreams and fantasies that you thought were far off in the distance. The future is now. Save your pennies and catch the overflow. Much is coming in now, but the downpour’s permanence isn’t promised. Flows will ebb and flow again. Learn how to capitalize on compound interest in the in-between. Traditionally Jupiter governs wealth and fortune. While it's in Pisces, one of its home signs, it has the capacity to demonstrate exactly what that means for you. Abundance is an internal state of being, but right now you get to experience and share the externalized manifestation of it too. Embody the generosity that orients towards generativity. As the eclipses of 2022 shift into extremely pivotal parts of your chart, you’re bound to be feeling a sea change when it comes to your career, vocation, home life and public persona. With a deep desire to root in radical ways, you come to understand the time it takes, and the seasons that must be experienced, before we feel at home in ourselves. Physically separating from origin stories is important for some aspects of our healing. At least for a period of time. However, part of what these eclipses ask you to do is circle back around to where you come from so that you can re-integrate all your selves. The other part involves cleansing your career goals, given this integration. The more you knit all your selves back together, the less you feel the need to prove anything to the world. This freedom helps you be in touch with your talent and what it wants to do in the world. Just note that you may not recognize your career or public persona come 2023. As Jupiter enters Aries mid-May, you have a lot more get up and go in your daily life. Adventure calls and cute mini excursions around town abound. Under this influence, you blaze new trails through your writing projects and educational endeavors. A flurry of activity swirls, so beware of saying “yes” when you know you should say “no, thank you.” Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Pisces glyph] []Pisces & Pisces Rising With your ruling planet, Jupiter, back home in Pisces at the beginning of the year, the word “infinite” barely describes your reach. While your wisdom sparkles, your ability to Houdini your way through any obstacle is pronounced. So too is your generosity. Your teachings resonate far and wide and enter into the ethers like a much-needed hydrating mist. Kindness, imagination, and your ability to make it rain is reflected by all you bring into the world. Take these gifts of yours seriously. It’s easy for you to pour forth your blessings, but before you know it, it’s easier to feel emptied out, resentful, and unappreciated. Only you can track your needs for rest and replenishment. In this moment of extreme abundance, that remains a priority. Make this the year you learn to give and receive. As the nodes and eclipses change sign, 2022 asks you to reimagine your destinations. Limiting beliefs be forewarned. By the end of this year, no philosophy that stymies your potential shall prosper — at least not within you. Purge old papers, books, and the encyclopedias that only recorded one version of history. On the other hand, bring on the periodicals, teachings, and tales that liberate your mind and help you think outside the box. Beware of those that try to pin you down to too tight a regime or religion. You need consistency, but you also need freedom. Investments of time, energy and talent that speak to your more audacious side start to pique your interest by the middle of May. As Jupiter enters Aries, you get feisty when it comes to your finances. Remember that you are the one you need to demonstrate your courage to. Calculated risks bring massive rewards, and your self-respect swells. Flirt with your potential and chest-puff your way to success. By August, another story starts to unfurl. This one is about home, family, and belonging. Because Mars will spend a solid 7 months in Gemini, your 4th House, you’ll be digging in the dirt of your past and how parts of it need to get replayed now. It’s not easy, but it’s necessary to rewind and review the narratives you’ve lived by. The more you recall the truth of what happened, the less splintered you feel. As Jupiter comes back home for one more short stay at the end of the year, it reminds you just how whole you already are. Click [here]( for a detailed breakdown of 2022 for your sign. [Instagram]( [Twitter]( [Facebook]( [Website]( Copyright © 2022 Chani Nicholas, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at my website. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can [update your preferences]( or [unsubscribe from this list](.

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