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Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Pisces


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Sun, Sep 19, 2021 07:41 PM

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Your Weekly Horoscope is here. Find out what's in store for you. Night intelligence involves more of

Your Weekly Horoscope is here. Find out what's in store for you. [View this email in your browser]( [CHANI logo] Horoscopes for the Full Moon in Pisces . [Justice Tarot card and link to]( Night intelligence involves more of your body than day intelligence. If you lose your keys at the bottom of your bag, it’s often easier to let your hands do the rummaging. In a lampless room, you grope your way until you can palm the lightswitch. Other senses get activated in the midnight hours too. The animals with the sharpest hearing are night creatures (such as moths, bats, owls), and chances are that when you bite into that oven-warm brownie, or smell a perfume sample, you instinctively close your eyes. The week opens with a Full Moon in Pisces on September 20th. The Moon drifts past links to Neptune and Pluto the same day, testing your ability to trust your subterranean instincts. This is a moment to indulge your spidey senses; to search within, rather than outside, for permission; to bask in your feelings without heeding the urge to parse them just yet. On September 22nd, the Sun spreads into Libra, marking the pivot from Summer to Fall in the Northern Hemisphere and Winter to Spring in the South. This is one of two days per year where night and day find equilibrium, where the Sun and Moon preside over equal palaces of time. Mercury is slowing down in Libra this week too, to turn retrograde on September 26th. Before that, the Messenger swaps signals with Jupiter and Pluto. While cheering news could arrive at the beginning of the week, it doesn’t quite quench your urge to probe to the bottom of things. The Pisces Full Moon invites you to trust, but you don’t have to feel sated by surface level appeasements. This week, and over the weeks to come, you’ll learn the most by slackening your pace and taking time to turn each pebble over. Your horoscopes are meant to be read as inspiration. If you know both your rising sign and sun sign, please read both horoscopes. You’ll know which one resonates more for you from week to week. Take what works for you, and leave the rest. If you want to share this work, please credit the source by quoting it and providing a link to this post and website. Thank you for your support and for spreading the work around. We really appreciate it and you. The following horoscopes were written by Eliza Robertson. [Dolphin with cocktail and link to the app store ]( This week submerges us into a dreamy Full Moon in Pisces as the equinox tilts the scales into Libra season. See what this luminosity is pointing you towards with a reading for the week ahead on the CHANI app. [Aries glyph] []Aries & Aries Rising The harder you chase the tendril of a dream, or a word that dances on the blade of your tongue, the more it evades your conscious mind. Monday’s Full Moon is a lesson in loosening — in seeing what knowledge you glean through letting go. Like wading in quicksand, sometimes the safest option is to float, and breath only increases your buoyancy. What is the wisdom that finds you from subterranean states? What are the swamp creatures you’re learning to name, if not befriend? When the Sun enters Libra on Wednesday, it emblazons the message: you are not alone. As impressive as your spunk and self-reliance may be, it can actually be a cheat to rely on your steely autonomy all the time. Sometimes it’s braver to ask for help. What’s bravest of all isn’t mind-mapping contingency plans, or fortifying yourself with a protective chainmail of cynicism, but trusting that other people will actually come through. Mercury’s slowing down in Libra this week too. Before its retrograde, the Messenger oscillates between optimism and a preoccupation with chewing to the truth. Like a sore lump of gum you nurse with your tongue, there’s something you’re circling back to in conversation with dear ones. This is a moment for honest reflection without limits or deadlines. Like bubbles of methane rising from a bog, the best insights have a way of surfacing on their own. [Taurus glyph] []Taurus & Taurus Rising Spiders live on a canvas of vibrating threads. Yes, these webs serve as dinner time fly traps, but arachnids communicate through the same beats of silk. They pluck their strings in the tune of courtship signals, or to identify other bugs. Monday’s Pisces Full Moon reminds you of all your channels of communication, from the flutter of your hands, to ensnared eye contact, or the heft of what you choose not to say. This Full Moon challenges you to decipher the Morse code of your own pulse, and to trust the non-verbal signals vibrating from your friendships too. Something is fruiting here, within the dreams you share with your collective, but it will involve some leaps of faith. It’s a vulnerable thing to announce your hopes to an audience, but vulnerable acts tend to be the most brave. On September 22nd, your focus swivels to how you spend your days: your work hours, your admin hours, the liminal hours of self- or home maintenance. Peeling carrots, sudsing the toilet, tweezing, jogging, the ritual hoisting of dumbbells. Time is a countable thing, and it might serve you this Libra season to run an inventory on how much of it you invest in states of joyless urgency. Are you deferring pleasure until every task is complete? What if this sense of completion, another word for perfection, doesn’t exist? Sometimes you have the most to gain by slowing down. Sometimes, a day spent in fertile reflection is more valuable than forging ahead. [Gemini glyph] []Gemini & Gemini Rising For an analytic mind, it can be the tallest order to slow down. To trust the churning in your belly, even if it defies your attempts to compartmentalize, label, or parse. Like branding an orchid species with your own name, nomenclature is a possessive act. We only tag what we think we can claim. Monday’s Full Moon asks you to relinquish some of that control, especially in your professional life. What happens if you sit with your emotions without trying to defang them through understanding? Whatever abundance is crystallizing in your career, you’ve worked tirelessly for this. Emotions are irrational by definition, but that doesn’t make them less true. As the Sun warms into Libra on Wednesday, you’re invited to find equilibrium in your pleasure rituals and works of art. From a dancer plugged into the toe box of their pointe shoe to the confabulation of bergamot and rose in a hand-blended perfume, balance is a quality we tend to covet. Such balance involves constant testing and tempering: cooking by sound and smell, by taste and adjustment. Which of your projects are asking to be opened up and sampled? How are you discovering pleasure through surprising symmetries? There are mysteries to be decoded here over the coming weeks, but your task for the moment is to relax into a gentler pace. To extract the most from every minute by the resolve to not overfill it. [Cancer glyph] []Cancer & Cancer Rising Your path to higher learning is numinous by nature. There are verbal and numerical literacies, but you recognize the wisdom of more sundry knowledge, like the names of herbs and their medicines, or how to wait near the grubby patches of a subway platform, because that’s where the train doors open. Monday’s Full Moon brings a pivotal moment in a course of study or spiritual path, but the crowning achievement could be more internal than bequeathed from outside. You’re on the cusp of grokking something momentous, and just like explaining a mystical awakening, it may deflate the elation of this moment if you try to articulate your experience. No matter where you live in the world, the Sun’s entrance into Libra on Wednesday marks a balance between the Sun and candlelight hours. For you, this dappled glow falls on your family and homestead. If conversations with parents or relatives have felt unfinished, you have the opportunity now to see matters from a freshly measured perspective. Sometimes all you need is a bath or walk to recalibrate. Soon there will be challenges to conquer, unprobed rabbit holes to tumble down, and labyrinthine riddles to unlock. For now, focus on filling the cups of tea on your ancestral altar. This is a time to record or research your grandparents’ stories, to dig out the family albums, listen with moth-like precision, and take notes. [Leo glyph] []Leo & Leo Rising There’s something about merging worlds and accounts with another person that jabs to the quick of what we hold most dear: freedom, security. That’s why financial chats can be so fraught with tension. When we talk about money, we’re also talking about what we need to feel safe. Monday’s Full Moon oversees a crescendo in your collaborative life. A matter concerning a partner’s resources unfurls to a righteous conclusion, or a joint-venture reaches a pivotal moment where you can sample the plums of your labors. Still, this lunation reminds you to note the subtext that thrums beneath words, even (especially) if it chafes with direct statements. 70-93% of communication is nonverbal. Often, these tone wobbles, cringes and recoils hint at what’s most honest. As the Sun slips into Libra on Wednesday, consider watching the clock on your next phone conversation. How much time do you spend speaking or itching to speak? When confronted with more robust or insistent personalities, do you amplify your voice or make yourself puny? Over the coming weeks, you unlock the ability to transfigure the world through the vows, prayers, and pillow-talk you share with your dear ones. Yet, watch your tendency to ornament your words. Your truth needs no adornment. [Virgo glyph] []Virgo & Virgo Rising What if, at the pinnacle moment of a screen romance, the lovers said, “I trust you,” rather than “I love you”? Rather than committing to another person when you feel those first wing beats of infatuation, what if we waited until we trusted them? How might that change the plot? Trust is a considered letting go. You can’t rush this softening into another person, but it does require you to relax into an arrangement you can’t control. Like tree sap, trust also needs time and effort to cultivate. It nurtures the people involved, and it glues them together. When it comes to your platonic and romantic partnerships, Monday’s Full Moon in Pisces beckons you to loosen one or two plates of armor. To listen to the submarine pulses of another person and co-create a fantasy. Meanwhile, the Sun’s ingress into Libra on Wednesday helps you indulge the mini pleasures of color-coding your bookshelf or arranging your trinkets in order of height or geography. Balance and symmetry tend to be modes through which you feel safe, especially when it comes to material stores. On the one hand, you never forget to pay back a friend who lends you money. On the other, when folks fail to mirror your fastidiousness, it could usurp your sense of security. Still, the pursuit of balance may involve checking your own tendencies to micromanage, spreadsheet or control. Remember that your talents and skills are more precious than your tangible assets, yet far more slippery to count. [Libra glyph] []Libra & Libra Rising With Monday’s Full Moon in Pisces, there’s something hatching within your work and health rituals. Whatever calendars you’ve merged, or office-chair yoga videos you’ve subscribed to, or furred companions you’ve adopted, this Full Moon reminds you that the tiny choices in a day reorient the path your year takes. Even if you’re not feeling fully satisfied yet, this lunation brings the intuition of what works for you and what doesn’t: what relieves your stress and what adds to it. If replacing dessert with 50 crunches or bicep curls installs a sense of panic, shame or self-flagellation: take note. What would it look like to be more kind? Wednesday heralds that time of year where the Sun anoints you with its most flattering mood lighting. Here, your indecision gets recognized for the thoughtfulness at its root, and compromise is rebranded as a win-win, rather than a concession. Yes, you want people to get along, but it’s more than keeping the peace between warring parties. Lady Justice wields a sword as well as a pair of scales. Prepare to take compassionate action when the situation calls. Whatever you’re jousting for, whatever you’re measuring against the weight of your own heart, you cross a threshold in the coming weeks. As the heroine’s journey unfurls, dare to be crisp and conclusive, even if it risks rupturing the borrowed fabric of social graces. [Scorpio glyph] []Scorpio & Scorpio Rising In art and pleasure, it’s impossible to get into “the zone” if you’re jittering with all the day’s anxieties or your gut is twisted in a knot. If someone has ever berated you to “relax,” you know that that softening doesn’t happen on command. Your parasympathetic nervous system has to be wooed a little. It has to be talked to gently, without a deadline. The Full Moon in Pisces on Monday is all about this tenderizing. It’s about unstitching the muscles you’re clenching through self-massage or a bath. It’s about tickling your senses with a tab of chocolate, new playlist, or scented oil. It’s about entering the creative process with no expectations or timelines, so you can remember what it feels like to play. There’s nothing to prove here — no showpieces to go on display. When the Sun enters Libra on Wednesday, it lights a candle for the half-formed brainchildren you’re not yet ready to hatch in public. On the one hand, the Sun in this secluded corner of your chart provides an incubation chamber, where you’re cosseted with the photosynthetic warmth to tend your hatchlings in peace. On the other, this backroom is known for its poltergeists. It will be tempting to bask in the forgiving dark of what you don’t care to perceive. Libra season is a time for balance, and your work now is to identify the equilibrium between competing impulses: to ruminate vs. repress, to observe vs. pretend you don’t notice. To bear witness to your own processes, no matter how unflattering they seem to you. [Sagittarius glyph] []Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising While some feel safest within the predictable symmetry of a nuclear family, your sense of belonging is more fluid. It’s not that you don’t covet or cherish your kin, but change does not disrupt your security. Like a whale that travels thousands of miles between breeding and feeding grounds, your homing impulses are migratory in nature, and your definition of family probably doesn’t fit socially prescribed boxes. Or maybe it does — but not because someone told you so. For you, home is where the laughter is, where the libations flow, where communication doesn’t always rely on explicit words. Something is burgeoning at home on Monday, such as developments within your chosen family units, your roots, or your physical abode. Like the Moon’s light, which thickens with the slow dimming of sky, these developments could be barely perceptible at first. These are the changes that tend to unfurl without witnessing, like bread rising, or a flower loosening its scent. On Wednesday, the Libra Sun revitalizes your energy for communing with people near and far. Yes, the rooms you’re brightening may be digital for a little while longer, but you’re not someone who requires proximity to connect. [Capricorn glyph] []Capricorn & Capricorn Rising Something is developing within your daily rounds: the neighborhoods you circle, the kindred friendships you tuck into, the siblings or sibling-friends who populate your DMs with meme shares and inside-joke emojis. You know a friend is a dear one if you sometimes have to double-check your texts to make sure you sent ~that~ to the right person. Monday’s Full Moon brings all these dynamics and rituals into lavish bloom. You’re likely to feel the belly tug of these changes before you find the language to name them. This Moon favors intuition over tangible evidence, trust over attempts to control. This theme applies to your writing and learning projects as well. What manuscripts, blog posts or podcasts are you trying to muscle into? How are you learning to consult your gut alongside your archives of empirical evidence? The Sun whispers into Libra on Wednesday, activating the side of you that feels most at-home in a three-piece suit with peak lapels. Despite the Head Witch In Charge energy you exude from the sheer force of your work ethic, you’re not actually here to boss folks around. One talent that emerges in your career is your ability to mediate. Still, don’t sacrifice your happiness for the transient gratification of pleasing other people. As you unlock more info in your career over the coming weeks, come back to what engrosses you. To what quickens your pulse or stirs your mind to probe deeper. [Aquarius glyph] []Aquarius & Aquarius Rising Monday’s Full Moon decants light onto the rolls of dimes you keep under the bed, or the trinkets that help you feel anchored, even embodied on this earth. It also includes more intellectual computations of security: the budgets and spreadsheets that document your monthly ins and outs. Your relationship with money could be more intuitive than it is for some people, and this Full Moon nudges you to consult more fluid sources of knowledge. If you review the numbers, and you’re still not sure which decision is right for you, consider the other ways your body knows. How are your desires encoded in muscle tests, tarot spreads, or dreams? When the Sun enters Libra on Wednesday, it kindles your wanderlust. These could be treks of a literal sense, with you transplanting yourself to different time zones and terrains, or it could be a roaming of the mind, an urge to expose yourself to untapped knowledge and mysteries. As the Sun moves through this sign, you could embark on a physical expedition, a course of study, or a threshold to cross along your spiritual path. This heroine’s journey will come with its labors, but whatever golden apples you swipe or three-headed dogs you wrestle, it’s all part of your growth. [Pisces glyph] []Pisces & Pisces Rising With this Full Moon in Pisces, some intimate part of you flowers open. Even if you feel still entrenched in your own becoming, even if the path between this moment and your goals seems incessant in its unfolding, something’s stitching together under the surface of you. It could be as simple and crucial as a hardened resolve, or sudden knowledge mapped onto your body in goosebumps, or a private threshold you cross, which requires no one else’s witnessing. You’re fluent in this Moon’s currency: of intuition, trust, and the ability to relax into the current, even if you don’t know where it’s leading. Whatever personal projects you’ve been stewing on, whatever claws at your mind at night, there’s a moment this week where you feel, if not quite “arrived,” a settling. On Wednesday, the Libra Sun pours its low-slanting light into the corner of your chart where you share yourself with others. This is a place of intimate exchange, where you divulge chosen mysteries and receive whispers from others, but also where you share more tangible concerns, such as Splitwise bills. This time of year marks the balancing between light and dark, shadow and seen parts. You’re equipped with extra lucidity right now to navigate the seam between yours and theirs, whether that involves the heft of past experiences, emotions, or baggage of a material kind. Now, and over the coming weeks, consider where your will dovetails with another and where it chafes. How are you learning to navigate these precious entanglements? 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