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Tue, Aug 31, 2021 03:08 PM

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Our good deeds, and even our thoughts, have the power to tip the balance By the Grace of G?d Dear

Our good deeds, and even our thoughts, have the power to tip the balance []( By the Grace of G‑d Dear Friend, With the Jewish New Year just a week away, I need to tell you about a situation that is developing: People are showing up at in incredible numbers ... ...urgently seeking Jewish wisdom for the challenges they face. It’s easy to imagine their faces. If you could see them, I think your heart would break for them. They’re calling out for help with things like: How can I feel part of the holidays? I’m all alone without community. I don’t understand my own heritage. I’m afraid of death. The world seems like such a dangerous place. How can I live the right kind of life? I want to know about G‑d, but I can’t find anyone I trust to tell me. You can help them. Right now. By donating to keep operating at full capacity, with the staff and technology it will take to be there for all who are coming to us. You'll help them discover that their lives have purpose. You'll help repair the brokenness of the world. One question and one person at a time... You will be assuring them that they are loved and cared for. You will be telling them that they are the apple of G‑d’s eye. That they have a unique role that only they can play for the entire world. Please donate now: []( If you'd like to send a check, please do so here: Chabad.ORG | 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 | Brooklyn, NY 11213 It will only take a minute or two. But the impact you’ll have on those seeking help will be beyond measure. With the Delta variant uprooting well laid High Holiday plans ... with the rise of antisemitic expression ... with all the uncertainty in politics, the weather, everywhere ... People are crying out for help. You can help them! You can help provide them calm and assurance; you can help them appreciate that G‑d’s watchful eye is always upon them. And much, much more. We can’t do it without you. Our team simply cannot keep up with these needs on their own. But YOU can help by donating today: []( The world needs this critical lifeline. The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, would often teach how our good deeds, and even our thoughts, have the power to tip the balance and transform the entire world. Your good deeds! If you can, please consider a gift in honor of Rosh Hashanah. Be part of the blast of the shofar, the fervent prayer, the apples and honey that bring us together in sweetness, in love, and in caring... The team is more committed than ever to reaching out with tools, information, and life-transforming material to provide essential nourishment for people's minds and hearts. To spread inner peace, calm, and the timeless Jewish wisdom our world needs. It takes friends like you to make that happen. That’s why I’m reaching out to you. I think you understand the critical importance of in our hurting, confusing world. Please! Help evoke G d's all-new blessings for this coming year by [donating now](. May the New Year open up new channels of blessings of tranquility and spiritual growth for you and yours. May you be granted a Happy, Healthy, and Sweet New Year for you and all of G‑d's children. May we all speedily merit a world healed and transformed! On behalf of the entire Team — Sincerely, Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin Executive Director P.S. Even a small amount—shared with a full heart—can effect global transformation! Your gift will help make this an unprecedented year of growth for people everywhere. [Donate online here]( or send a check to: Chabad.ORG | 770 Eastern Parkway Room 405 | Brooklyn, NY 11213. P.P.S. The primary mitzvah of Rosh Hashanah is to hear the shofar blown in person. This can be done at communal services arranged by local synagogues and [Chabad-Lubavitch centers]( following local health guidelines. Many will stay at home and observe the day in private prayer and celebration. If you or someone you know needs Rosh Hashanah resources to help make the day more meaningful, I invite you to [explore our online offerings]( (including shofar tutorials) today! PLEASE NOTE: Jewish law and tradition encourage us to pray at the resting places of our righteous for a sweet new year. If you would like to send a prayer petition to be read or placed at the resting place of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, it would be [our pleasure to help you](. [PLEASE DONATE NOW!]( PLEASE NOTE: If you are not Friend, please let us know so we can update our information. If you have already partnered with us in this campaign, we apologize for the repetition. Chances are that we are sending this to a different email address of yours or that your check has not yet been processed. We are most grateful to you for your support and your understanding! Please note that this request is an appeal to all who are able to help. You are always welcome to enjoy our [website]( and [subscriptions]( regardless of whether or not you contribute financially. --------------------------------------------------------------- You are receiving this email at {EMAIL} because you have indicated that you would like to receive periodic communications from [Go here]( if you wish to be removed. If your e-mail address is changing please [update your address here](.

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