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30 Incredibly Bizarre Things People Saw Happen Yet Others Refuse To Believe They Did


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Sun, Oct 24, 2021 02:31 AM

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This post contains 100% furriness, cuddliness and pure wholesomeness. Pumpkin carving is what you ma

[View in browser]( [50 Times People Spotted The Cutest Animals And Just Had To Take A Pic Of Them]( This post contains 100% furriness, cuddliness and pure wholesomeness. [Open full post]( [50 Times People Took Halloween Pumpkin Carving To A Whole New Level And Created These Masterpieces]( Pumpkin carving is what you make of it. [Open full post]( [35 Informative Maps People Shared On This Group That Might Change Your Perspective On Things (New Pics)]( What separates a good map and a great one is that the latter doesn’t stop with just mapping the territory: it expands the borders of our imagination. [Open full post]( [35 Entitled People Revealing Their True Colors (New Pics)]( A sense of entitlement is a personality characteristic that's not exclusive to spoiled kids. The belief that you deserve special treatment or recognition for something you haven't earned can be quite universal. [Open full post]( [Vet Angry At So Many People Believing These Pet Breeds Are "Cute" Explains How They Are Not]( It turns out that many of the most popular pet breeds considered super cute are in fact the victims of serious health issues. [Open full post]( [30 Of The Most Cringeworthy Tattoos That People Who Are Fluent In Chinese And Japanese Have Seen]( Do your research, kids, 'cause there's a high chance you may end up with "demon bird mothballs" and "chicken sesame" instead of "life is beautiful" on your forearm. [Open full post]( [50 Times People Accidentally Noticed Surreal Things In Real Life, So They Shared It On This Online Group]( Here we are, stuck between dreams and reality. Look around you, Pandas. You might notice just how surreal the world can be and it’s not always clear if we’re awake or if our imaginations are playing tricks on us. [Open full post]( [30 Parents Share The Times They Screwed Up So Bad, The Embarrassment Never Faded]( You can literally picture parents blushing from the sheer embarrassment. [Open full post]( [50 Times Siblings Pulled Such Great Pranks, They Just Had To Share Them Online]( Pranks are an inevitable part of growing up with siblings. This might mean living in a never-ending nightmare or roleplaying as comedy legends and prank grandmasters Fred and George Weasley. [Open full post]( [50 Times People Decorated Their Houses For Halloween And Left Everyone Speechless (New Pics)]( It's the time of the year we are officially allowed to scare the heck out of our neighbors, so here's some spooky Halloween ideas to send some chills down the onlookers' spines. [Open full post]( [30 Incredibly Bizarre Things People Saw Happen Yet Others Refuse To Believe They Did]( A Reddit user asked "What's something you can swear you saw but no one is believing you?" so people tried to remember the strangest things they ever witnessed that they don't have an explanation for. [Open full post]( [30 Of The Smartest Dog Breeds As Proved By Science]( They may not beat you in a game of checkers, but these brainy dogs are easy to train and ready to please you. [Open full post]( [‘Real Beauty’: 45 Photos Shared On The ‘Instagram Vs. Reality’ Group That Are A Contrast To Heavily Photoshopped Pics]( Even though social media can feel like it’s full to the brim of fakeness and photo-editing, from time to time, people share such genuine photos of themselves, it’s like a breath of fresh air. [Open full post]( [“How Rare Are You?”: Woman Shares Random But Interesting Genetic Facts About Humans And Here're 30 Of The Best Ones]( You might not even know it, but your genetics might make you rarer than you think you are! [Open full post]( [40 Hilarious Conversations That People Overheard In New York And Decided They’re Too Good Not To Share (New Pics)]( "The reason the accounts are successful is because we're not just posting some dumb quote — we're focusing on these themes of dating and digital life and food and fitness and Instagram culture and all that stuff." [Open full post]( [Hooters Backtracks After Employees Go Viral For Complaining About ‘Disturbing’ And ‘Sexist’ New Uniforms]( Women who work at Hooters recently got their new uniforms and the shorts are shorter than ever. After the videos complaining about it went viral on TikTok, the company made underwear-like shorts optional. [Open full post]( [People Are Sharing Their Opinions On Companies Forbidding Taking Time Off During Holidays After A Tweet About It Went Viral]( Tweet showing a message to employees that they won't be able to take time off during holiday goes viral and sparks a debate in the comments. [Open full post]( [39 Of The Cutest Sloth Pics To Celebrate International Sloth Day]( Happy International Sloth Day, everyone! In fact, it's more than an excuse to take it easy, it's a day to recognize the planet's slowest animal and its importance to our ecosystems. [Open full post]( [Woman Explains Why The 8-Hour Work/Sleep/Play Model Does Not Work Anymore]( What if an 8-hour workday has been nothing but a counterproductive lie we've been forced to believe since the labor movement of the late 19th century? [Open full post]( [Man Asks Vaccinated People How They Feel About 'Excluding' The Unvaccinated - 33 People Give Honest Answers]( After Covid-19 caused extraordinarily intrusive and expensive lockdowns, the so-called vaccine passports are increasingly seen as something that could get us out of them. [Open full post]( [30 Engineering ‘Nightmares’ And ‘Miracles’ Discovered During Structural Inspections By This Company (New Pics)]( If these photos don’t get your heart racing, nothing will. The things that inspectors find every day are incredible, from nightmarish cracks to foundations that don’t look like they could take a single wobble more. [Open full post]( [50 Of The Best Food-Related Memes]( Few things can make your day better than the holy combo of devouring your favorite meal and scrolling through food memes. [Open full post]( [This Online Group Condemns Horrible People And Here's 50 Of The Worst Ones]( Most people have the capacity for good and bad behavior. However... [Open full post]( [35 People Who Walked Out In The Middle Of Job Interviews Share Why They Did It]( Job interviews let you take a peek behind the curtain and see if there are any obvious red flags that make your gut say, “Nope, no thank you, not this job, we’re not that desperate.” [Open full post]( [Boss Criticizes Employee With Broken Bones For Sitting On A Stool, Changes His Tone Immediately When He Quits]( As it turns out, for some managers, technicalities and strictly following procedures are far more important than the health of the employees themselves. [Open full post]( [50 People Whose Disabilities Didn't Stop Them From Enjoying Halloween To The Fullest (New Pics)]( These folks embody what we all so desperately need right now. Perseverance. [Open full post]( [Woman Wants To Know If She Is The Jerk For Charging Her Sister $3,400 For A Painting Her 9 Y.O. Nephew Ruined]( Artist shared a story about how her sister brought her nephew to a party where she didn't want kids and it turns out, for good reason, as the boy ruined one of her paintings she was commissioned to paint. [Open full post]( [30 Times People Exposed Their Bosses From Hell By Sharing Screenshots On This Community]( These workers had enough of their bosses being jerks and exposed their deeds by sharing some pretty awful screenshots. [Open full post]( [50 Nostalgic Things From the 2000s Prove How Much The World Has Moved On Since Then]( Straight from oblivion, we went to the Western civilization and its pop culture with half-naked ladies, boy bands, electronic toys, TV series, and even portable phones (those definitely came out of some witch's brew)! [Open full post]( [40 Things In Our Daily Lives That Many People Don't Realize Are Scams]( What seems to be very obviously a nefarious scam to you might not be obvious to someone else. [Open full post]( [30 Life-Saving Tips That Aren't Hard To Remember But Can Make A Huge Difference]( Although it's impossible to predict every emergency situation, knowing how to effectively respond to them can be critical in surviving them. [Open full post]( [30 Signs I’ve Found In South Korea That Made Me Laugh Out Loud]( Korea is a country that has fully embraced English and mixed it in with its own language, which sometimes results in funny fails. [Open full post]( [30 Hilariously Absurd Comics With Dark Undertones (New Pics)]( Elliott Fairweather is back on Bored Panda with more of his dark, funny and dirty comics! Elliott is better known by his Instagram name "Dogs on the 4th," where he has almost 55k followers. [Open full post]( [Boss Criticizes Bartender For Drinking During His Day Off, Changes His Tone Immediately When They Quit]( We'd all like to believe that we have some say at work. That we and our employers are essentially in a partnership, working together for mutual benefit. Equally, we'd also like to think that life is fair and virtue is rewarded. But that's often not the case. [Open full post]( ["Do Not Speed Read This": Bride Refuses To Invite Autistic Sister To Her Wedding As She Can't Comprehend Boundaries]( A Reddit user asked people online if she's right for not inviting her disabled sister to her wedding as she has some boundary issues with her fiancé. [Open full post]( [30 Outdated Words And Phrases Some Older Folks Use That Puzzle Millennials And Gen Zers In This Online Group]( People online reveal what archaic words and phrases their older relatives use that are sometimes hard to understand. [Open full post]( [30 Landlords Describe The Weirdest And Most Disturbing Tenant They've Ever Had]( There are plenty of stories about horrible, horrible landlords, but tenants aren't innocent fuzzy creatures either. In fact, far from it. [Open full post]( [This 75-Year-Old Artist Creates Edits Of Bushes In Honor Of His Deceased Cat]( Many of us know the feeling when you just terribly miss a pet you used to have. I sure do, even got a tattoo of my cat! However, 75-year-old Richard Saunders took it to a whole new level. [Open full post]( [“Am I The [Jerk] For Not Giving Up My “Man Cave” To Accommodate My Mother-In-Law?”]( Everyone needs their own corner. A place where you can relax, recharge, and be yourself. A place where you set the rules and nobody intrudes. [Open full post]( [Woman With Double Mastectomy Is Told To Wear A Bra In The Pool, She Follows The Rule To The Letter In Her Malicious Compliance]( The woman didn't wear a sports bra while swimming because she has had a double mastectomy without reconstruction. However, an employee approached her about the pool's dress code. [Open full post]( [30 Funny Conversations That People Overheard At University And Decided They’re Too Good Not To Share]( If you keep your ears open, you might hear the most hilarious things echoing down the halls of your university. Higher education provides enough tea and beans for spilling to keep us entertained for days. [Open full post]( [40 Of The Best History Memes For Anyone Wanting To Learn More About Our Past (New Pics)]( If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree." [Open full post]( [30 TV And Movie Couples With The Best Chemistry, As Pointed Out By Folks In This Online Group]( People online share actor couples who had such good chemistry between them, it made people think that they are dating in reality. [Open full post]( [30 People Share "Seemingly Harmless" Things Parents Do To Their Kids That Can Actually Have Serious Consequences]( Even the most seemingly harmless things that parents do can have some really serious consequences for their children’s lives. [Open full post]( [50 Pets That Slayed Their Halloween Costumes]( As the spooky season is upon us, people online share unique and funny Halloween costume ideas for pets. [Open full post]( [“Am I The [Jerk] For Getting Annoyed With My Friend’s Vegan Boyfriend?”]( For a rare few individuals, veganism is something to shout about loudly from the rooftops to improve their social reputation. But when push comes to shove, they don’t mind eating animal products—they just say they do! [Open full post]( [30 People Share How Their Horrible Neighbors Made Their Lives More Difficult]( Welcome to hell on earth where neighbors run amok, making your life miserable. [Open full post]( ["In The US, It's Macaroni And Pizza": American Asks What Little Picky-Eaters Around The World Eat (30 Posts)]( To learn how different cultures lure choosy children into consuming calories, Reddit user u/Buugybuug asked people: "What recipes do picky eaters all over the world use?" And their question was heard. [Open full post]( [30 Funny And Relatable "Anxious Animals" Comics]( Turns out animals are just as anxious and lost in life as we are! I have just discovered these precious comics “Anxious Animals” on Instagram and could basically relate to every one of them. [Open full post]( [30 People Share The Scariest Unexplainable Things That Happened To Them]( Many of us have at least one story about something incredibly strange, even creepy, happening to us. Something that we can’t explain. Something… that our rational minds can’t comprehend... [Open full post]( [Dad Is Livid After Realizing His Ex Only Spends A Fraction Of His Child Support Money On Their Son, She Turns To The Internet For Support]( One mom’s story caused quite a bit of internet drama. Just remember, we shouldn’t be quick to judge anyone before getting to know the full context. [Open full post]( [Divorced People Get Honest About What Would Have Saved Their Marriages (30 Posts)]( "Not sweating the small shit. Instead, being willing to make compromises and look at things from my partner's perspective or simply in a way that didn't put my views and feelings on a pedestal." [Open full post]( ["That's Cheating": Woman Goes Viral For Exposing Chinese Influencers That Fake Being Rich So Well, You'd Never Realize It]( Just because someone looks wealthy, it doesn’t mean that they are. The luxurious lifestyle they lead might be nothing more than a smokescreen, meant to trick others on social media. [Open full post]( [Unexpected Answers To 20 Interesting Yet Random Questions This Guy Searched On Google]( Have you ever found yourself googling some random yet interesting facts and statistics about the world? If you haven’t, then it’s okay because that’s what Dylan Page does and shares it with his followers. [Open full post]( [“That’s Disgraceful”: Discussion Ensues After Comedian’s Son Gets Ridiculed By A Teacher For Waving His Mom Goodbye]( British comedian Joanna Neary shares online how her son was mocked by a teacher for waving goodbye to her at the school gate. [Open full post]( ["It Gets Better": 30 Lies People In This Online Group Convinced Themselves To Believe In To Feel Better About Life]( Members of the AskReddit community are sharing common untruths people tell themselves to feel better about life and the world they live in. [Open full post]( [“We’re In Canada So We Only Paid For Parking”: People Online Are Comparing What They Paid For Childbirth And What Americans Pay]( TikToker asked "How old was your baby when you paid off the hospital bill for having them?" and American moms shared the scary amounts they have to pay but non-Americans couldn't relate. [Open full post]( [30 Instagram Vs. Reality Pics Of Women 'Exposing' Themselves To Show How Fake Social Media Is]( Our endless pursuit of physical perfection has made our internet profiles shinier and smoother than our real-life selves have ever been. [Open full post]( [Artist Tells Heartbreaking Stories About The Issues Of Our Society Without Using A Single Word (5 New Comics)]( Every story deserves to be told, but not all stories are glamorous, pleasant, or easy to tell, and so they're not told as often as others. Stories about the wrongs of our society, the injustice, and the underground are exactly that type. [Open full post]( [Boss Threatens Overworked Employee With Health Insurance, They Quit And Get A Lawyer Involved]( "This [subreddit] gave me the motivation to finally quit my abusive job," u/bluepiehax wrote. "I may not have health insurance, but I feel so free!" [Open full post]( [Artist Takes A Jab At Our Society In His 30 Witty Comics]( Today's comics are by Matt Reuter, and they mostly stem from insights about regular day-to-day life. The cartoonist, designer and illustrator from Brooklyn, NY might be considered a classical comic artist, a cartoonist. [Open full post]( [The Best Pictures Of 2021 Siena International Photo Awards Have Been Announced, And They’re Truly Powerful]( he Sienna International Photo Awards are back on Bored Panda and they have announced their winners for 2021. [Open full post]( [Mila Kunis Opened Up About Having A Disagreement With Ashton Kutcher After She Encouraged Their 6 Y.O. Kid To Push Back A Bully]( Actress Mila Kunis revealed her "biggest parenting fail" by admitting that she encouraged her 6-year-old daughter to push back a bully to make sure that she learns how to stand up for herself. [Open full post]( [Russian Artist Reimagined 8 Disney Princes As Dads Of Adorable Toddlers And Babies (8 Pics)]( How many of us actually stop for a moment and think about the Princes that are also very much present in the stories they played a big part in? [Open full post]( [30 “Baby Hacks I Wish I Knew Before I Was A Mom”]( Meet Lauren Mejia, a TikToker and mom to a 22mo boy who has been sharing some useful tips on what works and what doesn’t when raising a tiny human that she wished she knew before. [Open full post]( [This Artist Creates Fun Comics That Will Probably Make You Smile (30 Pics)]( Are you bored and looking for something to cheer you up? Then you came to the right place! Chuck Ingwersen is an artist who creates comics, cartoons, and artwork "on a wide range of fun swag". [Open full post]( [Get more stories]( Copyright © 2021 Bored Panda, All rights reserved. [unsubscribe]( | [view in browser](Â

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