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God speaks – part IV


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Wed, Oct 27, 2021 04:45 PM

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God Speaks – Part IV By Bill Bonner Wednesday, October 27, 2021 ? for everything in it. But H

[Bill Bonner’s Diary]( God Speaks – Part IV By Bill Bonner Wednesday, October 27, 2021 [Bill Bonner] BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – God vs. Man… the Trial of the Millennium. Just to bring new readers up to speed, God has been on the witness stand for three days. Today marks his fourth day of testimony. What we’ve learned so far is that God accepts the blame for the “system,” with its “[planned obsolescence]( for everything in it. But He specifically denies blame for “[every dumb thing done by man]( This is important, because if man is to blame for the decline of America, for example, then he can also turn it around. Making America great again is then not just a campaign slogan, but a real possibility. But if the decline is just “[in the cards]( as God put it on Monday, there is nothing that can be done. Complicity of Man God clarified [yesterday]( that there are “soft” limits and there are “hard” limits. The soft limits – like the lifecycle of empires – require the complicity of man. As we saw, presidents Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden were a godsend… if you wanted to bring America down a peg. Self-serving, stupid, and incompetent – history couldn’t have asked for more. In 1999, the U.S. federal government owed only $5 trillion. Now, thanks to their efforts, it owes more than five times as much. And now, with so much debt, and so many people depending on government “transfer” payments, it cannot afford “normal” interest rates… It cannot stop “printing” new money… And it cannot fight inflation. It is now caught in a trap – [Inflate or Die]( U.S. leaders walked right into it. We can’t blame God for that one. Recommended Link [WATCH NOW: Crypto Millionaire Makes SKY-HIGH Prediction…]( [image]( Teeka Tiwari — the man voted the #1 Most Trusted Crypto Expert — just made a SKY-HIGH crypto prediction. In this new broadcast, recorded live in Miami… Teeka reveals his #1 MUST-OWN CRYPTO today… Over the next decade, this crypto could become BIGGER than Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Google. But in this new video, Teeka reveals why it’s critical you get positioned BEFORE December 1st, 2021. His previous predictions have received over 25 million+ views… But this could be his most important prediction yet. [Click Here to Watch Now (#1 Crypto to Own Today Named Inside).]( -- God’s Doing The hard limits, meanwhile, do not require any help from man. An Ice Age or an asteroid impact… a real plague – these are God’s doing. It doesn’t matter what men do or what they think. Sometimes… up against these “hard” limits… empires collapse. And sometimes, whole civilizations are destroyed forever. Like the Olmec or the Khmers… all that remains are stone buildings peeking up through the jungly vines. And today, God warns that we, too, may be facing a hard limit as well as a soft one… God takes the stand… Life Source You people amaze me. So smart… but so dumb. Some of your dear readers even write in to say that they “don’t believe in God.” Or that “there is no God.” How do they know? They don’t. They just want to believe that THEY are in charge… and don’t have to respect My limits. They just think it’s all a matter of “knowledge” and “technology,” like fixing a kitchen faucet. Just find the right inflation rate… the right interest rate… and the right amount of stimulus, and presto!… you don’t have to worry about spending more than you can afford. They even think they’re going to “Save the Planet” by controlling the Earth’s weather with carbon credits and windmills. Ha ha. Good luck with that. But that brings me to my point. I made the Heavens and the Earth. It took Me six days. But then, it took millions of years to stock them with energy. All life comes from Me. And all life, if it has any sense, trembles before Me. I am the source of life… and death. Everybody dies. Every empire declines. Some of them disappear forever. And once in a while, when I lose my temper, I even bring on an Extinction Event. The last one, 66 million years ago, caused the extermination of 75% of all species. So pay attention. With some very minor exceptions, all the world’s energy comes from My sun. And over millions of years – when the Earth was much warmer than it is today, by the way – the sun made plants grow… which gave animals something to eat. Is this too basic for you? The point is, these plants and animals all died – as everything in My world does. And their bodies then decayed and got compressed… and eventually, turned into coal, oil, and gas. So essentially, almost all energy is solar energy. It is My energy. [Featured: Biden did What? Unbelievable!]( Growth Spurt For thousands of years, after eating, mating, and sheltering, man barely had any energy left for making progress. But all that changed when he figured out how to use those millions of years of stored-up solar power I gave him. In the 18th century, man saw that he could change the heat energy of coal, gas, and oil into the kind of energy you can use to turn wheels. And then, it was a whole new ballgame. That was the beginning of the biggest… and only… great “growth spurt” of progress in human history. Now, you plow your fields with great tractors… and harvest your crops with huge combines. Factories – often equipped with robot labor – run night and day. When someone comes to clean your gutters or fix your plumbing, he arrives in a truck powered by an internal combustion engine… often with tools that also depend on power, ultimately, from fossil fuels. It was this “industrial revolution,” powered by millions of years of the sun… that raised standards of living all over the planet. But please understand, it was My sun that made it possible, not man’s creative genius. (Did I mention that [man’s brain is getting smaller]( Recommended Link [Toilet paper shortage returns - With a twist]( [image]( It’s back, As CNN has just confirmed… “Costco is limiting how much toilet paper you can buy again.” The nationwide chain, the fifth largest retailer in the world, also announced limits on “water and key items.” As you’ll soon learn, the buying limits we’re now seeing across the country are just the beginning of [something much bigger, much more serious, and far more dangerous](. Something that is set to hit our farms, our hospitals, even our military bases… Because unlike the previous shortages we saw in 2020… this time, the underlying cause is not a virus or government lockdown. And it’s not something that will just “go away” in a matter of weeks. This time, our world is staring down what may be [the worst supply chain crisis in human history](. The true culprit behind this new crisis may surprise you… [Click here to learn what’s causing all this — and how to prepare for what’s coming next.]( -- Slowing Progress But let me ask you something: Once you have an automobile, a microwave, and a leaf blower… what more do you need? And how much difference is there between an Allis-Chalmers tractor from 1970 and a John Deere or Massey Ferguson in 2021? Does the new climate-controlled cab make it more efficient? Or just more comfortable? And here’s the revelation: The growth spurt caused by the Industrial Revolution may have been a one-time thing. England… America… Germany… Japan… China – wherever it was put to use, people got a big boost. But once you are making full use of fossil fuels, what do you do next? You can only use so many factories and so many tractors, trucks, and backhoes. Then what? [We interrupt God, briefly, with corroborating testimony of our own. We’ve seen this process up close. When we bought our ranch in Argentina, there were no internal combustion engines on the place. None. And no electricity, either. Plowing, cultivating, harvesting – it was all done with horses and mules. Very picturesque, but not very productive. We brought in modern machinery – tractors, harvesters, solar panels. We saw an immediate increase in output. More hay, more cattle, more onions, and more grapes. But this increase took place over 24 months. Then, it was over. There has been no growth in output in the 10 years since then. Back to God…] In other words, drawing on My stored-up energy, you were able to make progress faster than ever before. China was the last major economy to experience this “growth spurt;” it went from pre-industrial to post-industrial in less than two generations. But growth rates did not speed up permanently, only temporarily. And now, the machine is slowing down in almost all fully modern economies. And guess what? So is the use of fossil fuels. Here’s the World Economic Council, doing My work: U.S. fossil fuel consumption is at its lowest in 30 years. What does it mean? It means your big growth spurt, driven by fossil fuels, is over. [Featured: Christmas is cancelled?]( Expensive Promises But wait… this hard limit might not matter so much, except… your democracy depends on growth. Take your Social Security system, for example. It only makes sense if each generation gets more out of it than it puts in. Otherwise, it might as well just save its own money. Up to now, Social Security benefits could rise – thanks to an increase in the population (more people “contributing” to the system) and economic growth (as society got richer, it could afford to pay out higher pensions). The expectation of something for nothing became embedded in the whole system. Politicians promised voters of all ages more and more “free stuff,” counting on “growth” to catch up. Earlier retirement. Free medical care. Free education. Stimmy checks. Unemployment toppers. Housing, food, transportation assistance. Just this week, Chicago may enact a “basic income” program of $500 a month for 5,000 low-income households. Recommended Link [Trump’s Next Move is His Strangest Yet]( [image]( Reports state he’s bought an entrenched complex in foreign territory… But he’s not alone. Something “strange” is happening behind the scenes in America. And it threatens us all. [Click here to learn more]( -- The Party’s Over And now, the “birthing parents,” ha ha, just aren’t having as many children. And with the fossil fuel growth spurt over… coming on top of wars, bailouts, and boondoggles… all of the major economies now have debts and obligations that can’t be met – not honestly. All must default, either directly, by missing payments and cutting back on “transfers”… or indirectly, by inflating their currencies. All will choose inflation as the least-honest alternative. Instead of getting what he has been promised, in other words, the common man will be ripped off even more. He’ll have to pay higher prices for everything. And he won’t be very happy about it. Remember the “insurrection” of January 6 on Capitol Hill? Well, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. The bottom line? You ignored My limits. You scoffed at My rules. And now, you will suffer the consequences. War. Revolution. Bankruptcy. Hyperinflation. It’s all ahead. And no, AI… 5G… and the “metaverse” won’t save you. Tomorrow, God takes to the stand once more to explain why… Regards, [signature] Bill --------------------------------------------------------------- Like what you’re reading? Send your thoughts to []( speaks – part IV). --------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURED READS [Republican to Lead the Biden Election Security Task Force]( Secretary of State Kim Wyman, a lifelong Republican, will step down from her role on November 19 to serve as the election security lead for the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. Wyman is nationally regarded as an expert on mail-in balloting and security. [The Feds Keep Missing the Point]( gas prices now nearly at $5 per gallon in some places, it’s clear that inflation that the Federal Reserve insists is “transitory,” is more permanent than they care to admit… MAILBAG Readers are enjoying Bill’s recent writings, “[God Speaks,]( and “[God Speaks Part II]( In order to get people off of the government rolls and back to work, just follow the Biblical requirement! In his second letter to the Thessalonians, Paul tells them that when he was in their city, he never accepted their money or even free food, in order to give them an example of how their churches should function: If a man refuses to work, he should not eat. If he has a “widow who is a widow indeed” (defined as a widow over 60 years old), the family members must take care of her – or they are worse than an infidel! Those who do not follow these precepts should be warned of the danger they place themselves in, and then they should be shunned (but not considered to be an enemy; they are to be barned because they are brothers). Easy peasy! Problem solved! And think of the impact it would have on capitalism (or whatever you want to call it – I prefer Bill’s term of “win-win” deals). – Timothy S. The idea that “government” can enable, take care of, comfort, feed, clothe, pay, transport, house, and otherwise do everything for everyone simply because we exist would be laughable if it was not so flat-out awful… – Ed D. First off, man is not, and never has been, at the behest of “God.” Such an entity does not exist and has not ever existed. It was just an archaic way to try to explain natural processes. Once, it was thought that the “gods” called down rain, or thunder and lightning; now, we know that is not so. What drives mankind is the accumulated Karma of everything, from rocks to us. A rock probably doesn’t have much Karma, as only human beings can truly affect the earth… and we have done a bang up job of it! Literally! – Dwayne S. I am enjoying “God Speaks.” We are, indeed, living in a temporal, deteriorating world to be remade, but all humanity has an eternal soul, even if our current bodies are temporal. As you have touched on, it would be wonderful if mankind were different. Actually taking on some of God’s attributes, as only God can make us so we truly love, care, and help all others. Jesus is our example. It is only through God’s grace, not man’s actions, that we can be changed. Only by truly accepting and embracing God’s way can we walk this earth, knowing God, and being part of the infinite plan he has for those who know Him personally. God shuts no one out that comes with an open heart. – Robert M. Nice work on the “God’s testimony” piece. As a pastor. I might’ve chosen a couple different words coming from the Lord’s mouth. BUT your theological underpinning of humans running into the limits the God has placed upon the mortal and material world… spot on! “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” – Galatians 6:7 Keep up the good work! Always enjoy your writing and the acerbic, sly, and witty tone throughout. – Eric H. I really really really love this – although I confess that, at first, it felt like succumbing to reading blasphemy. I so appreciate your ideas and your writing – these have been a considerable comfort in the last year. – Louise W. I think your writing on God versus man is one of the most illustrative and well-written pieces you have done. Thank you. – Thomas B. Is America experiencing the consequences of “war, revolution, bankruptcy, and hyperinflation” because we ignored God’s limits? Do you agree that it is “laughable” that government could do everything for everyone, as Ed D. writes? Write us at []( speaks – part IV). IN CASE YOU MISSED IT… [How To Retire Rich Off a Single “Boring” Stock]( Most people wouldn’t look twice at this stock, but it helped make this man rich… (Name and ticker FREE). 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