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𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌: {NAME}, a PROUD New York Democrat


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Sat, Nov 14, 2020 08:05 PM

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{NAME} -- please take a moment to read then sign the letter below to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris BOL

{NAME} -- please take a moment to read then sign the letter below to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris BOLD Democrats is dedicated to defeating Republicans and electing a wave of diverse Democrats. We’re the largest organization working to engage Latino voters -- that’s how we’ll win. If you really want to receive only our most urgent emails or unsubscribe, [click here.]( [ [{NAME}, we are sending Joe and Kamala a letter to tell them how PROUD we are of their victory! **To say thank you for signing, all donations made by good Democrats who sign will be 400%-MATCHED by top New York donors.**](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) [SIGN THE LETTER WITH A $5 DONATION >>](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) [ I’m writing to say that I could NOT be happier, prouder, or more relieved at your incredible victory. You both ran an outstanding campaign in unprecedented times. You fought to uphold our Democracy, and came out victorious against Donald Trump. [You fought for and WON the soul of our nation, and saved us from four more unbearable years of a Trump administration.](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) But Trump is already refusing to have a peaceful transfer of power. He’s sent despicable attacks your way. [So I promise to help in any way I can. Our Democracy depends on it. That's why I'm including with this letter a $5 donation to ensure Trump's defeat.](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) [SIGN THE LETTER WITH A $5 DONATION >>](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) The past four years have been incredibly difficult. Donald Trump has prided himself in spreading hatred and bigotry across this country. But you both are incredible Democrats who have stood up for everyday Americans. You’ve stood up for our Constitution, you’ve stood up for our right to vote safely, and you’ve stood up for the ideals that make America TRULY great. [But, we can’t get complacent now. I know the fight is not over.](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) Trump will do ANYTHING to steal this victory away from you -- even using Attorney General Barr to investigate bogus voter fraud claims!! And now that the Supreme Court is stacked in his favor, I know we’ll need to work overtime to ensure your victory. [So I pledge to do everything I can to help. That’s why I’m including a $5 donation with this letter to you today.](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) [SIGN THE LETTER WITH A $5 DONATION >>](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) Now that you’ve won, a huge weight has been lifted for every American. I trust you will successfully handle the Coronavirus Pandemic, get our economy back on track, and make sure Americans can trust our government leaders again. The most I can do is enclose $5 to help celebrate a man of integrity finally returning to the White House and working to rebuild everything Trump destroyed. [When you are both inaugurated, you will have an opportunity to serve this country you love and uphold our American ideals. That’s why I’m signing this letter to celebrate your victory →](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) In deep gratitude, [ [PLEASE SIGN BY 11:59](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) PM LIVE UPDATE: Just 7 more New York signatures to hit 5,000! We hope we can count on you, {NAME}, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris deserve it. [**Don't forget, all donations are 400%-MATCHED!](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) [SIGN THE LETTER WITH A $5 DONATION >>](3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) --BOLD Democrats This message was sent to: [{EMAIL}](#) [Click here to receive fewer emails.](3D%3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) | [Click here to unsubscribe.](3D%3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) Thank you for supporting BOLD Democrats: we’re the grassroots arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. We elect diverse Democrats -- and we’re good at it. ONE: We’ve created a grassroots army -- we’re over one million strong. TWO: We’ve raised over $14,000,000 to elect diverse progressives -- all from grassroots donors like you giving an average of just $12.84. THREE: We’ve flipped DOZENS of Republican seats and we helped build the largest Democratic wave in decades to win back the House! [DONATE TO BOLD DEMOCRATS →]( But we’re just getting started → Our Latest Mission? DEFEND and EXPAND our House Majority INCREASE our leadership diversity in the House and Senate FIGHT BACK against right-wing Republican attacks. HOW? We target vulnerable Republican-held districts. We identify and recruit diverse Democrats. And then we spend every penny we’ve got in order to spark victory. There are 27.3 million eligible Latino voters today. 42% of voters by 2025 will be people of color. Our work will change the political landscape for years to come. And that’s why we email you so often -- we rely on our Good Grassroot Democrats to fuel our entire operation. Without you, we are nothing. [DONATE TO BOLD DEMOCRATS →]( Emails like this one power us to victory! But if you’d like to receive fewer emails from us, [click here](3D%3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA). If you’d like to unsubscribe from our emails, please [click here.](3D%3D/?g=QHC3J8Qot1BcTAL3BMaW8pA) If you'd like to change or update your email address, [click here.]( If you can afford to donate to BOLD Democrats, please [click here.]( to make a contribution today. From everyone here at BOLD Democrats, thank you for everything you do. PO Box 75357 Washington, DC 20013 PAID FOR BY CHC BOLD PAC AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE. [DONATE TO BOLD DEMOCRATS →](

𝐓𝐎: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris [via BOLD Democrats]

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