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Fri, Oct 20, 2023 11:39 AM

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I've been SO excited to finally introduce you to our latest, most "age-defying" innovation yet {NAME

I've been SO excited to finally introduce you to our latest, most "age-defying" innovation yet {NAME}, buckle up. Because I’ve been legally cleared to tell you EVERYTHING about the never-before-released solution Dr. Danielpour and I have been secretly working on. A formula so cutting-edge, it can deliver rapid “age arresting” effects to 8 notoriously stubborn areas on the body. And based on the results REAL women saw after trying it themselves… We’re 100% certain this formula is going to revolutionize the world of at-home body transformation for good.   In case you missed it, the vast majority of our user group reported: - A firmer, tighter-looking NECK & CHEST* - Visibly smoother ARMS, THIGHS & STOMACH* - A noticeable improvcement in crepey KNEES & ELBOWS* - Plumper-looking skin on their HANDS* And yes, we had them take pictures to prove it! Now, before I get into this formula’s name, how it works, and why it’s the most effective body-rejuvenating solution to hit the market in years… I have one SUPER important announcement: Our new solution can be yours to try NEXT FRIDAY (October 27th, 2023) at 11am EST. Yep, you can be on your way to a GLOWING, more youthful-looking complexion in exactly 1 week’s time.  However, I do want you to keep in mind: Our introductory batch is even smaller than usual. So even though you qualify for access — I encourage you to act quickly come launch day. Especially if you're serious about undergoing a head-to-toe transformation. After all, we developed this solution specifically for aging skin on the body… which can be one of the toughest things to face as we get older. It can even feel like you’re looking at someone else in the mirror… I see my patients struggle with this “identity crisis” all the time.  That’s why I am so proud to introduce you to:  Beverly Hills MD Nourish + Enhance Body Treatment This new, “top-to-bottom” serum is designed to give you: ★A more VOLUMIZED look in areas prone to sagging — like the neck and chest* ★Visibly SMOOTH, practically “crepe free” skin on the arms and decolletage* ★Soft, supple, FIRM-FEELING skin on your hands, feet, arms, and thighs* ★Noticeably less DRYNESS around your elbows and knees ★A TIGHTER-looking skin surface overall ★A LIFTING effect to droopy skin in the upper arms, torso, butt, even breasts!* ★Full body RADIANCE and a youthful “GLOW”* And when you put these all together, you achieve something we call… ✨The “Total Package Effect”✨ The Total Package Effect is when you don’t think twice about wearing a sleeveless dress or a bathing suit, because you’re proud of how great your skin looks. The Total Package Effect is when you find yourself running your fingers over the skin on your arm or leg – without even realizing it – because you enjoy the sensation of how soft and smooth it feels. The Total Package Effect is when you run into a friend you haven’t seen in a while, and they plead with you to divulge what kind of work you’ve had done – because you look that good. However, to truly understand how Nourish + Enhance Body Treatment works… And how you can experience the “Total Package Effect” for yourself… I need you to forget everything you know about “aging.” After all, when we think about aging – we tend to worry exclusively about the skin on our face. However… By concentrating solely on the face… and not the skin on the rest of the body… We can essentially end up with 2 different skin ages. 😱 This imbalance can actually draw attention away from your face, making you seem older than you really are. Let me give you an example. Last summer, I had a consultation with a woman who wanted a facelift. “Audrey” was in her mid-70s, and this would have been her third time having the procedure. I could have done it… but instead, I opted to have an honest conversation with her. You see, Audrey wore a sleeveless shirt to our meeting. The skin on her arms appeared a bit dry and crepey, with some noticeable age spots. Now there’s nothing wrong with this, of course. Her skin simply looked her age… But that was the problem. I explained to Audrey that no matter what I did to her face, the rest of her skin would still be a HUGE giveaway of her true age. We discussed alternative procedures to match the skin on her face… But Audrey was reluctant to start messing with other parts of her body. “My face is one thing,” she said. “But if I do my arms, then why not my neck? Or my legs?” “Where does it end?” I left that consultation feeling a bit deflated… Because in that moment, I didn’t have a better solution for Audrey — or the countless other women who were feeling her same frustration. However… Women like Audrey inspired me to find a way to address this full body skin aging problem. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I knew it would be worth it. Because if I succeeded? Well, that would mean people across the GLOBE could undergo a complete “youth makeover”… Without paying an arm and a leg — and all from the comfort of their own home. But funny enough, my “aha” moment arrived somewhere very far away from home: The Arctic Circle It had long been on our bucket list to see the Northern Lights. So, my wife Kendhal and I took a vacation to Sweden… where we had the unique thrill of staying in an “ice hotel.” That’s right — the entire hotel was made out of ice!!! Needless to say, this was a cold experience. Temperatures dropped well below zero degrees Fahrenheit at night when we were taking in the spectacular views of the Aurora Borealis… And the hotel wasn’t much warmer when we returned to go to sleep. 🥶 After a few days in the Arctic, both Kendhal and I realized the harsh conditions were taking a toll on our skin… Especially on our hands. They were dry, ruddy, and red. Little white flakes became visible, and our skin became very rough to the touch. In fact, our hands seemed as if they'd suddenly aged ten years… or more… and we were wearing gloves outside! The surrounding air was so cold and dry, it was rapidly pulling all the moisture out of our skin, creating an accelerated dermal dehydration effect. The scary thing is… A more gradual version of this FULL BODY skin aging is happening to each and every one of us, every single day. Because every day we get older, our bodies are producing less and less of an extremely vital natural “youth serum”: HYALURONIC ACID As you may know, Hyaluronic Acid has an unmatched ability to hold onto water... Making it one of the most hydrating agents on the planet. And when it comes to our skin, Hyaluronic Acid helps ensure everything stays taut and in place. Think of your skin as a brick wall. If important structural proteins like collagen and elastin are the bricks of that wall… Hyaluronic Acid is the mortar between those bricks that holds them all together – ensuring the wall stands sturdy, strong, and impenetrable. Unfortunately, as we get older, our bodies produce less and less of this “mortar”... And by the time we reach 50, our bodies will have lost over HALF of the total Hyaluronic Acid they once had.1 What happens when a brick wall loses too much mortar? It comes crashing down, of course. This rapid-aging process is called Dermal Dehydration. And it’s a leading cause of wrinkles, crepey skin, dry/rough skin, thinning skin, and sagging, loose skin. In short – it accelerates skin aging – throughout your entire body. That’s why skincare experts agree… The single biggest difference between young skin and older skin is the loss of Hyaluronic Acid.2 Here’s what’s really interesting, though… I left something out of my Arctic Circle story. You see, while the skin on our hands appeared to rapidly age due to dermal dehydration… The skin on our faces was fine. That’s right – for both Khendal and I, our facial skin remained looking well hydrated, firm, supple, and youthful looking. And the reason why we essentially experienced these “two skins”... the young face and the older body… Is because we were using one of Beverly Hills MD’s most popular formulas on our face: Multi-Hyaluronic Acid Plumping Booster… But on our bodies, we were using a store bought hyaluronic acid moisturizer. What’s the difference? Our Plumping Booster works because it contains Hyaluronic Acid made up of different molecular weights.3 And when combined, these various types of Hyaluronic Acid act like a “super hydrator”: The heavier molecules spread across the skin's surface to help keep moisture from escaping…* While the lighter ones can “settle” in places the heavier molecules cannot reach… to provide the skin with additional hydration…* Which can contribute to a significantly plumper, more voluminous overall look.* However, most commercial Hyaluronic Acid products – like the body moisturizer Khendal and I were using in Sweden – only contain the larger molecules. This means it can do a good job of hydrating the surface of your skin... But there are still “holes” those molecules cannot reach to hydrate. Now, you might think the solution would be simple enough… Just make a BIGGER tube of Multi-Hyaluronic Acid Plumping Booster you can use on your whole body, right? Well believe me, we looked into that. But here’s the problem: Your face contains only about 3.5% of the total skin on your body…4 And the quality of the Hyaluronic Acid in our Plumping Booster is not cheap to procure. So coming up with a formula with enough to properly hydrate the other 96% of your skin was gonna be a challenge! Producing this premium Hyaluronic Acid on a much larger scale would make a full-body formula cost somewhere around $500 for a measly 1.5oz! That wasn’t going to fly. But I was just getting started. I reached out to some of my best contacts in the skincare industry, in various parts of the world… and a couple weeks later one of them got back to me with some excellent news. They told me about a cutting-edge manufacturing company in Switzerland called Givaudan… And Givaudan was preparing to release a very exciting new ingredient called PrimalHyal 3K. PrimalHyal 3K is a blend of three different Hyaluronic Acid variations by molecular weight: heavy, medium, and light. Here’s a quick overview of what each of these molecules does in your skin: The “heavy” molecules can help visibly SMOOTH and TIGHTEN the outermost epidermal layer of the skin. As I mentioned earlier, Hyaluronic Acid is an incredible hydration booster. These heavy molecules replenish your skin’s moisture and combat dry skin. The result? Hydrated skin is youthful looking skin – smooth and tighter to the touch, displaying fewer wrinkles and fine lines, and appearing less “crepey.” Next, we have the “medium” Hyaluronic Acid molecules. These molecules can “fill in” where the heavier molecules cannot reach, where they can hydrate the more foundational framework of your skin. In other words, this is where Hyaluronic Acid keeps the “mortar” between your bricks strong and sturdy. These medium weight molecules help increase the overall appearance of firmness and suppleness of your skin… Giving it a stronger, more lifted look! In fact, participants who used this medium molecule Hyaluronic Acid saw an incredible 66% reduction in skin roughness over a 28 day period.*5 And that brings us to the “lightest” Hyaluronic Acid in PrimalHyal 3K… This molecule is up to 60 times smaller than the Hyaluronic Acid found in most topical products.6 It is so small, it can sneak in and hydrate even more areas of your skin… Which can help keep it looking rejuvenated, healthy, and younger in ways not previously thought possible. This triple-action ingredient helps give you that radiant, youthful glow everyone notices… Helping to turn aging, dry, rough, thin and crepey looking skin into firm, supple, young looking skin… 🤩🤩🤩 And ultimately achieving a youthful “Total Package Effect” 🤩🤩🤩 But the best part about PrimalHyal 3K? When Dr. Danielpour and I reached out to its manufacturer, Givaudan, and pitched our idea for a full body dermal rejuvenation serum, they fell in love with the idea… And we were able to work out a phenomenal deal that allowed us to obtain just enough PrimalHyal 3K to launch our new formula at a cost we knew would work for our customers. In fact, the numbers worked out so well… We added 4 more magnificent ingredients to help take this rejuvenating youth serum to an entirely different stratosphere: Botaniceutical BR-47 This plant based “dermal hydrator” is designed to restore and replenish the appearance of your skin’s barrier. In fact, researchers found it helps provide hydration even after discontinuing treatment… Leaving test subjects with plump, dewy, well-nourished looking skin weeks after this organic ingredient blend had last been applied. Vitamolive8 Vitamolive is a natural olive fruit extract that has super powerful antioxidant capabilities… Giving your skin the tools to fight against the oxidizing effects of sun exposure — like age spots, wrinkles, and dryness! Botanimoist9 Botanimoist contains a natural apple extract that can give your skin an instant smoothing effect and silky, supple feel. It’s the perfect complement to the more long-term hydration the Hyaluronic Acid variations in Nourish + Enhance deliver! Niacinamide PC10 Finally, the cherry on top of our incredible formula is an ingredient that ties everything together: Niacinamide PC. In a study using Niacinamide PC in combination with a skin moisturizing compound, dermal dehydration was found to have been reduced by 27%.11 💧 Simply put: We combined some of the most powerful dermal hydrators on the planet. We expertly fused them together in one luxurious, silky-smooth serum… Worked with suppliers to ensure a fair price point for our customers… And finally, we landed on a name: Beverly Hills MD Nourish + Enhance Body Treatment Nourish + Enhance Body Treatment is a full 5oz. bottle of pure dermal hydration magic. Because it doesn’t just hydrate the outermost surface of your skin (like the vast majority of Hyaluronic Acid products)… It hydrates your entire skin structure with differentiated molecular weight variations of Hyaluronic Acid… Providing comprehensive “de-aging” benefits, unlike anything you have ever experienced… THROUGHOUT YOUR ENTIRE BODY: -  More LIFTED-looking skin on your upper arms* - A visible SMOOTHING effect on your thighs, belly and butt* - Noticeably FIRMER skin on your neck…your chest…and decolletage* - Soft, SUPPLE skin on the backs of your hands, elbows, knees…* Creating that head-turning “Total Package Effect” that projects youth and vitality. Now, there are a few other exciting facts about this formula I’ve yet to share… But for today, there’s just one more thing you should know. When I revealed the stunning before and after photos in our last email… I immediately began getting flooded with responses.  People I haven’t heard from in literal YEARS came out of the woodwork to see if they could get their hands on it… And I told them the same thing I told everyone: Nourish + Enhance Body Treatment will ONLY be available to those who qualify for access. Lucky for you — you're already on the list. So just sit tight… And in a couple days, I’ll reach out with a few exciting updates as we get closer to the big day. I cannot WAIT for you to see what we have in store! Your Beverly Hills MD, Dr. John Layke P.S. Many of our Early Users asked if they can use this formula with their existing skincare regimens… And the answer is YES, absolutely! Rest assured, whenever we create a new BHMD product, we make sure it is compatible with every other product in our line. So whether you’re a fan of Crepe Correcting Body Complex… Age Defy Retinol Body Oil… Ultra Renew Hand Serum… or Rapid-Lift Advanced Neck Serum… Nourish + Enhance Body Treatment is designed not just to work with them, but ENHANCE their positive effects (by a lot). I’m stressing this now because I’m so excited for what this can do for your skin… for your beauty… and ultimately, for your confidence. After all, looking good means FEELING good… and you deserve to feel your absolute best. That’s when your natural beauty really shines. *As a physician, I know everyone’s bodies are different. As such, your results may vary. Sources: of-total-body-surface-area-and_tbl2_23475459 Botanigenics. Botanimoist AMS. Chatsworth, CA: Botanigenics. Available at: Givaudan Active Beauty (2004) Vitamolive. Vernier, Chemin de la Parfumerie, Switzerland: Givaudan. Available at: ~:text=It's often helpful to pair,Hyaluronic acid Botanigenics. Botanimoist AMS. Chatsworth, CA: Botanigenics. Available at:      This email was sent to {EMAIL} by [Edit Profile]( | [Manage Subscriptions]( | [VIP Discounts]( | [Join Text Club]( | [Subscribe](  8391 Beverly Blvd., #471, Los Angeles, CA 90048   [Report Spam](  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Â

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