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Doomsday & other trading thoughts from a Nuclear engineer-turned-trader


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Wed, Oct 11, 2023 10:45 AM

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Below is part three of my interview with Troy Broussard about his clever way of combining his system

Below is part three of my interview with Troy Broussard about his clever way of combining his systems & automation knowledge as a Nuclear Engineer, enterprise-class software developer, & API-level marketing automation specialist to Options trading. And yes before you ask: There is an offer if you’re so inclined, to get his coaching on this. And if you do, and if you use my affiliate link by the deadline, and follow the instructions, you’ll get a special, ridiculously valuable bonus. But forget about that for now. First, here’s part three of our interview: === BEN SETTLE: Everybody knows the economy is about the tank. How does this work better during a bad economy? Does it work the same? Is there more risk during a bad economy? What's your thoughts on a crappy, shitty economy? How is options? Is that good? Is it bad? What's your experience? TROY BROUSSARD: Well, with our particular strategy, you can make money whether the market is going up, down or sideways, and that is powerful in and of itself, but you can do that with longs and shorts in stocks too, right? You can short a stock when the market's going down or go long on a stock when the market's going up. So, that in and of itself isn't necessarily a differentiator. The fact is with investing there are always potential pitfalls, no strategy, ours included can eliminate that. You could have a pandemic like COVID. I guess the worst case is that the entire stock market crashes and gets shut down, but that's doomsday. If that happens. We’ve got bigger problems like dodging zombies getting the electrical grid turned back on! What’s more common is that the entire market might go through a downturn or depression for awhile and be down 30% or something like that. If you were just a typical investor, all of your holdings are now down and there’s really nothing you can do but wait it out. But when you're selling options, we're still making money on those options even when the market is going down. We are still able to continue to sell those options and we're able to generate income. Right now in my portfolio, I have positions that the stock has dropped 40% or more and yet I have continued to make money on that position week after week because I can continue to sell the options even when the market is doing down. In fact, in one example, the stock is down 41% but I have made 12% in 45 days on that money. Not “unrealized” gains either. I’m talking about cash in my account that I can withdraw. So that’s really the major difference between our approach and this methodology to traditional investing. We generate weekly income week in and week out no matter what direction the market takes. Now, I'm not going to say that the income's identical when the market's going down as when it's going up. There's all kinds of fluctuation, and we might be making less money and a little less frequently, but we’ll still be generating weekly income. There are really two key differences with our approach. First off, we're going to get in at a better price than an investor. This is just the way this strategy and options work, we get better pricing. So all other things being equal, we’re already in a better position than a traditional investor. And then the second thing is when the investor is stuck just holding and can't do anything, as options traders we are able to keep generating weekly income. When the markets really tank those numbers will certainly fluctuate, but we’re still getting paid. Our approach is about making 1% of your portfolio in profit each and every week on average. Some weeks more, some weeks less, but that’s our target average and all of our students that are actively trading are hitting those numbers. It's not something anybody can guarantee, of course, but we see that number as a low target. I consistently make significantly more than 1%. But we don’t like to hype it up, we focus on simple and repeatable metrics that are realistic and achievable. So, the bottom line is that there's risk in anything you do with trading and for anybody to tell you otherwise, they're just blowing smoke up your ass, right? There's always risks when you're trading, but when you compare the risk of what we're doing against traditional investing, our risks are much lower because we are able to generate income even in a falling market and that's something that is much harder to do, if not impossible to do for traditional investors, and that's really the differentiation of all this, right? Is that this is about income generation, not about long-term investing or trying to pick the next Tesla. BEN SETTLE: Okay. Well, so I've seen a dramatic change in your attitude toward life, lack of a better... your excitement levels, right? Like you are the kid in the candy store ever since you started getting into this. This is not just my observation. Nicole said the same thing. Stefania says the same thing. This does not sound like it's a chore for you. You enjoy it. So, explain your day when you're doing it. What does that look like when you sit down to do this? What's the day look like? TROY BROUSSARD: I don't think we really ever talked, honestly, as long as we've known each other about your origin story of how you first started online. I know you played around with some MLM for a while and then did some client stuff, but we all get thrust into this entrepreneurial world. Usually, we get pushed into it because we got fired or we didn't have another option to do or something like that. For me, I got fired, and when I started creating my vision as an entrepreneur it was the same as nearly every other entrepreneur I’ve ever met. I have coached over a 1000 entrepreneurs at this point in my career and I can tell you that I've never, ever heard somebody in my coaching sessions tell me, "Oh, Troy, I became an entrepreneur because I really love creating landing pages, mucking around with security challenges of WordPress, creating funnels, learning complex software, and writing my sales copy and constantly churning out social media content. " They don't ever say that because that's not why they got in business. They got in business because they want to teach or they want to sell something that they are passionate about. And if they’re really honest, they got into business either for financial freedom or time freedom (to not have a boss). But unfortunately, being an online entrepreneur has all of these things that you've got to be good at in order to get to do the one thing you really want to do, and what I love about this approach is that it just cuts all the BS... It short-circuits all of that. I don't need a merchant account. I don't need a website. I don't need a Helpdesk. I don't need customer support. I don’t need outsourcers. I don’t need a team. Hell, I don't even need customers! I don't need any of that. All I need is a brokerage account that anybody can set up and fund with $50 in a matter of 15 minutes. It's so trivial, the requirements, and it allows you to create that leveraged income and that leveraged time income like nothing else that I've ever come across in my life. So, that's why I'm so passionate about it. To me, it represents the holy grail of what I've been trying to do as an entrepreneur for 25 years. So, in terms of what my actual day looks like, to get back to your question, I spend about an hour Monday morning doing some research as to which options I'm going to sell and then I spend about 20 minutes actually placing the trades and getting paid. So I've spent maybe an hour to an hour and 15, hour and 20 minutes on Monday, and that is 90% of what I do for the week on the options program. The other stuff that I do is just... We've got a whole methodology. I don't want to teach it in this interview. It would be like trying to give you a massage via email. But we have a system that teaches you every day the market is open you check a couple of key metrics for about 5 minutes of time. Most of the time there’s nothing to do, sometimes you spend another 5 minutes to place a special type of trade. So, essentially, it's about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes of work on Monday, and then maybe five to 10 minutes a day the rest of the week, and that's it. So, when I say it's truly a one to two hour a week framework, that's really all it takes. Now, what I end up doing most of my day is supporting the community, creating new training, explainer videos, content, hosting the coaching calls that we provide, answering questions inside the community, et cetera. We have a very active and vibrant community inside of SocialLair for the options trading. So, I spend much more time helping others with it than I do actually trading my own accounts. BEN SETTLE: Well, I mean, you clearly do well at this and people are going to be wondering and rightfully so. What happens when you show other people how to do this? They take to this very quickly the average person that you've dealt with? I mean, can't promise anyone anything, but what's it been like, the reaction when you teach it to people? TROY BROUSSARD: Well, as always with anything, there's always two buckets of people. There's the people that buy it with the idea of doing it, and there's the people that actually consume it and put it to work. So, I'm going to ignore the people that don't take action because that's not the program, that's just the person's mindset. But the people that are actually using the system are getting spectacular results. Everybody that we have that is in there actively trading is generating weekly income off of the system and there's a lot of formerly jaded people in there too that have been burned by other trading offers. And I understand, I really do because the trading community, oh my God, I know you bad mouth the golfing marketers and stuff because of all the hype and the craziness that they do. The trading community, the emails that are sent for traders, they're so fear-based and so manipulative, and they really target boomers that have bigger portfolios and they teach in a way that's really quite condescending and it just infuriates me. So, people come into the program and they're jaded and we tell people to start small and don't put a big amount in, put a small amount in, get familiar with the system and move forward. The results and the duplication of the results are phenomenal. In my own account I’m personally generating a few thousand dollars per month, enough to live off of if I wanted to, but I’m still focused on growing the account and am not taking anything out of it yet. We have a gal in our group, Lindsay, that she came in. She opened up a small account with a thousand dollars her first week just to test it out and made like $80 on selling some puts. Then her next week got it up to $179, and then she saw how good it was going well so she started adding money into it, and now she's paid for the entire course in just a few short weeks. Best of all, she’s never lost a single dime while growing her account. She's such a fan, we call her “Low Stress Lindsay”, and she’s already gone out and promoted it as an affiliate on a webinar with us and she has a bunch of people that she's brought into the program as well because she is so excited about the results she's getting. She's just one of many that are having the exact same experience, people that have never traded options. We've got some people that have six figure accounts and have traded options for longer than I have, and yet they without a doubt are saying this is the easiest, simplest, most well-structured program they've ever seen for taking the stress out of options trading and that's what really gets me fired up because I am seeing that repeatability by our user base, and we've got users all over the world. Eric is another one of our guys that has been trading options for years already and this is what he said just the other day, “This is my 4th week using this strategy and I have collected a total of $2,473.82. My weekly ROI has been between 2.57% and 5.42%. Hell of a first month.” Now Eric knew what he was doing with options and had traded them for years but he told me, “I’m really enjoying the system you put together. Well I’ll be honest. I’ve tried several different investment strategies and I’ve never gotten immediate results and seen the long term viability like I have with this. Plus it’s really fun!” So those two, Lindsay and Eric, are kind of at the opposite ends of the spectrum so to speak. She had never heard of options before and he was an experience options trader and both are getting stellar results and have paid for their program in just a few weeks out of the profits. The beautiful part of the stock options is that it's available internationally as well. Now, some countries might have a ban, but 95% of the world is able to get a stock brokerage account trading on the US stock market even if they're not American. We have Australians, New Zealanders, and Europeans in the group. We have people in Colombia, Vanuatu and all over the world that are trading and the beautiful part of it is you don't have to do it during the hours that the market is open either because of the way options work. You're able to queue up orders that get placed the next day when the market opens if you want. So, we have people that do that as well. BEN SETTLE: Over the years, I've talked to copywriters who work for some of these big financial publishers who were doing the things you were talking about, and these guys have just admitted to me outright that they know they're selling horseshit and that by the time that their marketing is hitting people's inboxes, it's already too late really to do it. So, can I throw that in there because this sounds way more evergreen to me, like it's not going to necessarily change overnight, and it's not something you would even use fear to sell because it's not what it's about. Is that right? ==== So ends part three. I’ll be sending out part four tomorrow. If you want more info on Troy’s Options coaching and get an extremely valuable bonus (see the PS) with it should you decide to partake of it via my affiliate link below, then sign up by Friday 10/13 at midnight EDT: [https∶//]( Or, if you want to hold Troy’s feet to the fire: Today at 4:00 EDT/ 3:00 CDT / 2:00 MDT / 1:00 PDT he’s doing a live Q&A. You can grill him, challenge him, try to stump him - outright badger him about it, even. i.e., ask all your questions and make him prove he’s the real deal and can help. (I certainly did before letting him trade Options with Learnistic cash) If you want to be on that call before buying go here: [https∶//]( Ben Settle P.S. The bonus I am offering to those who buy Troy’s coaching by the deadline via my righteous affiliate link? Your pick of any ONE of the books below that I sell. To read more about a specific book below, Google is your friend. NOTE: You have exactly 48-hours after you buy Troy’s coaching to let me know which book you choose as your bonus, otherwise you are disqualified from this bonus part of the offer. None of this waiting around for 4 months and then deciding to tell me. I hate “tail” in marketing in all its evil forms. All right, following is the list of books to choose from. Remember, you have 48 hours after buying Troy’s coaching to tell me which one. Otherwise no bonus book for you. Here is the list of books to choose from: * Markauteur * elBenbo Press * Affiliate Launch Copynomicon * Copy Slacker * Email Client Horde * List Swell * Social Lair * Copy Troll * Infotainment Jackpot * Brand Barbarian * Breakneck Content * Nofluence * Copy Salesliloquies Vol 1 You have exactly 48-hours after you buy Troy’s coaching to let me know which ONE book above you choose as your bonus, otherwise you are disqualified from this bonus part of the offer. I’m repeating this so many times here so there is no confusion. This email was sent by Ben Settle as owner of Settle, LLC. Copyright © 2023 Settle, LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this email may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from Settle, LLC. Click here to [unsubscribe]( Settle, LLC PO Box 1056 Gold Beach Oregon 97444 USA

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