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New York Signatures Needed:


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Thu, Jan 25, 2024 04:01 PM

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[SENATE REPUBLICANS BLOCK FIRST VOTE ON ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN SINCE PARKLAND MASSACRE]( [SIGN THE PETITION: We need 5,000 signatures on our emergency petition before midnight to DEMAND Congressional Republicans BAN assault weapons (like the AR-15 used in Parkland) once and for all. The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida almost SIX years ago was one of the DEADLIEST school shootings in US history. But Republicans just BLOCKED the first vote on the assault weapons ban since the Parkland massacre. It’s inhumane. We need EVERY single person reading this email to take immediate action and put pressure on Congress to finally pass a ban on assault weapons. Will you sign our emergency petition before midnight to show Republicans and every gun-lobby-backed politician that the public UNWAVERINGLY supports an assault weapons ban? >>]( It has almost been SIX years since the tragedy at Parkland – one of the deadliest school shootings in history. In the years since our country has faced RECORD numbers of mass shootings – including deadly school shootings across the US. Yet Congress has done jack SQUAT to protect our communities while we continue to be murdered in their classrooms, places of worship, and grocery stores. We MUST demand Congress ban assault weapons – NOW. [BEFORE MIDNIGHT: We launched an emergency petition to DEMAND Congress immediately ban assault weapons to make sure what happened at Parkland NEVER happens again. We need 5,000 signatures before midnight to show overwhelming support and get Congress’ attention. If we don’t gather the necessary signatures in the next 13 hours, gun-lobby-backed politicians will use it as justification for their dangerous inaction in Congress. We CANNOT let that happen. Will you sign your name right away? >>]( [NAME: {NAME}]( [SIGN THE PETITION >>]( {NAME}, we are OUTRAGED! It’s been almost SIX years since a gunman with an AR-15 slaughtered 17 innocent students and educators at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. But Congress has FAILED to do anything to prevent school shootings. Congress has FAILED our country’s children. Congress has FAILED our country’s educators. Congress has FAILED those stolen from us six years ago – and all those stolen from us since. [We will NOT stay silent while Congress continues to let countless kids die in their schools – including an innocent 6th grader slain by a gunman in the hallways of his Iowa school this month.]( [SIGN THE EMERGENCY PETITION: We’re counting on 5,000 signatures on our emergency petition to DEMAND Congress to ban assault weapons before anyone else is murdered at the hands of an AR-15. How we respond in this moment could save thousands of future lives from horrific gun violence. {NAME}, will you step up and sign your name before midnight? >>]( Thanks for your help, Team Ban Assault Weapons Now PAC        ‚  ‚   BAWN is committed to replacing every cowardly and complacent lawmaker, regardless of party, that denies your right to live without fear of being shot. Legislators that support the deadly proliferation of guns, instead of common sense gun safety measures, are responsible for the carnage of gun violence -- and must be voted out. BAWN also lobbies legislators to support the assault weapon and large capacity magazine ban bills that will help put an end to the slaughter of innocent Americans. But they can’t do this alone. BAWN is relying on your support to kick every coward who refuses to protect our children and families OUT of office. Will you chip in right away? [DONATE](   To learn more about our story, watch this video from our chair Gail Schwartz [here.]( [I'm Gail Schwartz, Chair of Ban Assault Weapons Now PAC](   To learn more about our work, watch this video from the families of Parkland and Pulse [here.]( [Weapons of War Video](    [If you want to stay updated but receive fewer emails, please let us know.]( [Unsubscribe]( Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC 6619 S Dixie Hwy #148 Miami, FL 33143 United States  Paid political advertisement paid for by Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC          Sent via [](. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Ban Assault Weapons Now PAC, please [click here](.

Tristram Baldwin, Ban Assault Weapons Now PAC

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