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Elizabeth Warren just announced:


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Wed, Apr 3, 2024 03:02 PM

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[WOW, {NAME}! For years, we rallied, struggled, and lobbied to DEMAND a vote on the federal assault weapons ban in the Senate. 2024 marks twelve years since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary and twelve long years since an Assault Weapons Ban was brought up for a vote on the Senate floor. And after TWELVE (12!!!) years of hard work, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer finally brought the ban up for a vote once more – where cowardly Republicans cruelly BLOCKED it immediately. But now Senator Elizabeth Warren is calling her colleagues to action. We need to stand with Warren in this defining moment and prove that Americans OVERWHELMINGLY support a federal assault weapons ban. We need 400 gifts before midnight to spread Warren’s message far and wide. Can you chip in $15 to help us build an unbeatable foundation of support before midnight? The more you give, the more we can give to elect more gun safety champions like Elizabeth Warren and defeat the cowards standing in our way. >>]( Elizabeth Warren is TIRED, {NAME}. She’s witnessed THOUSANDS of Americans massacred at the barrel of an assault weapon – [including 18 innocents slaughtered in Lewiston, Maine, in October 2023.]( And she’s watched as her cowardly colleagues in the Senate BLOCKED life-saving gun safety legislation – [including a federal assault weapons ban.]( But now, Elizabeth Warren is calling on every lawmaker to step up and support an assault weapons ban: [Elizabeth Warren: Assault Weapons 'Have No Place In Our Communities.']( [We couldn’t be more proud to have Elizabeth Warren on our side, {NAME}. But we need 400 more gun safety champions to join us to help PROVE we have Warren’s back and show every cowardly, gun-lobby-backed politician that we mean business. Will you step up with $15 before midnight? All contributions from this email go to defeating the cowards who play politics with our lives and electing more champions like Elizabeth Warren. >>]( 2023 was a RECORD-BREAKING year for gun violence in the United States. Our communities faced over 655 mass shootings. Our schools, grocery stores, bars, and houses of worship were turned into sites of massacres. We rallied. We held sit-ins and vigils and bus tours and protests. We cried and mourned. [But Republicans STILL aren’t hearing us.]( So, we need your help to make sure they can’t ignore our and Warren’s call to action. [Please, {NAME}. We can’t afford to let Elizabeth Warren down. That’s why we need 400 gun safety champions to say they’re with us before midnight. Will you chip in $15 to join Warren and us? Every dollar goes to electing more leaders like Elizabeth Warren who will be on the frontlines of the movement to ban assault weapons in Congress. >>]( [Chip in $15 now >>]( [Chip in $25 now >>]( [Chip in $50 now >>]( [Chip in $100 now >>]( [Chip in another amount now >>]( Thank you for all your work, Team Ban Assault Weapons Now PAC        ‚  ‚   BAWN is committed to replacing every cowardly and complacent lawmaker, regardless of party, that denies your right to live without fear of being shot. Legislators that support the deadly proliferation of guns, instead of common sense gun safety measures, are responsible for the carnage of gun violence -- and must be voted out. BAWN also lobbies legislators to support the assault weapon and large capacity magazine ban bills that will help put an end to the slaughter of innocent Americans. But they can’t do this alone. BAWN is relying on your support to kick every coward who refuses to protect our children and families OUT of office. Will you chip in right away? [DONATE](   To learn more about our story, watch this video from our chair Gail Schwartz [here.]( [I'm Gail Schwartz, Chair of Ban Assault Weapons Now PAC](   To learn more about our work, watch this video from the families of Parkland and Pulse [here.]( [Weapons of War Video](    [If you want to stay updated but receive fewer emails, please let us know.]( [Unsubscribe]( Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC 6619 S Dixie Hwy #148 Miami, FL 33143 United States  Paid political advertisement paid for by Ban Assault Weapons NOW PAC          Sent via [](. To update your email address, change your name or address, or to stop receiving emails from Ban Assault Weapons Now PAC, please [click here](.

Tristram Baldwin, Ban Assault Weapons Now PAC

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