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Follow this formula to make money writing with AI — without clients November 1, 2023 "Artificia

Follow this formula to make money writing with AI — without clients [The Writer’ s Life]( November 1, 2023 "Artificial intelligence is not a substitute for human intelligence; it is a tool to amplify human creativity and ingenuity." – Fei-Fei Li Hi {NAME}, When AI started to make an impact in the marketing world, so many experts were examining the possible applications for artificial intelligence. But Nick Usborne started looking for ways to make money from it! Of course, it's no surprise Nick is at the forefront of this opportunity … He became a digital copywriting pioneer in 1997 when he decided to write strictly for the Web … a marketing channel that was completely brand-new. Then Nick led the way again with social media … chatbot copywriting … Web3 … and one of my favorite clientless ways to make money, the Money-Making Website. When I recently talked to Nick about the latest trends in money-making writing, here's what he had to say … I've been working on my own Money-Making Websites for many years now. It's always exciting, and never gets "old." What's inspiring me right now? Honestly, it's the rise of AI. I'm using AI tools to help me with content creation … text and images. And yes, AI is the answer to the question so many of my students ask, "How can I find the time to create enough new content for my own Money-Making Website?" AI to the rescue! It enables you to create 10 times the content in the same amount of time. Should you use AI as the sole author on your site? Absolutely not! You have to insert your own voice too. But AI really, really helps. Nick is not kidding! This new "writing tool" is making writing, growing, and MONETIZING an information website up to 10 times faster — and 100 times easier! In his original concept 10 years ago, Nick's groundbreaking idea was to build an informational website that generates increasing traffic and creates a steady passive revenue stream … money that comes in whether you're working or not (and with zero clients). And he experimented until he came up with a system that worked. It worked so well that he's earned over $500,000 in passive income from his coffee-focused Money-Making Website, putting in only two or three hours a week in his spare time. Then fast-forward to today and Nick once again created a new system. This one allows you to use AI to make money writing — without clients. And if you follow Nick's system, he will show you how AI can have a positive impact in building and launching a Money-Making Website that can be up and making money 10x faster and easier than before. If you're interested in learning more, check out the free report, The Secret to 1-Hour Work Week that comes with your Barefoot Writer Club membership (along with four other guides aimed at accelerating your earning potential!). You'll see why anyone can learn how to generate many streams of income writing about anything and everything that interests you. Not yet a member? [Go here to get a special discount]( and immediate access to the report (plus $363 worth of writing gifts!). Then check out today's featured article, where Nick reveals three ways to use AI for your Money-Making Website. As I mentioned, Nick is always blazing a new trail! To your success, Rebecca Matter President AWAI Now Accepting New Writers If you want … - high-paying gigs, - predictable writing income, - greater flexibility … AND the satisfaction that comes with LOVING what you do for a living … 
 Then getting accepted into our influential club can set you up for everything you're looking for in a writing career.
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 [Apply Now]( Your ALL-ACCESS Key — Just $1! Get instant access to this exclusive B2B writing community and ALL their private resources, including … All the success roadmaps … All the writing templates … All the articles … All the how-to videos … All 150+ training webinars … The Forum, the Job Board, the tutorials, the tools … And much more! [Go Here for More Details]( 3 Ways to Use AI to Help You Create Your Money-Making Website — Plus a Big, Fat Caveat By Nick Usborne [Close-up of laptop and a cup of coffee with a heart created by cream] The arrival of ChatGPT in late November of 2022 was like a bomb going off. It felt like 10 years of progress in AI had taken place in the blink of an eye. Within one week, over one million people were using ChatGPT. By January 2023, that number had jumped to over 100 million. Today, it's being used every minute of every day by copywriters, coders, students, scientists, entrepreneurs, authors, politicians, and regular people at home wanting to find a quick recipe for mushroom stroganoff. How about me? Do I use ChatGPT to help me with my Money-Making Websites? You bet I do! I have ChatGPT open on my second monitor all the time. I use it every day for my Money-Making Websites in particular. I'm going to walk you through three ways I use ChatGPT. And then I'm going to follow up with something just as important … which is a big, fat caveat. But first, let's look at the three ways AI can help you. #1: Use ChatGPT as a brainstorming buddy When I'm wondering about what to write next for my mushroom site, IncredibleMushrooms-com, I might ask ChatGPT something like this: [1 chatbot1 MoneyMakingWebsiteAIExample] (I always say please and thank you, so that when AI takes over the world, they'll remember me as one of the good humans!) And here's the reply: [2 chatbot2 MoneyMakingWebsiteAIExample] Look at the detail there! Without GPT, it would have taken me a full day on Google to figure out what people were interested in. Plus all that detail within each category. It's like Christmas came early! I can now take any one of those topics and ask for more detail. Or maybe ask for another five ideas. Like I say, it's like having a brainstorming buddy at my side. And a "buddy" who happens to be a freaking genius, and seems to know everything about pretty much everything. #2: I use ChatGPT as a research assistant This is similar to its role as a brainstorming buddy, but more about the details of a topic I might be researching. Here's my research question: [3 chatbot3 MoneyMakingWebsiteAIExample] And here is the answer: [4 chatbot4 MoneyMakingWebsiteAIExample] It took me a few seconds to type my questions. And maybe five seconds in total for ChatGPT to provide an amazingly thorough answer. Imagine if I have tried to do that research the "old way," with Google. On all my Money-Making Websites, I invite readers to submit questions. It's a great way to involve your audience. They ask me questions and I provide the answers. And, of course, each question and answer becomes a new page on the website, which is great for search engine traffic. But … it can be a lot of work. Particularly if I don't happen to know the answer to that question. Honestly, there were times when I have ignored a question simply because I didn't have the time to do the research and write an answer. Bad me! I don't have that problem anymore. If I don't know the answer to a question, I simply ask ChatGPT. Often I don't have to do much in the way of edits, but will always add a line or two of text at the beginning to give it a personal touch. #3: I use ChatGPT to write content for my websites Now for the big one. One of the challenges people face is that it takes a long time to write page after page of great content for a website. This is particularly true when you are starting a new website. You KNOW having 20 pages isn't going to cut it. And you know you can't afford to write a ton of short, low-value pages. You need quality … AND you need quantity. Well … ChatGPT to the rescue! Done right, ChatGPT can multiply your website content production by maybe five or 10 times. First of all, the brainstorming and research we do with ChatGPT is going to save us a ton of time at the front end. Then, when we sit down to create the page, we can ask ChatGPT to do the heavy-lifting for us. I might start with a prompt a little like this: [5 chatbot5 MoneyMakingWebsiteAIExample] Here's what I got back: [6 chatbot6 MoneyMakingWebsiteAIExample] Not bad, right? I can now use that as an outline for writing the page. And maybe I'll tweak the headline and make a few edits. Or … just in case ChatGPT hits it out of the park, I could try this prompt … [7 chatbot7 MoneyMakingWebsiteAIExample] And here are the first few lines of the article it wrote for me … [8 chatbot8 MoneyMakingWebsiteAIExample] That's just the first few paragraphs of the full article it wrote for me. Now that ChatGPT has done the hard work, I can go in and edit this. I'll want to make sure all the information provided is accurate. And I'll tweak the language in places to make it feel more human and friendly. But even if I take 30 to 40 minutes on edits, I've still saved hours on the creation of this page. I can even ask ChatGPT to write some supporting social media posts! That said, this isn't a magic bullet. Sometimes the output from ChatGPT is way off what you were hoping for. Most of the time it's great. Other times … not so much. The Big, Fat Caveat … As you can see, I love using ChatGPT. But long story short … sometimes AI is NOT the answer you're looking for. In fact, I'll never use it for ALL the content of my Money-Making Websites. ChatGPT writes really well. The grammar is great. The structure of the content it creates is great. But the voice and tone are generic. AI systems have zero emotional intelligence. They don't feel empathy. The style feels a little like a Wikipedia entry. As a result, if you use AI-generated content too much, your website will feel bland and characterless. And that's not good. The "killer app" of any successful Money-Making Website is YOU … your character, your personality and YOUR VOICE. In other words, you need to keep things in balance. Yes, I use ChatGPT as a brainstorming buddy and for research. Every single day. And I use it to write full-page content sometimes, but on a limited basis. Summing Up … ChatGPT and other AI tools are a game changer for anyone creating a Money-Making Website. Being a solo creator used to be a big disadvantage. There is only so much one person can do. And that can sometimes make it hard to compete with websites that have bigger teams. But not anymore! The playing field has been leveled by AI. As individuals, using ChatGPT, we can create more content and better content. It's one more way we can use to beat the big guys! Just keep the balance right. YOUR voice should always dominate. If you're ready to learn more about how you can build your Money-Making Website easier and faster using AI, now's the time to learn from me! I've taught hundreds of AWAI writers how to write and make money from their own Money-Making Websites and I think some of the students have done better than the master. 😊 [Check out the details]( on my training here, but do it today because this opportunity won't be open for long! Plus, to motivate you to do this NOW and see it through to the end, AWAI has put together an Incentive Plan where you'll earn $500 in bonus incentives! You really should do this NOW — it's a great opportunity to create a whole new revenue stream for yourself. [For all the details, go here now.]( What's Hot at AWAI … 😎 Not a member of the Barefoot Writer Club yet? [Join today for just $49.]( 🤑 Making money without clients — [here are seven ways to do it](. 💓 [4 reasons why I really, really love my Money-Making Websites.]( 🤩 [Itchy feet and a 4x4 camper: a nomadic writer's life in the Australian outback.]( AWAI members say, "Thanks, Nick!" Nick Usborne has had enormous success with his coffee [Money-Making Website](, making over half a million dollars in passive income! And that's working just two or three hours a week, in his spare time. His personal success encouraged him to create a training program so he could share his proven formula with others. And AWAI members have let us know they're enjoying creating an additional revenue stream too! Here's what a few of them had to say … "I have enjoyed working on my Money-Making Website. Even though it is not finished, I am proud of the progress I have made and learned so much through Nick's tips and the discussion on the Facebook group. The biggest benefit of working on my Money-Making Website has been the confidence I have gained by actually publishing a website, even if it still needs work. It is a great experience and you should get in on the opportunity." —Deborah R. "Your program was very enlightening and very helpful in helping me create my website. I like that you kept it simple yet concise and you explained that it was not a way to get rich quick. One of the biggest benefits for me was trying to monetize my current websites and you help me to do this." —Jonathan W. "If any of our AWAI'ers asked about your Money-Making Websites course, I'd say — you should definitely take this course. You'll learn the principles and 'how-to' of creating a site, how to monetize it, and most importantly, how to take something you have a real interest in and have fun while building the website and making some money!" —Donna K. Now it's your turn! You can build and launch a Money-Making Website faster and easier than ever. [Check out how, here](. Have your own story to share? Email us at, or [post it over in the Facebook group](, so we can celebrate your win too! ⚠️ JOIN US FOR A HISTORIC ANNOUNCEMENT ⚠️ 26 years ago, we introduced an entire generation to copywriting … And proved to the world that anyone can make a great living as a writer. This Friday, November 3, at noon ET, we're going to reveal something we've been working on that will CHANGE EVERYTHING AGAIN. To be among the first to know, sign up for our FREE live event today by clicking the link below. ["Add my name to the list!"]( Featured Jobs You can find these jobs and thousands more on [](: --------------------------------------------------------------- Senior Copywriter — Mayo Clinic Full-time, Remote Senior Copywriter – Brand is responsible for providing applied expertise and appropriate brand voice copywriting and guidance for anything from conceptual headlines to long-form content. --------------------------------------------------------------- Senior Copywriter (Virtual First) — BPD Full-time, Boca Raton, FL As a Senior Copywriter, you're a master of the writing trade, adept at punctuation, style, and grammar. You can write short, punchy headlines, relatable dialogue, and long-form body copy. --------------------------------------------------------------- Sr. Copywriter — MERGE Full-time, Boston, MA Write copy for advertising (online banners, OOH/DOOH, print, email, radio), social media (paid, organic, long-form content), website, and video (advertising, educational). --------------------------------------------------------------- Trouble viewing this email? [View in your browser, here](. For questions or requests: [contact us online](. --------------------------------------------------------------- ©2023 American Writers & Artists Institute Do you know of someone who would benefit from reading The Writer's Life? Simply direct them [here](. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- American Writers & Artists Institute 220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D Delray Beach, FL 33444 Ensure your subscription delivery. 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