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7 ways to make $1,000+ as a writer


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Fri, Jul 7, 2023 10:13 AM

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Plus another one that pays even more… July 7, 2023 "Money doesn't buy happiness ? it buys fre

Plus another one that pays even more… [The Writer’ s Life]( July 7, 2023 "Money doesn't buy happiness — it buys freedom." – Naval Ravikant Hi {NAME}! One of the many, MANY benefits of learning copywriting is the sheer magnitude of opportunities you have to make money with the skill. At 11 a.m. ET today, AWAI Success Rachael Kraft is going to teach you how she's making money using copywriting to generate leads for all kinds of businesses. Lead-generation is arguably the most important part of the entire process for any company … because without potential buyers (i.e., leads), they can't make any sales. Rachael will show you why as a Lead-Gen Copywriter, you are the RAINMAKER … the hero who brings in a steady stream of leads, month after month, for any client lucky enough to hire you. [>> Get the access instructions for this free training here.]( And be sure to check out the article below where AWAI Success Andrew Murray outlines SEVEN projects that are easy to learn … yet pay at least $1,000 each. Whether you're looking for a first check, 10th, or 50th … you can do it simply by choosing any of these projects … learn how to do it … and then get paid to do it, while learning the next skill. Whether you want to build a full-time writing business or make money writing as a side hustle, there's never been a better time to be a writer … Demand for quality copy and content is higher than ever, and this year it's expected to grow by double digits (again!). PLUS, with the [4th of July Sale](, whatever training or resources you may need to move forward are discounted up to 90% OFF! But today is your LAST CHANCE to save … Everything goes back to full price at midnight tonight! [>> Check out the full list here]( — and grab the programs you want at the best discounts you'll ever see — up to 90% off! Then don't forget to tune in at 11 a.m. ET to discover how to be a RAINMAKER. Hope you have a great weekend! Rebecca Matter President AWAI Last Chance: Free Access to AMAZING Perks Through Writing Discover how to get everything for FREE, from weekend getaways to five-star meals to home improvement … Using ONLY your writing skills! The benefits that come with this kind of writing are limitless. You'll learn why this is and how to get these bonuses yourself in our special report, 130 Amazing Perks and Freebies for Barefoot Writers — yours FREE when you subscribe to Barefoot Writer. (Hurry — discount expires tonight!) [Save Now — Click Before Midnight]( 7 Easy-to-Learn Writing Projects That Pay $1,000 or More By Andrew Murray [freelance copywriter working on laptop at desk] Summer … Sunshine, outdoor activities, vacation fun … it's a time when everything moves at a different pace. And it's also a time of great opportunity! One of the most exciting things you can do right now is get started on your writing career and set yourself up for huge success so that you're already on a roll by the time Labor Day comes along. Learn a new skill, build your momentum, and make that first step toward your dream writer's life. And before you know it, you'll be earning healthy paychecks as a paid writer. So what's the easiest way to get started? We've put together a special list for you … a list of seven easy-to-learn writing skills. We've chosen these skills because they're simple for you to study and understand. Plus, they have three special powers to help get you started as a writer … quickly and easily: - They help you get your foot in the door with clients. - They help you build momentum, so you grow your writer's life quickly. - They can pay $1,000 or more. You'll make good money, and they're short projects. You can do them as side gigs at night and on weekends as you transition towards a writing career. Use your prior work and life experiences, skills, and interests to decide which of these seven exciting projects is the best fit for you. Then go ahead and pick one to start and earn your first $1,000 as a paid writer! My personal favorite is number one … 1. Blog Writing Marketing managers love blogs. You see, they know the benefits a blog brings to their business: - Blogs help answer prospects' questions about their products or services, - Blogs build trust with prospects, and - Blogs enable marketers to showcase their products or services in a low-key, conversational way. Plus, a blog can be a solid SEO magnet. The thing is, blogs are demanding. They demand new content, endless content … fresh angles, new ideas, new ways to say the same thing. This is your opportunity to help a business. Approach them with a series of fresh ideas for their blog. They'll likely say "Yes." Why? Because they can try out your ideas with very little risk to the business … and they're always searching for new ideas. Blog posts are easy to write. They're short projects, normally between 300 and 1,200 words. Once you prove yourself, they'll likely want you to keep writing for them. Blogs pay $200-$800 each — and businesses need more than one post, so you're often looking at a retainer opportunity. Even at the lower end of the pay scale, you'll hit your $1,000 target in no time. Blog writing often leads to more projects … landing pages, articles, case studies, email writing, and so on. This helps you build momentum and grow your writing business quickly. Find out more about blog writing here: [How to Write Blogs for Yourself and Clients: A Step-by-Step Guide to Blogging Success.]( 2. Email Writing You only need to glance at your email inbox to understand the demand for email writing. All those promotional emails need writers … skilled email writers. Businesses use emails to keep in touch with customers and leads. They need you to write those emails. And like blog posts, marketers are constantly scrambling for new angles, new ideas, and innovative approaches. They're always on the lookout for writers like you … writers who understand email writing and can help them out. Emails are low risk to a business because it's very easy to measure their success. A marketer simply sends out your email promotion, then uses a set of standard analytics to check and compare it against similar promotions. So they're often willing to give you a chance. Emails can pay anywhere from $250 for one to $3,500 for a series. And just like with blogs, businesses need more than one email, so you'll hit the $1,000 milestone in no time. Marketers also use autoresponders. These are a series of emails which automatically get sent once someone buys a product or signs up to an email list, for example. Some of these can be up to 10 emails. You can earn good money from an autoresponder series (again, up to $3,500). Email writing allows you to prove your ability to clients. Then once you're in, you can offer more services like e-newsletter writing, for example. Find out more about writing emails here: [How to Write High Impact Emails](. 3. E-newsletter Writing Email newsletters are a powerful marketing tool. They build relationships with prospects and clients … trust, empathy, and loyalty. Marketers and most businesspeople understand this. But there's a catch. Subscribers expect their newsletter to land in their inbox regularly. If it doesn't, they won't be happy. But newsletters take time to write. And time is something most businesspeople don't have. That's where you step in. Offer to write their regular newsletter. Take it off their hands, free them up to concentrate on other parts of their business. They'll be glad you approached them. E-newsletter writing is straightforward … once you know how. They're fun to write, free of sales hype, and conversational in tone. And for those of you worried about juggling writing deadlines with your current day job, listen up. You can write newsletters well in advance, then schedule them to publish on the right day. So you can fit them in around your current commitments. And they're ongoing … every week, every other week, every month. That means a regular paycheck of $800-$2,000 per issue for you. Once you become a trusted e-newsletter writer, you can offer your client other copywriting services … emails, blog posts, and articles, for example. Find out more about writing email newsletters here: [How to Write Engaging E-Newsletters: Earn Ongoing Income by Turning Casual Prospects into Devoted Customers](, and here: [Earn Top-Level Fees Writing for the $5.4 Trillion Professional Services Market](. 4. Case Studies What's a case study? It's a short "before-and-after" story, describing how a business solved a particular challenge with their product or service — and what the results of solving that challenge were. Case studies are normally about two pages in length, around 800-1,200 words. They follow a proven formula, so they're easy to learn and write. You can write a typical case study in a day or less. Yet you can charge $1,250 to $2,000 each. That's a healthy income! Generally, clients who use case studies need them written year-round. For example, [AWAI paid a case study writer to write over 50 of them](. This means ongoing work for you. Where's the opportunity? Mostly with B2B companies (businesses which supply goods or services to other businesses). Content marketing is huge in the B2B world, and with it the demand for case studies. Case study writing can lead to writing white papers, technical articles, how-to articles, blogs, and much more. Learn more about writing Case Studies here: [Writing Case Studies: How to Make a Great Living by Helping Clients Tell Their Stories](. 5. Site Audits Many businesses have no idea why their website isn't working for them. It might not be showing up in search engines, not making sales or not attracting new prospects. But why, what's the problem? Help them figure it out — by doing Site Audits. Follow a set of standard checklists to identify what's missing and what can be improved. Then write up a professional report with your findings. Your client will be more than happy to pay $1,000-$2,500 for this service. They'll potentially recover the cost in a matter of days. And you're on their radar, you're their expert … after all, you've just shown them exactly what needs fixing. So, they'll want you to make the corrections. You effectively get paid twice — once to complete the Site Audit, then again to fix the site. Even when you're starting out, Site Audits turn you into an expert in the eyes of your client. They're an excellent way to prove your worth to clients … and to get your foot in the door. Then once you've completed the Site Audit and fixed their site, you can approach them for more work. Why wouldn't they want to hire you — you're their expert! Find out more about doing Site Audits here: [Site Audits Made Simple: Consult Your Way to Lucrative Web Copywriting Projects](. 6. Video Scripts Video has exploded online, to the point where over 80% of businesses use video in their marketing. These are short videos, between one and five minutes long. But marketing videos don't just happen by themselves. They need structure … they need to tell a story … they need to be persuasive. Your task as a video script writer is to write a storyboard … a roadmap for the video to follow. This way, the video tells a persuasive story which leads the viewer to take an action. You don't shoot or produce the video — unless you want to add those skills and offer a complete package. No, your role is to write the script. Video script writing projects are short, fun, and creative. You'll write about 150 words per minute of video and earn $100-$500 per minute. So with just a couple of minutes worth of video scripts, you can be earning over $1,000. Then you can offer to write the promotional copy for the video — YouTube descriptions, Facebook posts, and so on. [Learn more about video scripting here: How to Write Video Scripts.]( 7. Social Media If you have even a passing interest in social networks — Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, and so on — you can earn a hefty sum helping businesses establish their presences. It's also the ultimate "retainer" contract, because social media only gets results with consistency. Meaning, once you start, you'll need to keep posting and engaging to see results. A contract as a social media manager can net anywhere from $750-$1,500 and more per month. And the more traction you get, the more opportunities will arise. Say you build a nice following for a business on Facebook. They're going to want to start translating those followers into paying customers. That could mean creating blog content that helps them migrate from Facebook onto their website. Or perhaps developing a free report to get email addresses and generating an email campaign that leads to a sale. You can even get into advertising directly on social media platforms. No matter the path your client takes, there are opportunities for you to add more and more projects to your docket. Again, one client can provide a lot of income. Learn more about writing social media here: [How to Make Money as a Social Media Marketing Expert](. Wherever you decide to start, make sure you firstly have a solid foundation in place. Learn the skills of persuasive copywriting … it'll help you succeed faster. Build your foundational skills with [The AWAI Method™ for Becoming a Skilled, In-Demand Copywriter](. The AWAI Method™ combines the most up-to-date strategies, insights, and teaching methods with the tried-and-true copywriting fundamentals — so you can take on ANY project. This can be the time you succeed with your writing career. Don't wait a minute longer to get started! And don't miss your chance to grab the programs you need to quickly earn $1,000 from one of these easy-to-learn projects … As well as anything else you need to set yourself up for success. Whether it's landing clients, learning a skill, or upping your game (and pay rate!), we have a program that can help you … And until midnight, you'll find discounts on programs never offered at any other time during the year. [Check out the full list of programs on sale up to 90% off now.]( But once the clock strikes midnight tonight, they'll be gone. [Go here now!]( What's Hot at AWAI … 👀 Don't miss our Inside AWAI session, Make a Great Living as a Lead-Gen Copywriter, TODAY at 11 a.m. ET. [Grab access instructions here!]( 🔥 4th of JULY SALE: Our BESTSELLING programs are up to 90% off! [Learn more here. It's your LAST CHANCE!]( 👉 Did you watch this week's Monday Morning Jumpstart? [Catch it here!]( 😩 Do you know what step to take next? [If not, check this out.]( 🤩 [Copywriting keeps North Carolina woman near the ocean.]( 🙌 "The best decision I ever made for my career." [Find out what it was here!]( First paying client! [Social media post about signing first website content audit client] Congratulations, Linda. You're off to a great start! (As Andrew Murray said in our Featured Article, even when you're starting out, Website Content Audits turn you into an expert in the eyes of your client. They're an excellent way to prove your worth to prospective clients … and to get your foot in the door. Check out more about how you can get started with Site Audits [here](.) Have your own story to share? Email us at, or [post it over in the Facebook group](, so we can celebrate your win too! Free Training: Make a Great Living as Led-Gen Copywriter [Inside AWAI with Pam Foster and Rachael Kraft Lead-Gen Copywriting Become a Rainmaker for Companies] Join us live, today at 11 a.m. ET 👇 [Access Instructions Here]( LAST CHANCE: SAVE UP TO 90%! What do you need to finish this year strong? Land more clients? Learn a new well-paying writing skill? Make your first $1,000 as a writer? Whatever it is, we have the perfect program to help you do it. And it's on sale right now as part of AWAI's Independence Day Sale. But the deals end today … So, if you want to make the most of the last few months of 2023, NOW is the time to grab what you need. [Save Up To 90% Here]( Featured Jobs You can find these jobs and thousands more on [](: --------------------------------------------------------------- Content Writer — Avispa Full-time, Remote The successful candidate will write technical materials, such as equipment materials, appendices, or operating and maintenance instructions. --------------------------------------------------------------- Copywriter — Just Global, Inc. Full-time, London, UK The Copywriter is accountable for copy and content production for agency clients — often working alongside other agency teams as part of that process — understanding what a client wants, taking a brief, and using the power of words to accurately deliver it. --------------------------------------------------------------- Copywriter, Social — Dentsu Creative Full-time, Culver City, CA Reporting to the Creative Director, Social, you will be responsible for the delivery of creative and social content campaigns that push creative content solutions across all social platforms. --------------------------------------------------------------- Trouble viewing this email? [View in your browser, here](. For questions or requests: [contact us online](. --------------------------------------------------------------- ©2023 American Writers & Artists Institute Do you know of someone who would benefit from reading The Writer's Life? Simply direct them [here](. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- American Writers & Artists Institute 220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D Delray Beach, FL 33444 (561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924 Ensure your subscription delivery. AWAI Whitelisting info available [here](. --------------------------------------------------------------- You are subscribed to this newsletter as {EMAIL}. To unsubscribe from any future issues of The Writer's Life, please click here: [Unsubscribe from The Writer's Life](. To unsubscribe from all AWAI broadcasts click here. [I want to permanently unsubscribe from all AWAI emails](.

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