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The Meaning of the Full Moon this Weekendđź”®


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Fri, Feb 3, 2023 03:33 AM

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Valentine's Day Forecast | How The Moon Affects Each Sign | Key Alignments Happening this Month Th

Valentine's Day Forecast | How The Moon Affects Each Sign | Key Alignments Happening this Month [View this email in your browser]( The Leo Full Moon arrives in the heart of Aquarius season on Feb. 5 at 10:28 a.m. US/Pacific. We may find a quest for freedom and originality ignited or emboldened under these skies. Prepare for an electrifying shock from the primordial trickster, Uranus, a planet associated with the idealistic, independent, unique and sparkly sign of Aquarius. For many, this full moon will provide a breath of fresh air. Restrictions are lifting, and our hearts may be filled with a lion’s courage and passion. Yet the egoic Sun in a stressful square with authenticity-driven Uranus is pointing to inconsistencies between how we imagine who we are and the face we have presented to the world, versus who we truly are on a soul level. We may have to face the paradox of the search for a stable identity (the Sun) and the necessity of the Sun’s striving to express itself and grow along a trajectory. This may occasionally involve feeling unstable and reconfiguring our sense of self. All in all, the Leo Full Moon of 2023 suggests an encounter with new layers of our individuality while pursuing our sovereignty and authenticity. The two lovers of Mars and Venus have had more interactions than usual over the last five months due to the outgoing Mars retrograde, and this culminates in a final stressful square aspect (exact Feb. 4). Rather than seeking to avoid conflict, it’s advisable to search for a compassionate assertion of needs and desires, though this could be a bit challenging if we’ve been dancing around some conflicts. Too much restraint, however, can lead to an explosion. The cosmic messenger Mercury will make a smooth sextile to imaginative Neptune (exact Feb. 6) this week, helping us all to imagine what we might do with newfound freedoms or passions. We are especially receptive to the imagery of symbols and archetypes, and this is a great influence for using divinatory systems such as [tarot]( or numerology to chart a course, as our ability to recognize symbolic languages is enhanced. Beware of inventing stories out of whole cloth though, as Mercury conjoins obsessive Pluto (exact Feb. 10), which is an aspect of the spy or the gossip columnist. Warnings aside, we could be moved by powerful words and thoughts this week, as our perception opens to greater depths than usual. The mind of Mercury also finally gets a change of scenery, entering Aquarius (Feb. 11 - Mar. 2) and punctuating the feelings of forward momentum and freedom of the Leo Full Moon, as we find it easier to cast our thoughts towards the future. Mercury in Aquarius can make it easier to take an objective stance on otherwise emotionally charged circumstances, and orient us toward our visions and ideals. Just take care to allow empathy its rightful place for making wise, rather than merely clever decisions and judgment calls. The Leo Full Moon may bring an electrifying shock from the primordial trickster, Uranus, whose stressful square aspect to this Full Moon suggests an element of surprise or liberation. The planet Uranus is associated with the intellectual, idealistic, independent, unique and sparkly sign of Aquarius, amplifying the qualities of Uranus which emanate through the Leo Full Moon. We may find a quest for freedom and originality ignited or emboldened under these skies, as rebellious Uranus is finally breaking out of several years of conservative Saturn’s restrictions. If we’ve been working towards breaking free of constraints for a while already, any persistent limitations can feel extra irritating. These can be just echoes of the past or actual obstacles we must continue to climb over. But we want what we want, and it may feel like we have waited or worked long enough to get it. While Saturn’s problematic influence does linger on in Aquarius until mid-March, asking us to be thorough and meticulous or to take care of loose ends, this Leo Full Moon is likely to fill our hearts with passion and determination. For many, the Leo Full Moon will be a breath of fresh air. Our creativity may find a generative outlet, or we may find the courage to make a leap we’ve only been considering for a long time. For many of us, it is a time for inventing and reinventing ourselves, as destiny feels close at hand—and this could provoke excitement, fear, irritation, overwhelm, or upset. On the one hand, what happens when we finally get what we have craved for so long? When freedom is suddenly available and the villain that’s been holding us back has disappeared? Many find it disorienting to suddenly have power available to them, with no one else to blame or to take responsibility when things go sideways (or when they go well!). On the other hand, the nature of Uranus to generate the sudden and unexpected could also present a few different wrinkles for us. After all, the Sun, which represents our egoic sense of self and construction of identity, craves stability at the same time as it strives to express itself. But self-expression results in interaction with and feedback from our environment, which inevitably leads to growth that may sometimes feel destabilizing. All at once, the Sun wishes to be a stable center and yet by its very nature is dynamic and in motion, ever growing along a trajectory. The stressful aspect from Uranus to the Sun (exact Feb. 3) is pointing to inconsistencies between how we imagine who we are and the face we have presented to the world, versus who we truly are on a soul level. We may get to see some aspect of ourselves reflected to us by the Leo Full Moon energy that we know is true, that we want to claim but which represents a significant change in how we radiate our light into the world. Some growing pains may remain, especially if we get bogged down in worry, second guesses and “analysis paralysis”, particularly when it comes to issues of remaining true to our souls against pressures from our environment. The planet of love and beauty, Venus, will be making a stressful square aspect with the planet of passion and courage, Mars (exact Feb. 4). Due to the outgoing Mars retrograde period, the two lovers of Mars and Venus have had more interactions than usual over the last five months. Mars retrograde has given us a check in on how we are directing our finite life’s energy, and these points of interaction with Venus bring into focus the ways we are in sync or bouncing around on the wrong wavelengths with others—and with ourselves! This final square in the sequence features Venus in a sign she enjoys, Pisces, suggesting we may be tempted to compromise our needs in order to preserve our connections. If this is a conflict avoidance habit, we may reconsider this tactic and use Piscean energy to instead guide a compassionate assertion of our needs and desires. This could be a bit challenging, especially if we’ve been dancing around some conflicts and need to just have everything out in the open. Too much restraint can lead to an explosion. The fight could be over affection or money or open expression of desires. For those who have been quietly harboring a crush on someone, this week could be the moment of the big reveal.piu Adding some more pizazz to the Venus-Mars dance between harmony and discord is Venus’s gentle sextile to Uranus (exact Feb. 7), which brings in the love (Venus) of the new (Uranus). This is a great day to experiment with relating differently to any Venus-Mars conflicts described above, to try different strategies and tactics of togetherness. Uranus signifies freedom, and this influence invites us to explore how togetherness can be built on the free choices and individuality of each person. The cosmic messenger Mercury will make a smooth sextile to imaginative Neptune (exact Feb. 6) this week, helping us all to imagine what we might do with newfound freedoms or unleashed passions. Mercury is traversing the very practical-minded sign of Capricorn at this time, lending some more structure to what can otherwise be a rather disorienting or vague experience. We may find our thoughts turning towards negotiating the path from our present circumstances to a more ideal scenario, and may be especially receptive to the [imagery of symbols and archetypes](. It’s a great influence for using divinatory systems such as tarot or numerology to chart a course, as our ability to recognize symbolic languages is enhanced. But look out, as Mercury approaches their conjunction with the lord of the underworld, Pluto (exact Feb. 10). Mercury-Pluto’s intense brooding mind has been with us throughout the most recent Mercury retrograde cycle of late December to early February, and will get a spike of energy this week. Mercury-Pluto is the detective, the obsessive mind, the persuasive story, and it could be easy to get carried away by signs, omens and symbols, fabricating a story rather than discerning one already in progress. Warnings aside, we could be moved by powerful words and thoughts this week, as our perception opens to greater depths than usual. Mercury will finally arrive in Aquarius on Feb. 11 (until Mar. 2) following their fiery passage through Pluto’s realms and after an unusually long two months in Capricorn. This change of scenery for Mercury punctuates the feelings of forward momentum and freedom of the Leo Full Moon, as we find it easier to cast our thoughts towards the future this month. Aquarian energy is riding high, bringing in a more visionary and idealistic sensibility that should last at least until the ego-centered Sun meets up with taskmaster Saturn in Aquarius on Feb. 16, which will remind us of responsibilities, duties and tasks, which must be fulfilled in order to (ironically) be free to embrace an expanding horizon of opportunity. Fortunately, Mercury in Aquarius can make it easier to take an objective stance on otherwise emotionally charged circumstances, though this grasping for rationality may be misplaced at times when empathy and emotional sensitivity are needed. Intellectual ideals and principles have their place, but if we are wise, we will also give empathy and emotional intelligence its rightful place, particularly as we are moved to embrace freedom—which means recognizing that freedom directly correlates to responsibility. The Moon represents who we are before we even think about who we are. She represents our instinctual self, and she describes our deepest vulnerabilities as well as our most profound capacity to connect with others. Full Moons amplify energy and emotions. This Moon suggests an encounter with new layers of our individuality in the quest for sovereignty and authenticity. Let’s see how the Leo Full Moon impacts your own Moon placement! Aries Moon [Herbs for joy]( What brings you joy, happiness and a positive sense of adventure, Aries Moon? The Leo Full Moon is tasking you with a rediscovery of how positive emotional experiences shape your life and your sense of self, and how they help create opportunities and connect you with your purpose or mission in life. Taurus Moon [Herbs for energy]( The Leo Full Moon may enliven your social calendar, Taurus Moon, as you feel not only the itch to expand your involvement with the world but also experience the enjoyment and desirable freedoms that newfound or expanded social engagements bring. Gemini Moon [Herbs for tapping into the subconscious mind]( Even you might be surprised by the force of your words under the Leo Full Moon! Gemini Moon is known for exquisite phrasing and explanation, but there’s something under pressure brewing deep in your subconscious that could erupt and bluntly address some long standing disputes. Cancer Moon [Herbs for self-care]( The Leo Full Moon could provoke an appraisal of the values you hold most dear, how you express them in your life and how this reflects your own self-esteem, Cancer Moon. You may be moved to correct any incongruence between what you value and how you are treating yourself or how you are organizing and distributing your energy throughout your life. Leo Moon [Herbs for heart opening]( This is your Full Moon of 2023, Leo Moon! You might get a few surprises in the workplace or in the area of career aspirations. Try not to be too distracted by pressures from others to do or to be one thing or the other—let that pressure inspire you to listen to your heart and to trust your own instincts to find a creative and perhaps entirely new pathway to success. Virgo Moon [Herbs to relax]( When does the Sun ever set on Virgo Moon’s industriousness? The Leo Full Moon suggests taking some down time to relax and unwind, especially if you’re wound up about conflicts in the area of work and career. Taking your foot off the gas pedal could give you some liberating perspective and reduce unnecessary strife. Libra Moon [Herbs for releasing stuck energy]( The Leo Full Moon could present you with an opportunity to embrace the outcast or strange one inside of you, who doesn’t actually fit into society in the way that Libra Moon might prefer. You might connect with the more unusual or odd among your friends and associates to help you recognize and embody more of your unique or unconventional aspects. Scorpio Moon [Herbs for intuition]( You may find yourself pondering how the world perceives you under the Leo Full Moon, and seek to correct some misperceptions. But before you engage with others, Scorpio Moon, try to look deeply in your heart and let your profound intuition bring light to hidden places—you may find a neglected part of yourself begging for full expression. Sagittarius Moon [Herbs to tap into the body’s innate wisdom]( Your body would like to have a word with you, Sagittarius Moon. This Leo Full Moon invites you to explore the body’s wisdom and intelligence and all it contributes to your understanding of the cosmos and your role in it. Rather than being a passive object defined by others, your body is a sacred, holy temple of communion with the divine. Capricorn Moon [Herbs for youthful spirits]( The Leo Full Moon may shine some light on your vulnerabilities, or your denial of any vulnerability, Capricorn Moon. You might generate some breakthroughs in this area by allowing yourself some playtime—actual playtime, doing something for the sheer joy of being in the moment without regard for the outcome. While you may have had to parent yourself from the age of four, your quest for freedom involves letting the child inside of you to be a child, in order to bring forth your ability to rely on others. Aquarius Moon [Herbs for healing]( It looks like the Leo Full Moon would like you to break free from some inner squabbles concerning how you present yourself to the world, Aquarius Moon. It may seem like others are putting you in a box, but the turmoil has deeper roots within, and this Full Moon promises to bring you some relief. Pisces Moon [Herbs for immunity]( Your daily ritual is in the spotlight of the Leo Full Moon, bringing up questions of what supports your health and well-being and what can really undermine it. Is it a sweet tooth that you need to rein in, or setting strong boundaries around your restorative activities of sleep and exercise? Your thinking in this area might be challenged to evolve, Pisces Moon. Interested in a personalized astrological reading, intuitive reading, or healing ritual? [Get in touch with Erica here]( for a deep dive into archetypal astrology. In case you didn't know! We're thrilled to offer FREE 15-minute online herbal consultations to assist with your basic herbal inquiries! We have experienced herbalists available from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. EST.On our [homepage]( click “chat with an herbalist” to connect with us. Or, email Like a mycelium network, let's connect! For recipes and magic follow [@ANIMAMUNDIHERBALS]( [Instagram]( [Facebook]( [Website]( Copyright Anima Mundi Herbals © 2022 All rights reserved. Our NYC Store address is: 31 Noble street Brooklyn NY 11222 Want to change how you receive these emails? You can [update your preferences]( or [unsubscribe from this list](.

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