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[NEW EPISODE] How to have a $100K year 🥳🥳


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Wed, Nov 22, 2023 02:36 PM

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the offer, promo schedule, content calendar, and more that FINALLY helped me hit 6-figures {NAME}, t

the offer, promo schedule, content calendar, and more that FINALLY helped me hit 6-figures [Episode #628: The $100k Milestone: My Proven Strategies to Scale Up](113/d2xgdL04/VWTKbN5qVL1NW1v2X4J2XtSzRW5b9Bvk568YdgN2XT7543qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3pPW4_Sk7R7D9_7fW2Vksg496SXb3W2LgvNf2kZQVFW8xXMLR41_FXmW7pZ0Xn21h9q_N4mfgX93XcZhVKpRQy6FZcQMW1bjvHK5cM2ctW5QHh0J2bVRLKN3qbY5x6YZm2W4dZwRS1J4DspW1_H94q3p68BFW2qrLZW5gf54DW82Sqk72Nq-n3W5TqlDJ4sdy1_W3jC3xS3W_DttW24J49b7mwKPjW5BB6SP4P5CqkW1yvrrC7qJ91gN4XHTMFLby2bW47xFx_3pG6gYW6M0KG69gWPW0W8ldTpk7_XyvbW2xMKvm5ddp6yW26g9V-3Kbk4zW8qfq062lwfvXW23hVK94gmxtXW23mXtQ8PT3RCf56bdW004) {NAME}, the first time you earn $100,000 in your business in a year is a major milestone for any entrepreneur. 🥳 The realization that you… YOU! 😱 … have a 6-figure business?! I remember setting – and eventually hitting – this goal like it was yesterday. So I also understand that figuring out HOW to move from making $40k or $60k to hitting that 100,000 mark can be a hard hurdle to clear. That’s why in today’s episode, I’m teaching you exactly how to go from $50,000 to $100,000 in your business. 📈 [Click here to listen! >>](113/d2xgdL04/VWTKbN5qVL1NW1v2X4J2XtSzRW5b9Bvk568YdgN2XT7543qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3mwW5RhW014QMZh9VnMW9c98bZFFW35zhyg47P0zMW2vNjcR2Lzt69VxGRnj4yL4qXW95WYL58bpkr4W6-4gj23t61rZW1XzC4R49v5VKW5dG19m85wDBgW23jnzv3k6z4LW7yDLvn62rJddW4HYWgC64c7fcW8HFldP8DpMkrMkhDDt_zTM8Vspj2y58BGhpW3TVcbv3FKTGLW3yqF_j8gZwVtVs1sbR8XDtm1N4dt-7zxdP4jW8lWMmm5r57hcW3yz56t5T7m0mVvY8C02Pv7JqW2t_-4R80qfqFW1nCS5y3xd7x8N5Ml4xLmLcXlW4LCF1D3bQdfXW960Jtk3HbnD6W3dwgQR3vPw7Hf7z31TC04) But here’s what’s extra cool, {NAME}. No matter what you’re earning in your business currently, the blueprint I teach in this episode is designed to help you double your revenue – point blank. So if you’re making $100k a year, it’ll help you grow to $200k a year. You get the gist. In this episode, I’m going to teach you the exact strategies I used to achieve my first $100,000 year. 📓 From the type of offer I created to the annual calendar system I developed (and still use today) and so much more. We’ll break down your 6-figure year into realistic monthly and quarterly goals. ☑️ We’ll take a good, hard look at your existing offer suite or the offers you’re thinking about creating. 💵 And I’ll help you become a master at planning your entire year strategically, ensuring your promotions and content align seamlessly. 🗓️ But in this episode, I also share that I didn’t achieve this milestone alone. 👀 You and I will get honest about how trusting others and inviting them into my business didn't just help me double my revenue – it also doubled the joy and fulfillment I felt along the way. 💛 This is one of my favorite podcast episodes I’ve released in a while, {NAME}, because I genuinely believe it won’t be long until I hear from you, telling me how your take-home pay… your audience reach… and the way you enjoy your business has radically changed because of this episode. I’m serious! So click your favorite podcast player below and let’s dive in, friend! 👇 [Apple Music](113/d2xgdL04/VWTKbN5qVL1NW1v2X4J2XtSzRW5b9Bvk568YdgN2XT73C5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3mnN8YgGDkbn0sFW5sFrmC7htGb2W274p2v2NcFqrW7vb19d49r8n8W1Y2gtT6YFsjSW925cVW8PzvLrW28cQl92P_0LNW4Pnxv09cCsS5W2Bq94N5KpyW7W6Rg7xC6X8L9xW1BYnJm7Px3pmW2zXCf74pWBQCW2CcLSZ133GSfW5GPXjN7z8DXkVQzhhz3Tz4XkW3_qG5x6FpfvKV4C4vR2r1Z-_W75nW9W4HDrmNW2TYLkn7HJY_qN4ckg02C0lSDW3Bx4323FSp5FW1qqLnN1WL4dQVFBP036gXrcdW6d8r5V79QWrZW1sFpnP69NPmrW8pxXy491GgNTW6QS3rG7cwdZYW5zSYh77M852BVKnRy07mdqyRW6Qn6Gw8kWF_nW3g-Kkb4pYHdNW3N9FnN5mfPjwW6kZg1G3vV313N3K4qG5nYh7CdQLZ8d04) [Spotify](113/d2xgdL04/VWTKbN5qVL1NW1v2X4J2XtSzRW5b9Bvk568YdgN2XT7543qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3phW8dZPtm6kqSm7W1JKLSV9cVrDrW2WdC458s6BgtVNCK0S33VSlKW1vJ_8J2Qq3CQW1FK8Q45m0JxJN1Tx7BQHjTQ3W5BsTFW36dysZMSJhbfrkR9NW6HFvff4YWj7QW99_s5z9lSJNwW2t2R3c6D7zvzVS_ggS67GdTxW5FYKmP4MvZ13W6wGBcx61KVWxW1NV6lF8pK9YbW2wW6k_6tH5jGW4SzCxt902CYTW76g0t06zMQFbW1KYhlQ3MYmHjW5wnLc397lx_CW81ms8M13JP74W81Chlt9jhp87VBt2PG69zy0_W6n4g3k5w9FP2N78nkMBXDHsLW4cvV-G3-6tbnVMr5wr4h-Dsxf5PxpvW04) [Show Notes](113/d2xgdL04/VWTKbN5qVL1NW1v2X4J2XtSzRW5b9Bvk568YdgN2XT7543qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3nSMr4GwxFZ-T4W1KN5Wf39Wrh0W3pxz2x4Vgvn_W8WVyys2Cs29-W8jD2ZN7x6N0FW3TZJG58ctM1vW8-GPpN4VdpG2W8fqYZ45GZxl6W6cV5bP2Bp1n7W3Xzdtw2j1Q9YW38-tM02hjYDfN5V7QLH7t2lZW4bTGqM1zL37KW7TXLrq6_9J36W5JtjQS5Zq3npW3YPrtK5RnmYxW50Tttg38Lp4mV3qCT25CR6CSW8NtbGL3vgW0sW5Cf48K7kp72tW713V1B2H9LRKW1w3YbP7XNc6jW49CQmV4xWzq6W7vT6MJ2Kw3TgW92MF013HJtvbW7T_yNt2D5PYVW4gsG2_7kxlf2W5-pyN44m_Kzrf8llg3q04) [Listen on Apple](113/d2xgdL04/VWTKbN5qVL1NW1v2X4J2XtSzRW5b9Bvk568YdgN2XT73C5nXHsW5BWr2F6lZ3mfW2q8hvh4jTjd4W7BBN3j4LbFG1W6VDRZc6YdTrtW4YrTNw3P9Gm0Vtxby389JCjKW38DxfM4tjDRpW6Gl06239SmdmW4mTTGz469GvgV9GVcL5WtqjPW6YgPJX88lXNGW1pdlpR3n9l7sN7sXYvcYyv7cW106x3g4p1bPKVJH07B57j0QQW718Wrx7RnSkzN6BkgfvvrLcFW8dZ_952NJpVJW3Hg-0W5XF48_MSWTrbd083JVd904b7mxyCcW25_TZM7gVzPsW82_B334lb3WbW28gN381667S0N7BQvHJLV9HWW7sRV-48fvVbpW2J78mM7ty1bYW2L2FPm1H_LqJW5l0s1w7kbKhkW6ND8CW8Rkt-rW2f4rjK681C0xW6dgWkq6YrKPfW4F1Bq88txJb0W2wLsl5987TPlW766f-n6m4VlJf7zwQ--04) [Listen on Spotify](113/d2xgdL04/VWTKbN5qVL1NW1v2X4J2XtSzRW5b9Bvk568YdgN2XT7543qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3mPW8ql9QX5pVRT9W5Tk3v611XRm0W5k8Mvy6TG2bTVSvFQG1rWmHnW6YX9dr4LP-YpW7SBgVX3jCbT1W7ZnKtW76SGTjW5pLbRM314TJ5W96jNRs5ZvWcxW6kZFcv9hWFx1W564MjC4l-V9QW5n9HHQ5KZDq5W6J0h2g8ytlSsW8nwVfH59N49KW5rpl4T8Q75G2W2Zb1V34R5g5sW6hvNx12Zcm6sW60FmBw20g89xW3nG3z47mdLTZW5PmZz_8V7ylFW3RSH1Y7CDPjlW2DwMzD4T6FpxN8HBVF262xdhW6gTm7r56Jj8WW6LKKl48cf5m7W41BP9k2SjdPZN4rvlY84BjmnW3msTVx7mcbhxf5xSX4R04) [Listen with Show Notes](113/d2xgdL04/VWTKbN5qVL1NW1v2X4J2XtSzRW5b9Bvk568YdgN2XT7543qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3mMW55K-R_2kdC4CW38yqDW65llkMW31GCzh1BKSpDN5YX-_v13h30W5RXft48q7PSXW117lJH4HT9xMW5KnThF2PYRXCVfWRGX8mpwpWW8jm03v5qK_wPW1HW9mY4XZy9bW2WtKPs96dxWYW2157HF2T_bmQW1jYTL98FLp0rVmPwLP75HfxxW5_dWJ65gGCTqW3ZSlX320J1gSW83g_LT2BDTXBW7dCtng5jbnLRW8VwYvy7cFSVwW8jJ2748nfYFcW8DttBV9076JHW5SRTmm23MHgFW8bdy6d7xZ8QrVgPhL-4GW8BnW695-W71Ys13TN8YK4vTTVbL3W5qRGsl3wmjgVW1KnnYM4Xtk6wf2-42Jb04) Hungry for More? Enjoy these Entrepreneurial Bites! (AKA – some fun insights into what I’m loving as I build my business that I think you might, too!) 🤳[The BEST tool (under $15!) for recording Instagram reels and other shortform videos on your smart phone!](113/d2xgdL04/VWTKbN5qVL1NW1v2X4J2XtSzRW5b9Bvk568YdgN2XT73j5nXHsW50kH_H6lZ3lYW4mKfkR37RMgwVdQxxh2gyP-fVWRlJy756nRXW3tTsYW7Nx4nDN151pHKhK8KJW7LG-pX54jfrHW4cfmMV3yQcyDW2jDS3s6GnbRHN2v12WGj7DD6W4JGcV233Z5vRN8Btbnm4CslkW1Lnt9P8vkg0PW6QMQc05wGly9W2pGcH833SJbLW5v5H5Z1tPCnGW6B4ft233ct5cW4NxLR34wc2DXW91kF274QVtw4W6gTd3x8HJ_h7W8KRZ7D2fW5wsW8TMgZ-2Cxyb0W7RzjGp4wPxqvW3SMcG24Vz3XMW1XhssQ3bPcSvW98zDbf7L7JpWVqch21561p99V2vRR43hVBLBW8SyZKk6LDNvHW2y0rS-8L0QXcW7JhMCf6l7bKwW4VqknW1qyY5TV6kLyH4WLxdqf8_0hZl04) 🙏[10 of my entrepreneur besties share what they’re thankful for in this wild, wild, entrepreneurial life 💛](113/d2xgdL04/VWTKbN5qVL1NW1v2X4J2XtSzRW5b9Bvk568YdgN2XT7543qn9gW8wLKSR6lZ3l2W9j4Q-_8fflQ0W3QtBLS7dMvPtW4nbGv84-C6pqW47KbtP3TvVcHW5QwCc-5RrsbxW7MBsQG8d-S67W7kNBGy4b26XjW3NcpdW31HVpmW3KdTcZ5W-YZHVcSDsd9475XKW58Tlb-15WCNFW2k6MhV16vykBW8ltdtn5YV6vtW4PDqHC2rQSvHW657Vhr5GpPpLW3Qw_rl7WbfF4VTG8Wt5wJ6VBW5ypRvS10sWtbW7XZ38J69W8ZzVySSYP55QzS4W14vtV-1Z-06TW6mbspW6-nGpNW49Q3tG7N8bnVVRjDbc7LYTnjW89BmYz60hc2jW7LNY_F843LgrW28dsll438WtsW2fr6d67SC-Mlf60cgQT04) 🍂Happy Thanksgiving from me and my team to you and yours, sweet friend! I count you as one of my greatest blessings and I’m wishing you all the rest, quality time, and memories made around the table this holiday weekend. ALL my best, Amy © 2023 Amy Porterfield, Inc. 6339 Charlotte Pike #920 Nashville,Tennessee 37209 [Manage Your Email Preferences](

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