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[NEW 12-PAY OPTION] Get into DCA for $197! 🎉


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Wed, Sep 27, 2023 11:28 AM

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for a future where you never have to say no to anything because of price This? ☝️ THIS is

for a future where you never have to say no to anything because of price [DCA_2023_Email_CartOpen_Krystal Proffit](113/d2xgdL04/VX6fh24yBv4hW6jHVFb2xPDgNW6R-97G53YBXwN97h0G-3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3mPW5Vzd8-2S65xMW5pL_4J1gzFwlN7nXnhjq8R8QW8VPVkx45GQchW724bX_1NjQCpW2CF9Jl8b1_ZJW59S4gX3nl3-0W55W5Rh6-2XCgW291FRL8VP3zVW808B4779cSRYW7z8zMR3GxZF5W6Cn1LX7YwDlYN2cjLPCRDYLsW1_B5kQ71rBFZW6CKyN63gzp01W3DQWtR4CHlVPW87ndH5563X3RMDTsLcmxKFfW8FzCnG6nntCjW4wJKyK3kWjMVW5sGYdb475Kk3W3tq_5v3zzl7ZW1tQ8jB5xRKLpW2Ww1J_5rLMTHf4b0vNl04) This? ☝️ THIS is the painful reality of SO MANY online business owners. Every year, I have students enroll in Digital Course Academy who spent a year kicking themselves for not having enrolled the first time. Doors close tomorrow, {NAME}. And I want this to be as easily accessible to you as possible… So I whipped up a 12-payment plan to get you inside, started, and making money ASAP so you never have to say no to anything because of price again. 🎉🎉 [Click here to get inside Digital Course Academy for just $197! >>](113/d2xgdL04/VX6fh24yBv4hW6jHVFb2xPDgNW6R-97G53YBXwN97h0G-3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3nlVTcSnR7-csMdW6byk7Y6TfntcW851GV_62PCLhW4hK1NZ569lWTW4xR_v41mrfjWW6dq--p8FYtZ9W7lb3fw60n4dFN5rZ5q5JbLJSW80QdYk7tp1N3V3_xm68C3bFQW3KTfd25szvGHW7z_2vx2xPCdhW6MS-w48D_pZcW1YqX1R3fT5F_W3D9dZm8xY3dTW7CgWjt54F17BMl3l3cfn_jZW9lX3tT5dx8kmW7Rnvq88j1vgMW2KSDZG42FbbMW4lSH-Z4Y247nW8PcWD42t8x0-W7kWq5K5pY42pW64cP8W427gFMf8XCt--04) [DCA_Email_CartOpen_12Pay_v2](113/d2xgdL04/VX6fh24yBv4hW6jHVFb2xPDgNW6R-97G53YBXwN97h0G-3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3pCW4Vqtsk5SbCrhW8G2qM88qfTgqW6xT4qs3q_DkdMDHQNl8_Lv8W6ZrJl799cRTwW42dkjT8lFQt7W1V5RDk4W-m6pW68kmcb43DHgVV85lFv615cTpW2PXRGR4Kp49xW5HRCLc50LkCJW2JnYHS5zcmSPW4_LFSv1HJgw_W1LHc2X4Kv5RfW5hnw7G4nH6zXW5ZRkM69k_chKW1Sqrdl1DQCTpW4_-cQP5Wb1qKW2BPf0F3vFylZW9lZ81c792-SqW5sTP2029PvTHVXX_FY4xQzcbW27VDfs9jnPnFW64wJvl3rrWgwf7GJvd804) I believe in what you’ll learn inside of Digital Course Academy so strongly. I believe your digital course – and getting straight to it instead of dabbling for years – will change your life, starting with changing your income. 💵 So please, please save yourself an entire year of lost money, unrewarded effort, and relentless stress. I don’t say that lightly or to scare you, friend! I see it all. the. time. My student Nicki tried course creation on her own. And she made one single, heartbreaking sale the entire year. But after enrolling in Digital Course Academy, she made $7,000 AUD on her first launch. [DCA_2023_Email_CartOpen_Nicki Scibberras](113/d2xgdL04/VX6fh24yBv4hW6jHVFb2xPDgNW6R-97G53YBXwN97h0G-3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3phW2YT2W25dPlhQMVTLrFrHsXkW11GWJJ5_Xyw1N89wV4djhJ3SW460gN11Rb24DW5CtZLS26CW7kW4RPzFJ8-nlhZW1_3n414ltc6sVqhnjR3lCcxgN7D3dpbF4fQCW3Cff5r7nQTXpW79RKV72k2tvxW22JpGC2SSjhGN9fzcj0pwM2cN3M4wrcpgJ-dW7DXRG22DP5XcW7D8BD45TWTw-W8rjwF56HwFqRN4qKWdJ-8rDrW1pRYqJ2jdj5XW6rCV5l8QX32KW6x-5fw2JrX9FW1jB8zc54XPbsW3vZjSp1ghpsJf6jWY8804) It took my student… also named Nicole… 5 launches over a year and a half to finally earn 5-figures doing this on her own. But after taking Digital Course Academy, she smashed the 5-figure mark with just ONE launch! [DCA_2023_Email_CartOpen_Nicole Melton](113/d2xgdL04/VX6fh24yBv4hW6jHVFb2xPDgNW6R-97G53YBXwN97h0G-3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3mNW77RzNf77jp1MW8HyHbD2fCjf8W1tBJtp5KPYK1W2cm_0b7C4rYRW1jsDsV4K54yMV25gp_6CkY9lW80tFzg6pksZrW1ySJmL8sx-VLVmk9gm6Wg-PRW4Ptd7H61w5YvW8k28mk5-8V5nW52NDn13X3wZ_W1RVtwp59-2tHW4lR8ml60Xl1CW6-MC6R6hgqDfW3K-LjS3WScw0W1nZxW51Qnq-fM3LrLbvgXr_W2GmswT90B3CVW3g56CD7ZVKlqW7WmVht3LN6LFW861d-1862clWW8X5nrB4V69kqW3Ynhrv3zRRrBf8lXzB604) My student Carole took 2 other courses she thought were “close enough” to DCA. She launched and it was, in her words, a disaster. But once she had the lessons and strategies from Digital Course Academy, only one year after her failed launch, she had grown her email list from 200 people to 10,000 people and earned $249,000 in a single launch of her course. [DCA_2023_Email_CartOpen_Carole Bardasano](113/d2xgdL04/VX6fh24yBv4hW6jHVFb2xPDgNW6R-97G53YBXwN97h0G-3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3lnW3PSYBw6k95p4W5gTn0L943RR_N3r7JWLNm8h3VsmZg14xCmBmW3XR6FQ6qG0KZW34b5qq5n5_1FF4KxVNDxL3BW4BDRtD8R5WqWW4t1zjD1kg5q_VgGqQC96MFFmW13LS8X2ZrCq-W3s7Rf0707v5FW7Jk5k18v_WSCW3HPWRW2t1XqYW4fTnzJ3G3CTbW6YhM3w6d-Km0W73m49q6vpZ6JW14CD6w1h2LGlW5h3SQw6YlgbXW71BcdD6K-h1CW8sw0h18JN9rZW5CnSXX7YR_9tW81hNP144ZmfsN8yZwFKXKqZVf1pmFhq04) Don’t make the same mistake as SO many course creators and think you can duct tape together effective business strategies. When instead, you can completely cut the line by following the roadmap I’ve developed over 14 years that’s earned me over $85 million. [Click here to enroll in Digital Course Academy before the doors close for an entire year. >>](113/d2xgdL04/VX6fh24yBv4hW6jHVFb2xPDgNW6R-97G53YBXwN97h0G-3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3m_W23Lfh67vsfz-W6kqlTX58PfD2N6Yt0yV8D86RW8GPZW972NL15W2hF87D9fdQt4VWspNn2RFM30W5jjR3z3m33D8W8g2DFG27sTrQW2W7YQ18d6xdqW5qynHL6WqhgmVbdcwM6jNVsvVkmvjN1zzTZMW5v-f-Q6sPnzsW7qKXFs1lKXDSW9hBQyy53Bqw0V_NlGP6Pzx5XW91L3lV27HSg8W1mzF7v1QjL75W1wZCfG51vd1jW6lGCbd48Yfn0W6MDcgZ957cwTN8VTVx1R79mJW2WskVL1BZKGmW3-Nc-02zb8CpdXL2Gz04) Plus, when you enroll before tomorrow at 4 pm PT // 7 pm ET, you’ll also get a VIP ticket to my LIVE virtual event, The Entrepreneur Experience: Course Creators Edition. [DCA_Email_CartOpen_v16](113/d2xgdL04/VX6fh24yBv4hW6jHVFb2xPDgNW6R-97G53YBXwN97h0G-3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3njN14dlt22KszMW3JqNjr9hgSPWW8qFgXF1M9ySFW4TKWy91kzxYjW7qSWwz5v96C6VJZ5pK8zPl7BW60Wkv278WWtkW2QdsKf8PvWTSW1N_SjZ8cHvCJW4fn94H6WndySW3yyQMm1hWtnfW10KLNz8t-7s1W4KWV3J3DN5kkW1QmQvH2DHvvRW3_9c824H0P86Vg2vR434Sh7jVbW3-Y30gdk_W7sq4-z1Mp7yHW1Bs3vx8D2nWLN6_HnxmHm6MHW2SLXbR5xqjp_W8X9FRd33CxY6W8y4GGx3SZzVCW3V682b88BqpWf6KcrLF04) Every year, I invite experts to join me onstage for this LIVE virtual event (exclusive to my DCA students!) to pour into you as you grow your online business. From sales copywriters to financial experts to funnel strategists and more… we’ll tackle the strategy and mindset every online entrepreneur needs to become a successful, balanced, truly aligned business owner. {NAME}, just think of where you’ll be 365 days from now if you go all-in right now. Your days, your income and your confidence would be unrecognizable. You will have sat in a virtual room with literally the world's most transformative coaches, business strategists, and personal development experts. You’ll have a blueprint that guides your business. You won’t second guess. You won’t wonder where the money will come from next month. You’ll have a business that is truly by your design. But it’s now or next year, {NAME}. Click the button below to join Digital Course Academy and let’s go ALL in together. [button 7](113/d2xgdL04/VX6fh24yBv4hW6jHVFb2xPDgNW6R-97G53YBXwN97h0G-3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3n6W12vnH28wn3fwW1M2Hps39Xwn4W3zVK9p8rJP5LW4YymtJ2SjZCFW3Hb3JW3kGXpqW5JM50f6MZg20W4Vn4Fm2zLD1DW7vrwrw2Qn9p1W8-9Xlb2KrV1_W7fh6m32_VbMbW2_Sw_t86XynNW9lkYHn1TXHCwW2w_x5T5BGXFSW6l5PL8152-GRW3rGyZB6MnLVhW8dK-P51cRcQXW1H3VJs4XMJJ5N5Pc_ySFndmSN1X9mNjF8L43W3RJZtX4shxjsW2gZXy61CsX32VbjB7J4XK74TVz-GR41tf2j6W1b1d1S6tmF67f6dVWq-04) ALL my best, Amy PS. Let's talk it out if you’re stressing over this decision. I’m going LIVE TODAY (9/27) at 11am CT to make myself totally available to you to talk about your concerns, hesitations, and unique situation. I promise to point you in the right direction, but let’s stop the analysis paralysis, deal? You’re more powerful than that. [Click here to join when I’m live at 11am CT! >>](113/d2xgdL04/VX6fh24yBv4hW6jHVFb2xPDgNW6R-97G53YBXwN97h0G-3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3nwW3GqVkn4d9tm_W12FVYh7qcLJLW4qJQxr25zfWBN5YmgcjM2kk9W1nT8m6818YKyW24S6Ld38HMY3W26X71b5-XgDJN74z87zrv9CkN3CRw2JsvM34W1MzpkP6nWQz3W8176-31-M3bWW4C7gZH4sBFZ0VjLPzW1pYqQjVbGyfm5kBvW-W7Gl69f9fzktsW5Q1C0K6DCsb2W2t10n938X5HMW6xg2G71ykqdhN5v19n7CnL2PW2NGfym7kJDZyW3bYQQv8gQVxvW1NCGfT32pB4QW3zGC-S8DnDKtW1-Y6xL7d3sHFf7xVWXF04) Here for you, {NAME}. Please see[earnings disclosure](113/d2xgdL04/VX6fh24yBv4hW6jHVFb2xPDgNW6R-97G53YBXwN97h0G-3m2ndW7lCdLW6lZ3p3W3-p32P8ZP3T4W992Dp063W3jjW1NpGdr9hN0nbW4_5KVt52wGkrW35TG971NMhWHW3cqBMx6khkTmW23w4pB4XQtM_W6SpDXd7zY5tGW5fcbjT5rP7NDW8hw4r85xPYTdN6YTmL7CTnTQW48lkr-8kJnSYW7xtgZs19X0bqW25L13b4cGVw3N1HyLjlXSvv9W3fLfTq6TsDLKVCqP-Y6SdChPW2ljj5382TFB8W2jHk4h2p3ZvRW3dxLJc88j7wPW55rX5v8lkGcsN7PRKZB1V-YNW2N78_n8TTKNZN3tb8kKp_sQBf5hGCzn04) for more detail. © 2023 Amy Porterfield, Inc. 6339 Charlotte Pike #920 Nashville, Tennessee 37209 [Manage Your Email Preferences](

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