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Affiliate Marketing 101 with Pat Flynn


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Fri, May 12, 2023 11:06 AM

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Create more revenue, faster ) “How will I make money between live launches?” I’ve hea

Create more revenue, faster (In a hurry? [Click here for details on Pat Flynn’s FREE training on how to grow your revenue using ethical affiliate marketing](113/d2xgdL04/VX29s61fJ0YqN3zN97VpxQZHVVm64t4-sQG9N197WXh3lSbNV1-WJV7CgR65W8xPjms5KsbTPW3LsvVY16m5BtW24qd3v7drkS0W7qYFZg6f0HbgW48RnSy5gyst9W16pvkG7s0V32W4S_K0w1c5L5cW7TkVF18m3L4tN8-nM8kG8HX6W2tKjQC4Wj_ZqW8JhTDt4Nrj5PW71ZpTc4nLldTW7m9rPb2scX2tW98m5hX3mFbD-W86X_W22Hvf3-W6t87p_1NBzxtW4J05qf4Cn6DxW3tN5FN41z258N4kNc_d9FfqWW1gR5sf1HsvPqW8Fwyrl12YY1gN7PyqKqGS3g63jDh1)) “How will I make money between live launches?” I’ve heard that question a thousand times from a thousand aspiring course creators. Maybe you’re one of them. You don’t want to… … put yourself through the pressure of generating your annual salary in a 7-day window (at least, not yet anyway) … hustle 40 hours a week promoting services that don’t feel all that different from your day job … spread yourself thinner than the last bit of peanut butter in the jar to create new products — when you haven’t even launched your first one yet So, how do you generate salary-replacing revenue between big promos — without turning yourself into a one-person digital product factory? By becoming an affiliate for the products you love, {NAME}. [pat flynn gif 1](113/d2xgdL04/VX29s61fJ0YqN3zN97VpxQZHVVm64t4-sQG9N197WXh3lSbNV1-WJV7CgBcFW5n05928fPw8jW4tl9Dw5DjXKVVGXF5w4fX3-sW80ZlrM14HF9cW5KS3n91QzPlbW7ShSjR8kLm3ZW2yCWvF7qTVQTW8Sgplv6KSnHbW2VmmTp705LlwW74DVz46WwcMcW7k5b0j1NNpx3W991XP88s7PKqW47cqGj8lM094W1R26yD4jXfhzW17HGPk6VkPCCW4k7yLX3X005tN6pzLM1LYv59W8p_Xz12-wNZVW3_Bxv64mNjzYW6G41yf2nk8ZpW2Vh99_8-N38YW7W7Yjk71DgK3352f1) Affiliate marketing is an integral part of my business. It’s become a reliable way for me to generate $300,000+ a quarter in the months I’m not promoting my own products. But don’t just take it from me, take it from the king of affiliate marketing himself, Pat Flynn. Over the past few years, Pat has generated a whopping $9M in affiliate revenue. And next week, Pat and I are going LIVE to show you how you can add a hunky slice of moolah to your business using affiliate marketing, too. [Click here to join Pat Flynn’s FREE Masterclass: How to Generate More Revenue, Faster, without Creating New Products](113/d2xgdL04/VX29s61fJ0YqN3zN97VpxQZHVVm64t4-sQG9N197WXh3lSbNV1-WJV7CgP_rW1XQ7PP4ns32QW2XLTMM4GBPbBW3WQdd1302bFQW38-7Ch60smH-W7PY_n921-c-JN9kF966WSH3gW8b-vMk8Mg6sbW5Cpq4t3py2MqN7RC3Zls6HHVN129fVR6fw7kVFnTxS4wm7DRN6fm3_4RBRX3W68Hdsd1WvK-tW8-gXq79c70VWW6Xl23T7s-DsGW7G62YR86vjJQW43HKbY6r6dl9W9b3BLd193ZRsW3zVhkC6pXhcvVM52Q17YpQrDVVk3VK5-gt2vF3Vvvq0j0vv3n_q1) If you haven’t yet experienced the income-boosting (not to mention relationship-building) power of affiliate marketing, you might be thinking: “Ew, affiliate marketing. Isn’t that for spammy Instagram accounts?” It’s true that many people abuse affiliate marketing to make a quick buck by pedaling products they don’t believe in. But at the end of the day, this is good news for you, {NAME}. Because when you equip yourself with the ethical, sustainable affiliate strategies you’ll get in Pat’s Masterclass… You’ll be able to rise above the sleaze and generate more revenue while better serving your audience. [Click here to save your seat at Pat’s Masterclass on May 16th at 11am PT / 2pm ET](113/d2xgdL04/VX29s61fJ0YqN3zN97VpxQZHVVm64t4-sQG9N197WXh3lSbNV1-WJV7CgJpMW4SZgKm8CxZF_W4pxgYs3GRbBSW2XwlN17jWgKyW33xKVM52kVgcW8Pnkbx5QGxL5W8WNRyk6NvnF_W8Xtybr7HPCCfW8lC8NP5N5Fq1N2zYtXdD435cW2NtR1w2cD7bDW2JjXj32nKJZ6W7jRqqp1rpr_dMK2NrHxh2XPW7-v3lB7SrqwdW1fZ4RW21mYJ0W8-9YDQ7YKsyqW46hhBc1vndMlW7dKyr143CJg8W31qlsF2lgyWtW2_3whN5YDFr7W29Z7rL2-qZNNF3dBpW6RKFW365f1) And no, you don’t have to have a big email list or thousands of followers to make affiliate marketing worth your while, my friend. You’ll find spades of opportunity inside your three-figure email list or social following. Got more Qs? I’ll be answering them all at the end of the Masterclass on Tuesday. See you there! Amy © 2023 Amy Porterfield, Inc., 6339 Charlotte Pike #920, Nashville, Tennessee 37209, United States [Unsubscribe]( [Manage preferences](

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