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Did the U.S. Marines stumble on the secret to eternal youth?


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Fri, Jan 19, 2024 05:23 PM

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The U.S. Marine Corps, armed with its staggering $3 billion R&D budget, has unveiled a life-transfor

The U.S. Marine Corps, armed with its staggering $3 billion R&D budget, has unveiled a life-transforming discovery. [Click here](1770d7/ct0_0/1/ms?sid=TV2%3A6Sk2Wvbz9) to view this message in your browser | [Click here](1770d7/l-002e/zout?sid=TV2%3A6Sk2Wvbz9) to stop receiving our messages [] [] Al Sears, MD 11905 Southern Blvd. Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 [] January 19, 2024 [] PEAK Performance for LIFE with the Pentagon's Telomere Secret INSIDE THIS FREE LONGEVITY REPORT: - The "Next-Gen DNA" enhancer inspired by all 4 Branches of the U.S. Military's Elite Forces… - The secret behind how the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Joint Special Operations Command produce unbreakable mental resilience and peak physical performance… - The astonishing "Nano Elixir" for head-to-toe vitality you can use from home – feel years younger… or it's FREE! The U.S. Marine Corps, armed with its staggering $3 billion R&D budget, has unveiled a life-transforming discovery. This is your golden ticket to not just survive but thrive in every aspect of life – from mental resilience to physical activity. Imagine feeling years younger, more energetic, and at peak health… Without the need for medicines, caloric restrictions, or exhausting exercise regimens. Peak performance that never quits. Mentally… Physically… Spiritually… Unapologetically resilient -- at any age. Here’s your chance to leverage a simple mind trick rooted in ancient Japanese Zen meditation, that all four branches of the U.S. Military couldn’t ignore. All you do is sit on a cushion, face the wall, close your eyes, and pay attention to your breathing. It couldn’t be simpler, but the results have been profound. In a series of rigorous studies, scientists have proved this “mind trick” reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and improves the flow of information in the brain. It’s no surprise the Pentagon is set to roll this out across the entire military… Yet all that could be just the beginning… The latest evidence suggests this breakthrough could actually transform the way your body works... You see, the human body is made up of cells, constantly reproducing and replacing themselves billions of times every day for growth and repair… But unfortunately, when human cells reproduce, each copy is worse than the last one… It’s like when you used to make copies of music on cassette tapes… The more copies you make, the worse the sound quality… It’s been an unbreakable law since the dawn of life… Yet with this breakthrough “mind trick”, all of that could change… The latest Evidence Suggests It Could Actually Make New Cells BETTER than the previous generation… That means better cognitive performance… Better sexual health… And feeling youthful for longer… Now, of course, there is a catch… For this US Military “mind trick” to work, you need to do it for up to 8-10 hours a day. However, in a few moments, I’ll reveal a new way to get all of the same benefits without spending your entire day staring at the wall… First off, I want to introduce myself… My name is Dr. Al Sears MD, and I’ve been at the forefront of medical research since 1990… My breakthrough discoveries have appeared on more than 50 media outlets including ABC News, CNN, ESPN, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Lifetime, and many more… And now I’m bringing the benefits of this military “mind trick” to the masses… That means you can get back the mental, physical, and even sexual health you had when you were younger… You can keep your memory sharp, stay happy and energized, and even look younger… You can even get a better chance to maintain good health into your golden years… Without being a Buddhist monk or U.S. Marine… And without spending 8-to-10 hours a day counting your breath and sitting on a cushion… It sounds impossible, but I assure you this is reality… I’ve spent years developing this breakthrough solution… And finally, I’ve brought the cost down to just pennies per day, so anyone can benefit… Now, I understand if you’re still skeptical… But I’m staring at a stack of conclusive scientific research as we speak, from the U.S. Military and other rigorous institutions… And in the next few minutes, I’ll share every detail so you can decide for yourself… How You’ll Benefit From Head-To-Toe From These Cutting-Edge Discoveries… For over a quarter century, my life’s mission has been to pinpoint the next revolution in the fields of health, wellness, and life extension… And bring it within touching distance for the regular American. It’s why I stay on top of the latest cutting-edge trends in this field, have been a guest lecturer, and am now a regular speaker at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and the American College for the Advancement of Medicine. And it’s why every year I travel over 20,000 miles to some of the most remote, hidden, and out-of-the-way places that no mainstream expert I’m aware of will ever tread… The Andes, the Amazon, Mongolia, the jungles of Uganda, and the list goes on… I have never been a mainstream thinker… And this out-of-the-box perspective has allowed me to pinpoint, analyze, and discuss new opportunities, new trends, and new solutions most experts aren’t even seeing. Whether that’s being the first U.S. doctor to administer groundbreaking DNA therapy… Or the first doctor, not just in the U.S. but anywhere in the world, who in 2004 correctly documented the true cause of heart disease… But What I’m About To Reveal Could Make All These Prior Discoveries, All These Accolades, All These Achievements, Pale In Comparison. You see, all the way back in 1990 I first learned about the discovery of telomeres – tiny protective caps at the ends of your chromosomes. And it’s these tiny caps that lie at the heart of things like rejuvenation, reversing your age clock, giving you a sharper mind, more energy... In short… Feeling, And In Many Cases Looking, Years And Even Decades Younger Than You Really Are… Faster than ever before! However, while I was in medical school, many scientists sneered at the idea that we could put the brakes on, or even reverse aging. And yet the more I dug into the science, the more I began to realize: This was important. This could change lives. And somehow…some way…I had to make it accessible to the everyday American. So over 20 years ago… When mainstream medicine laughed me out of the room for suggesting we could stop our cells from aging… When Big Pharma viewed talk of telomere therapy as a direct threat to its multibillion-dollar drug business… And when one conventional doctor after the next, towed the mainstream line and went along with flawed and self-serving research from drug company reps… I joined the team at Geron Corporation - at that time one of the world leaders in anti-aging innovation. It boasted a team of PhDs, Nobel Laureates like James Watson, Gunter Blobel and Carol Greider… And it even testified before Congress about advances in medical technology. Through my work with Geron, I became the first U.S. physician to administer a treatment proven to lengthen telomeres. In a few short years – this treatment would develop into a life-altering protocol. But there was one problem. The original protocol I used to tap into the awesome power of telomeres was expensive – at minimum, it cost $20,000… It required 6 weeks of blood testing… And it was something reserved for only my wealthiest of wealthy patients. But the breakthrough I’m about to reveal changes all of that… Finally, the everyday American can capture similar life-changing results, in capsule form, for just a small fraction of the price… As Far As I’m Aware, There Is No Mainstream Doctor Anywhere In The U.S. Who Can Provide Their Clients Similar Benefits At A Similar Price. And don’t simply take my word for it. Here’s a sample of what some of my satisfied clients are already saying… “I stay more alert and energized throughout the day.” - Robert B., Birmingham, Alabama. “I am nearly 80 and I must say I never felt better.” – Mick B., Brighton. “Thank you for creating an amazing supplement which helps with energy and makes you feel more alive.” – Shelly D., Sterling, Virginia. And I have page after page after page of responses just like these. Old Age? No Thanks! For the longest time, doctors have told us that getting sick was natural and unavoidable. When people died of age-related conditions, so-called natural causes were always to blame. But what I’m about to reveal will prove that those doctors were wrong all along. Succumbing to one “age-related” condition after the next is not natural…and it is avoidable. And it all begins in our cells. Deep inside the core of our cells, our genes are lined up on twisted strands of DNA called chromosomes. Hanging at the tips of these chromosomes are bits of DNA called telomeres. And it is these telomeres that act as the bodyguard for our genetic info – allowing our cells to split and grow. However, as we age our cells degenerate… And as the clock ticks down, with each passing year, these telomeres become shorter and shorter… When they get too short, they can no longer divide and die. The end results? A cascade of weakening health –a slow-fire brain, less energy, loss of flexibility, and declining vision… It also quickly destroys your general appearance – making you look and feel years older than your true age. This is why telomeres have been compared to a slow-burning bomb fuse at the core of your DNA… After all, we can always repair a book that has its cover worn down… We can recharge a battery a few times before it’s gone… But for a bomb, there’s no hope once the fuse is lit. What’s more, geneticist Richard Cawthon and his team at the University of Utah discovered that folks with shorter telomeres tend to live shorter lives. Among people over 60, those with shorter telomeres were three times more likely to pass away from poor heart health and eight times more likely to die from weak immune systems.1 Now, here’s the interesting part… Cawthon’s team also split people into two groups – one with long telomeres and the other with short ones. It turns out, those with long telomeres live on average 5 years longer than their short-telomere counterparts.2 So, if we could somehow stretch those telomeres in people with short ones, we might just add five more years to their lives. But since even people with long telomeres see them shrink as they age… What if we could slam the brakes on telomere shortening altogether? It Might Sound Like A Wild Idea To Some… But According To Experts, This Discovery Could Potentially Add Years To Our Lifespan.3 Just being aware of this cycle alone puts enormous, outsized power into the hands of you…the everyday American. Why? Because it helps you understand that to attack the problems associated with aging, you need to focus on your cells… And more specifically, your telomeres. And it’s the reason why many so-called solutions out there, don’t work. The creams, the diets, the vitamins, the exercise… They don’t attack the real problem at the cellular level. Now, don’t mistake this for a criticism of specific diets, an attack on exercise, or an argument against vitamins, minerals, and supplements. All those things have their place as part of a long-term, holistic approach to dealing with acute or chronic ailments. In fact, as part of my own practice, I always preach the importance of a healthy diet, the correct type of exercise, and the right type of vitamins and minerals. But if you’re not prioritizing your cellular health… If you’re not focused on telomeres… And if you don’t know the best way to stop, reverse, and even lengthen telomeres… Then you might be stacking the deck against yourself…right this very minute. Rewind Cellular Aging With Telomerase As I write this in 2023, there is only one known way to support and lengthen telomeres… In other words, to transform cells into a younger version of themselves… And that is with a little-known enzyme called telomerase. It was only recently, in 2009, that Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn of the University of California, San Francisco won the Nobel Prize for her discovery of how the telomerase enzyme protects your telomeres. The problem is that shortly after birth – within the first few months of life – our telomerase enzyme becomes dormant. And with excess stress, a poor diet4, and a poor lifestyle that attacks our cells… And shortens our telomeres… The need for active telomerase enzymes becomes critical. Because once we reboot our own dormant telomerase enzymes, we can extend the healthy lifespan of our cells and allow them to reproduce for years without degrading… This not only helps cells live longer and allows our organs, tissues, and body to function properly… It also helps old cells function as they did when they were younger. Just imagine… You wake up one morning – your occasional restless nights replaced by deep and restful sleep… You step out of bed and you’re not hitting snooze repeatedly… instead, you feel a deep well of new energy… As you head down the stairs to make yourself a pot of coffee, you notice that your arms and legs, your hands and feet that were once cold and stiff are now warm and supple… Your joints no longer have that occasional ache, and you feel 20 years younger… Your mind and memory are no longer slow and dull, but feel like they’re sparking to life again… Even your skin, thinning and weakening all these years, has suddenly regained its smooth elasticity and youthful glow it had in decades past… Simply picture the joy, freedom, and relief of having overcome the “normal” problems of getting older that you, and even your loved ones, have been struggling with for the past 5, 10, and even 20 years. This is the true power, the awesome benefit, and the life-changing potential that long telomeres bring. You aren’t simply rewriting the script in your cells… …You’re rewriting the script for the future of your life. Knock Out Fatigue, Aches, and Discomfort Faster Than Ever Thought Possible If you never believed it was possible to have the life I just described… I don’t blame you – it’s not your fault. The cold truth is that the medical establishment doesn’t want you to know. As far as I’m concerned, it’s perhaps one of the biggest medical crimes of this century. And that’s not me being cynical, that’s not me exaggerating, or even being a doom and gloomer. That’s just me observing their track record these last 20 years… Whether that’s hiding the truth about dangerous GMO crops and additives banned across Europe, but widely consumed in the US…5,6 Pushing the myth that cholesterol, and not in fact inflammation, is the cause of heart disease…7 Or lying about the dangers of barely-tested and hastily rushed COVID vaccines that have unleashed an epidemic of side effects across America…8,9 In short, it is often financial interests and profit potential that drive their decisions… While the product that I have painstakingly and meticulously fine-tuned over more than a decade relies on unique herbs, minerals, and nutrients… Unlike synthetic drugs, these substances are impossible to patent – which means there’s no profit in it for Big Pharma. And it allows me to take them head-on. Now, in the spirit of full transparency, the initial version of this ground-breaking formula hit the market in 2012, with a premium price tag. The cost was the result of those years of testing and tweaking to achieve the pinnacle of quality. Now fast forward to today, and I’m thrilled to announce that after tireless efforts in refining the formula and sourcing the very best of each unique ingredient… I've engineered an even more potent and, importantly, affordable solution. This is a result of years of relentless dedication to not only the research but also scouring the globe for Mother Nature's most exclusive botanicals... Mother Nature’s Elite Trifecta When the US Military accidentally stumbled upon the life-changing potential of meditation… What they had in fact uncovered, was the untapped, raw power of telomerase activation. And today, instead of being steeped in intensive meditation upwards of 3 hours a day… You can capture similar benefits from just one capsule crafted from a selection of ancient medicinal herbs. The 3 carefully curated natural herbs I rely on have been proven in countless studies, from countless countries – Italy, France, China, the U.S., and more – to not only activate telomerase and lengthen telomeres… But unleash a cascade of positive side-effects – beyond telomeres. The first of these powerhouses of natural medicine is Milk Thistle… It's a long and ancient tradition in Chinese Medicine that stretches back centuries. Experts have found that Silymarin, an active compound within Milk Thistle, can increase SIRT1 expression.10 And it is SIRT1 that may support healthy aging by protecting telomere integrity.11 The second of the unique herbs, Astragalus, has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years…12 Yet it is only recently that we’ve been able to tap into and confirm its potential to extend life. A 2020 study in the prestigious Biomedicines journal has proven that even a small extract of astragalus can activate telomerase.13 Ashwagandha, the final herb, has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine. But its proven value in activating telomerase and lengthening telomeres is even more outstanding… Just a modest amount of ashwagandha extract has been shown to increase telomerase activity in a human cell line by a huge 45%.14 But there’s one issue… To get their full benefit you need something to bind them together…to amplify their effect… And that is where the hTERT complex comes in. This special proprietary blend is like the secret sauce in this compound - it combines Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate, Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, and Zinc Carnosine. Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate15 has been found to “ameliorate the telomere maintenance system”. N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine16 activated telomerase and “inhibits telomere attrition.” While both Zinc Carnosine and Acetyl-L-Carnitine17 are significantly related to longer telomeres.18 In short – it’s the complete telomere solution. But to capture and recreate the true essence of what the US military had achieved with their little-known “mind trick…” [100% Guarantee] Even the most robust telomere solution in the world would be useless if you didn’t have a way to maximize its absorption… To deliver it where it needs to go with laser-like precision… And to embed it inside the cell directly. That’s why I had to start working on a nanoscale. And so, Telo X Nano was born. A Nobel-Prize-Inspired Telomere Solution Telo X Nano is the culmination of my decades-long medical career. This supplement has been fine-tuned to directly enhance and lengthen your telomeres – nature’s natural youth engines. And with a brand-new nanotechnology delivery system, it’s able to directly target your DNA. This nano delivery method means it: - Supports healthy DNA replication… - Helps maintain youthful energy and stamina… - Supports younger-acting cells and longer “health span”. - Promotes healthy aging and telomeres. - And… only needs to be used once a day! Just look at the amazing results it has helped people achieve: “Put me in the best shape in years.” – Roger F., Boca Raton, FL. “Dr. Sears achieved what I thought was impossible.” – Jack C., Palm Beach, FL. “I am asked what I use every day.” – Carole G., Austin, TX. And I’d like you to be my next success story. Feel Better For Longer With Telo X Nano Telo X Nano was designed with one goal in mind - to give you the best chance of feeling and living younger every day. However, right now supply is limited. And even though I’ve tried to make it as affordable as possible, it still isn’t cheap. But since beginning my medical career over 30 years ago, in the 1990s, I’ve made it my personal mission to help everyday Americans live better lives. So for a limited time, I’m making it available for a special price. PLUS, I’ll also completely cover the costs of shipping, meaning you won’t pay a single cent. And… if you change your mind, you can cancel at any time. You’ll also receive 3 FREE Special e-Reports... In fact, I’m prepared to go even further and provide you not 1, not 2, but 3 special e-reports: FREE e-Report No.1 – Ashwagandha: The Age Reversing Adaptogen [100% Guarantee] Normally $19.95, it’s yours FREE when you order my “Best Deal” package. In this valuable special e-Report, you’ll learn: - The Nobel Prize-winning discovery that holds the key to reversing aging. - How to trigger unhealthy cells’ “self-destruct button.” - Medical shocker: Why the FDA is secretly trying to prevent you from accessing this wonder herb. - Why Africans call it the “the virility of a horse” and how it can stir men and women in the bedroom. - The missing link of modern medicine — Gone for 100 yearsand directly linked to the surge in illnesses. - And many more new secrets for beating the common cold, perfecting your blood sugar, and boosting yours and your partners’ sex drives, yours FREE! FREE e-Report No.2 – Ancient Adaptogen Strengthens Immune System and Reverses Aging [100% Guarantee] Normally $19.95, it’s yours FREE when you order my “Best Deal” package. In this new special edition e-Report, you’ll learn: - How to make your body’s cells young again. - The 2,000-year-old Chinese remedy that defeats the 4 biggest threats to your health. - How to get a $14,000 age-reversing treatment for just $60. - Why learning to breathe the right way could make you immune to disease. - The tea that helps with your chronic fatigue. - PLUS how to control blood sugar, protect your liver, and much more, yours FREE! FREE e-Report No.3 – hTERT: Youth Rebound [100% Guarantee] Usually $19.95, it’s yours FREE when you order my “Best Deal” package. In this one-of-a-kind special e-Report, you’ll learn: - How to flick the “grow young switch” inside your body’s cells - The “Sleeping Gene” that makes any chronic disease disappear - The new discovery that could help you live to 200 - An amazing new way to eradicate wrinkles and gray hair - How rewrite your family medical history. - Why eating red meat turbocharges your brain and helps you think faster - And other safe and natural secrets for purifying your body and revitalizing your health Plus, order within the next 24 hours and I’ll send you a special bonus e-Report… Telomere Secrets Volume 5: Erase Wrinkles and Turn Graying Hair Back to its Original Color, a $19.95 value, yours FREE. [100% Guarantee] In this must-read Special e-Report, you’ll discover: - The clinically proven “lifelong protection system” for your skin - How Hollywood stars stop themselves from aging - Shocking findings: Why sunscreens can make you age 5x faster! - The real cause of uneven skin tone - A new way to get “snap-back” elasticity in your skin - The super vitamin you need to take for fewer wrinkles and less dryness - How to extend the lifespan of your skin cells by up to 30%. - And other safe and natural secrets for purifying your body and supercharging your health That’s a total of savings and FREE Gifts worth $160.60! All you need to do is choose my “Best Deal” package. My patients typically take 1 capsule of Telo X Nano per day, first thing in the morning, for a minimum of 90 days. After 3 months you’ll be well-positioned to experience the full, life-changing benefits that Telo X Nano has to offer. You’ll also receive free enrolment to my VIP Auto Delivery Program. With my VIP Auto Delivery Program, you’ll automatically receive a new 3-month supply of Telo X Nano – every 3 months, before you run out… For the same amazing, discounted rate… Which means you only pay $125.85 for a 3-month supply, $41.85 per bottle…PLUS get FREE shipping included. And the best part is, you’re not locked into any contracts or obligated to remain a member – you can cancel at any time. And if you’re still on the fence, I’m prepared to go even further… By shouldering all the risk on this offer. You Risk Nothing With My Iron-Clad 100% Money-Back Guarantee [100% Guarantee] If for any reason – or no reason at all – you feel like this product hasn’t provided any value, simply return the unused portion and/or empty bottles within 90 days from your purchase date… And I will rush you a full refund – down to the penny. That is my personal promise to you. And on top of it all, I’ll even let you keep all four e-reports as a sign of my good faith. To summarize my “Best Deal”, here’s what you receive: - Three bottles of Telo X Nano worth $179.85 - Free Shipping – a $26.85 value - 3 FREE e-Reports valued at $19.95 each - If you order online within the next 24 hours – an EXTRA bonus e-Report valued at $19.95 - My Iron-Clad 100% Money-Back Guarantee That comes to over $166.65 in free gifts and savings. You’ll be hard-pressed to find an offer this good anywhere else you look. Now It’s Time For You To Decide You’ve seen the proof, you’ve seen the results, and you’ve seen the life-changing potential that long telomeres can bring… And now we stand at a fork in the road… Either we go on together, or you go on alone… If you decide that this breakthrough in health and life extension is not for you… If you decide you’ll try and get through those occasional years of aching joints, deteriorating health, mental fog, and poor vision all by yourself… And if you decide you’ll continue on the same path, doing the same thing, and hope for different results… I’m not here to stand in your way… The choice is yours. But if you decide that you’re ready to embark upon an exciting journey that could hand you the potential to regain your youthful appearance, health, and vibrancy… By unleashing the full power of your body’s own telomerase stores…and stopping the destruction of your telomeres dead in its tracks. Then Telo X Nano is the solution. To Your Good Health, Al Sears, MD, CNS P.S. Once word gets out about the breakthrough we've achieved with Telo X Nano, I expect a surge of new interest to come flooding in. Which means our already tight supply of Telo X Nano might run out - and you might need to wait weeks for more supply to come online. Which means time is of the essence. Don't delay, order Telo X Nano today. BEST DEAL: Become a Telo X Nano VIP! Buy three bottles of Telo X Nano for just $125.85. - Plus get free shipping and handling. - Your immediate savings amount to $80.85. - You’ll also get 3 FREE e-Reports valued at $19.95 each. - And, if you respond within the next 24 hours — you’ll get an EXTRA bonus e-Report valued at $19.95 as your free gift! - That’s $160.65 in FREE Gifts and Savings! 1770d7/ct1_0/1/lu?sid=TV2%3A6Sk2Wvbz9 GREAT DEAL! [Buy three bottles](1770d7/ct2_0/1/lu?sid=TV2%3A6Sk2Wvbz9) of Telo X Nano with a 15% discount for just $152.85. - Plus get free shipping and handling. - Your immediate savings amount to $53.85. - You’ll also get 3 FREE e-Reports valued at $19.95 each. - And, if you respond within the next 24 hours — you’ll get an EXTRA bonus e-Report valued at $19.95 as your free gift! - That’s $133.65 in FREE Gifts and Savings! 1770d7/ct2_1/1/lu?sid=TV2%3A6Sk2Wvbz9 Trial Offer: [Order one bottle](1770d7/ct3_0/1/lu?sid=TV2%3A6Sk2Wvbz9) of Telo X Nano for $59.95 plus $8.95 shipping and handling and get the special e-Report — Telomere Secrets Volume 5: Erase Wrinkles and Turn Graying Hair Back to its Original Color FREE. 1770d7/ct3_1/1/lu?sid=TV2%3A6Sk2Wvbz9 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Cawthon R, et al. “Association between telomere length in blood and mortality in people aged 60 years and older.” Lancet. 2003 Feb 1;361(9355):393-5. 2. Cawthon R, et al. “Association between telomere length in blood and mortality in people aged 60 years and older.” Lancet. 2003 Feb 1;361(9355):393-5. 3. Cawthon R, et al. “Association between telomere length in blood and mortality in people aged 60 years and older.” Lancet. 2003 Feb 1;361(9355):393-5. 4. Chen J, et al. “Polyunsaturated fatty acids ameliorate aging via redox-telomere-antioncogene axis.” Oncotarget. 2017 Jan 31; 8(5): 7301-7314. 5. “Countries that Ban GMOs 2023.” World Population Review (. Accessed: Dec. 4, 2023. 6. Rabin R C. “What Foods Are Banned in Europe but Not Banned in the U.S.?” The New York Times ( Dec. 28, 2018 7. “Fight Inflammation to Help Prevent Heart Disease.” Johns Hopkins Medicine ( Health. Accessed Nov. 17, 2023. 8. Fraiman J. “Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in randomized trials in adults.” Vaccine. 2022 Sep 22;40(40):5798-5805. 9. Dhamanti I, et al. “Adverse reactions of COVID-19 vaccines: a scoping review of observational studies.” Int J Gen Med. 2023; 16: 609-618. 10. Salomone F, et al. “Silibinin restores NAD+ levels and induces the SIRT1/AMPK pathway in non-alcoholic fatty liver.” Nutrients. 2017 Oct; 9(10): 1086. 11. Palacios J A, et al. “SIRT1 contributes to telomere maintenance and augments global homologous recombination.” J Cell Biol. 2010 Dec 27; 191(7): 1299-313. 12. “Astragalus” Mount Sinai ( Accessed Nov. 17, 2023 13. Guinobert I, et al. “The use of natural agents to counteract telomere shortening: effects of a multi-component extract of Astragalus mongholicus Bunge and Danazol.” Biomedicines. 2020 Feb 12; 8(2): 31. 14. Sharma R, Martins N. “Telomeres, DNA Damage and Ageing: Potential Leads from Ayurvedic Rasayana (Anti-Ageing) Drugs.” J Clin Med. 2020 Aug; 9(8): 2544. 15. Naeini S H, et al. “Alpha-ketoglutarate as a potent regulator for lifespan and healthspan: Evidences and perspectives.” Exp Gerontol. 2023 May:175:112154. 16. Liu J, et al. “Delay in oocyte aging in mice by the antioxidant N-acetyl-l-cysteine (NAC).” Hum Reprod. 2012 May;27(5):1411-20. 17. Farahzadi R, et al. “L-carnitine Effectively Induces hTERT Gene Expression of Human Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Obtained from the Aged Subjects.” Int J Stem Cells. 2016 May; 9(1): 107-114. 18. Shi H, et al. “Potential effect of dietary zinc intake on telomere length: A cross-sectional study of US adults.” Front Nutr. 2022; 9: 993425. --------------------------------------------------------------- *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 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The more words in the content, the more time the user will need to spend reading. Get straight to the point with catchy short phrases and interesting photos and graphics.

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Average in this category

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Number of Images

More images or large images might cause the email to load slower. Aim for a balance of words and images.

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Average in this category

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Time to Read

Longer reading time requires more attention and patience from users. Aim for short phrases and catchy keywords.

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Average in this category

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Predicted open rate

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Spam Score

Spam score is determined by a large number of checks performed on the content of the email. For the best delivery results, it is advised to lower your spam score as much as possible.

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Flesch reading score

Flesch reading score measures how complex a text is. The lower the score, the more difficult the text is to read. The Flesch readability score uses the average length of your sentences (measured by the number of words) and the average number of syllables per word in an equation to calculate the reading ease. Text with a very high Flesch reading ease score (about 100) is straightforward and easy to read, with short sentences and no words of more than two syllables. Usually, a reading ease score of 60-70 is considered acceptable/normal for web copy.

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Email Size (not include images)

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