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Protect your heart at any age with this “caveman secret”


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Thu, Aug 18, 2022 04:17 PM

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This little-known secret reveals how our ancestors were able to maintain… to view this message

This little-known secret reveals how our ancestors were able to maintain… [Click here](1f361/ct0_0/1/ms?sid=TV2%3ArgFyVLzru) to view this message in your browser | [Click here](1f361/g-0b97/zout?sid=TV2%3ArgFyVLzru) to stop receiving our messages [] [] Al Sears, MD 11905 Southern Blvd. Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 [] August 18, 2022 [] Palm Beach anti-aging doctor reveals the shocking truth about… The Caveman’s Secret For A Stronger Heart This little-known secret reveals how our ancestors were able to maintain… ✔ A powerful, pumping heart at any age ✔ Clean artery walls for optimal blood flow ✔ And lifelong heart health support Reader, What if I told you that the healthiest people alive have the same lifestyles as the paleo hunter-gatherers of our primal past? With a diet consisting mainly of beef, cattle milk, and animal fat, these physical powerhouses go their whole lives without worrying about the heart health troubles that plague the industrialized world. I’m talking about the Masai tribes in Kenya and Tanzania. Both tribes have fascinated western researchers for years… And with good reason… They ditch many of the modern conveniences we take for granted. And their diets drive today’s trendy “health gurus” nuts… But they maintain a level of heart health that should make all first-world countries jealous. There was a time when almost everyone on the planet lived like this, but that’s not the case anymore. The modern decline is clear for everyone to see. To date, all the historical evidence we have shows “cavemen” – or paleo hunter-gatherers – maintained exceptional heart health until their very last breath. The reason – their strong, ageless hearts! I’ve been exploring the mystery of ancient heart health since I first picked up a medical textbook. I log over 20,000 miles every year traveling the world to uncover the long-lost secrets of our ancestors. And it’s my life-long mission to find out how and why human hearts face more challenges than ever before – despite us living in the most technologically advanced age in our history. When I wrote my first book, The Doctor’s Heart Cure all the way back in 2004, things started to make sense. At some point in our history, we made a crucial mistake that our hearts are paying the price for. The good news is though… We can still give our hearts the powerful support our ancestors enjoyed. In this letter, I’ll show you exactly how you can win back the “ageless hearts” of our primal past. But first, we need to look at how we got here… Why Our Health Took A Wrong Turn It was the early 1900s when physicians began to notice something very strange about the new world they were living in.1 At a time of unprecedented progress in science, medicine, and technology, scientists were perplexed by a seemingly unexplainable phenomenon… People were becoming less healthy. But it just didn’t make sense. Right off the heels of the Industrial Revolution, scientists had every reason to believe humanity was on a path to promote consistent good health for the rest of time. Suddenly, we had antibiotics, vaccines, and industries powering mass food production on a scale never seen before. But something was wrong. More people than ever were gaining weight and becoming obese. Our rising levels of obesity have resulted in increased levels of disease. Poor heart health, once considered the rarest of the rare, was becoming common. Graceful aging had become a thing of the past. Doctors were dumbfounded. So, a collection of medical associations joined forces in 1924 to create the American Heart Association. And then things got even worse… This new organization began to dole out recommendations that ran completely contrary to what got us, humans, this far in the first place. American favorites like steak and eggs were replaced by grain-heavy cereals and starches. Cholesterol became public enemy number one… And what we used to call “exercise” was replaced with low-intensity activities like jogging. Today, we’re living in the world the American Heart Association created. Obesity rates have tripled since 1957. And poor heart health remains the number one threat to American lives. So, what happened? The truth is that the origins behind our poor hearts go much further back… And thanks to groundbreaking research. We can finally trace where it all went wrong to a single point in history. Our 10,000-Year-Old Mistake Poor heart health has been a problem for a long time, but it wasn’t until the 20th century that it really began to consume the planet. But the seeds were planted much, much earlier… This wasn’t some mutation in our genes. In fact, we share 99.99 percent of our genealogy with paleolithic hunter-gatherers. But there was a single turning point that changed everything. At first, it seemed like a blessing. And that’s exactly how mainstream medicine sees it. The truth is that this historic event blunted the edge that made early humans physical powerhouses. It rewrote our diets and transformed the lifestyles that made our forebearers as strong and resilient as they were. Now, 10,000 years later, millions are paying the price. I’m talking about agriculture. This monumental development in human history shifted the focus of our diets from what could hunt to what we could grow… And despite what medical convention might have you believe, the bulk of our energy came from meat. Research shows that hunter-gatherers were more “hunter” than anything else. 65 percent of their energy came from meat and fat, while just 35 percent came from plant sources. Grains, which now dominate the modern western diet, are indigestible unless they are milled and cooked. Despite this, carbs make up almost half of today’s modern diet, with protein inching in at just 16 percent.2 Today, the consequences of dumping our natural diets are easy to see. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, poor heart health claimed almost 700,000 American lives in 2020 alone.3 But it didn’t take 10,000 years for this to happen. Even before the Industrial Revolution, carb-heavy grains were taking their toll on our hearts. Recently, scientists uncovered the classic signs of heart disease in Ancient Egyptian mummies.4 While this is ancient history to us, we’re talking about a society that was far removed from its primal past. Now, the best thing we can do for our hearts is to reintroduce our bodies to what made them strong in the first place. There are two things you can do right away to make this happen. The first is to revive the protein-heavy diet that helped our ancestors grow sturdy, imposing bodies. Limiting carbs and eating more animal fat and meat is a great start. Then, there’s exercise. As you can probably guess, hunter-gatherers didn’t develop rock-hard muscles and pumping hearts by jogging every other day. Their fitness came from their lifestyle – which involved quick bouts of intense movements during a hunt. You can replicate these movements with high-intensity interval training. My own PACE program, which is designed for people of all ages, is based on this concept. And it only requires 12 minutes a day. But beyond diet and exercise is nutrition – the missing link that can keep your heart healthy and strong throughout your entire life. And you don’t have to give up modern conveniences to do it. These primal super nutrients are still out there – and are proven to work. Now, I’m going to show you three natural wonders that maintain premium heart health. #1: Lycopene Even if this is your first time hearing about lycopene, there’s a good chance it’s part of your diet already. Lycopene is a type of organic pigment we call a carotenoid – and is responsible for the red color in tomatoes, watermelon, red oranges, guava, and other fruits and vegetables. But it does so much more than make our food look pretty. Lycopene is also a powerful antioxidant and a game changer for heart health. In a study published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Magazine, researchers linked the eating of lycopene-rich tomatoes to a laundry list of benefits.5 This included optimal heart health. Scientists in the study recommended Americans increase their intake of tomatoes as a strategy for improving public health overall. But this wasn’t the only time researchers were floored by lycopene. Scientists at the University of Cambridge put the relationship between lycopene and heart health to the test with their so-called “tomato pill.” They tested it on people wanting to improve their cardiovascular health. In the experiment, 36 participants (and 36 healthy volunteers) were given a small supplement with just 7mg of lycopene. Those that wished to optimize their heart health had tests that showed they reinforced their blood vessel power.6 This simple test showed how powerful a natural approach can be. Of course, lycopene isn’t the only tool we have at our disposal. #2: Magnesium Magnesium is an essential mineral for healthy heart function. The signs of magnesium deficiency are hard to ignore. Unfortunately, many Americans will find them familiar… I’m talking about a lack of energy, constant sleepiness, and loss of appetite. Magnesium deficiency is typically found in people wanting to improve their heart health. So, it’s not surprising to see study after study connecting magnesium to optimal heart health. Even the American Heart Association, the organization largely responsible for today’s heart health epidemic, has acknowledged the power of this miracle mineral. In a study published in Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association, authors found that magnesium supplements support healthy blood pressure within normal ranges. In theory, it shouldn’t be hard to find magnesium. Our ancestors ate plenty of it in the form of dark, leafy greens and nuts. Unfortunately, problems persist in today’s unnatural food. Now, let’s look at the last one… #3: Vitamin K2 Of all the things I’ve mentioned so far, nothing has been as criminally overlooked as vitamin K2. Modern diet trends – which are encouraged by Big Pharma, the CDC, and our popular culture – completely disregard how vital this vitamin really is. Considering the sources, it’s not surprising. Because the best place to get vitamin K2 is meat. And it’s not something those artificial, synthetic “impossible burgers” will ever be able to replicate. I’m not talking about your typical steaks – although that’s a great start. I’m talking about organ meat that’s been virtually scrapped from western diets – like liver. And that’s not all. Fatty foods, which the medical establishment says provide no nutritional value at all, happen to be excellent sources of vitamin K2. Including butter and cheese. Clearly, the powers that be don’t consider vitamin K2 to be very important. But real science tells us a very different story. Recently, scientists at Edith Cowan University conducted a study on a massive data set taken from more than 50,000 people. Participants took part in the Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health study – a 23-year-long program. The result? People who ate foods rich in vitamins K1 and K2 consistently maintained optimal heart health. Another review conducted by the Children’s Hospital and Researcher Center at Oakland again confirmed that vitamin K is essential for healthy living at any age. After examining hundreds of research papers, scientists concluded that diets rich in vitamin K can help slow age-related changes to heart health.7 Researchers warned that vitamin K consumption has dropped considerably – both in food and in most commercial multivitamins. Can You Eat Like a Caveman Again? After seeing this research, it’s probably obvious why our ancestors would never dream of modern man’s deterioration of optimal health. All the nutritional wonders I mentioned: lycopene, magnesium, and vitamin K2…were all abundantly available… They didn’t even have to think about it. Their natural instincts guided them to get the nutrition they needed to keep their hearts pumping strong throughout their lives. The fat and protein in wild game provided almost all the nutrition, with vegetables making up the difference. So now, the question is this: Can you get this same benefit from the food available today? The answer is a bit complicated. Industrial food production has done more than just mess up our diets. Even the food we could use to bring back that paleolithic approach has been compromised. Most commercial beef is rife with artificial toxins because the animals we use are fed artificial diets themselves. And the vegetables you’ll find at your local grocery store have gone through generations of mutations to make them easier to grow, ship, and store in mass quantities. So you can get some of the nutritional value you would need, but it wouldn’t be the same pure level of quality our ancestors had access to. But that doesn’t mean all is lost. With a paleo-style diet and exercise – and the latest in heart health technology – there is still hope. Introducing: My Assure II Heart Tonic [Order now](#order) Seeing the nutritional draught of the modern world, I knew something had to be done. I needed to find a way to deliver all these nutrients quickly and effectively. And there was a clear demand for a solution the medical establishment just isn’t interested in. That’s when I came up with the idea for my Assure Heart Tonic. Since then, I’ve enhanced the formula, and the Assure II Heart Tonic is already supporting better heart health for thousands across America. The idea is simple. This tonic combines generous amounts of lycopene, magnesium, and vitamin K2 into one, delicious, daily supplement. With each helping, you can… - Support your heart at the cellular level - Support healthy blood pressure - Maintain steady, healthy heart rhythms - Promote healthy artery walls - And support vascular elasticity How to Support Your Caveman Heart Of course, I want to get the Assure II Heart Tonic in as many hands as possible – but I want you to be 100% confident about it. While it’s not available in stores yet, I’m making a special offer for all my readers to try it risk-free. For just $99.95 plus shipping and handling, I’ll send you a one-month supply. That means that if you’re not completely satisfied, just send me back the bottle and any unused product, and I’ll send you your money back no questions asked. If you’re serious about supporting your caveman heart, there’s an even better option… For just $85.95 per jar, I’ll send you a three-month supply of Assure II Heart Tonic. You’ll really start noticing a difference in that third month. I’m talking about… - Improved energy and alertness - Fast recovery after intensive exercise - And reinforced, easy breathing when you go out for walks But when you have a healthy heart, you still have to keep it strong… That’s why I created the Assure II Heart tonic VIP Auto Ship Program. By signing up, you’ll get 3 jars of Assure II Heart Tonic shipped right to your door every three months – for just $84.95 per jar. That’s a whopping 15% savings off the retail price. Not only is this the best value, but it’s also the best way to make sure your heart is getting the nutrition it needs. Supply is often limited, so I regularly have to re-order materials to keep my clinic stocked up. Free Gift With Every Order: The Supplement I Think EVERYONE Should Take When you order Assure II Heart Tonic, you get a free bottle of what I consider the single most important supplement you can take if you are concerned about your heart health. And it's something you've likely never considered. Let me explain… It's no secret Big Pharma spends billions on advertising. Turn the news on any given night, and you're sure to see dozens of commercials hawking the latest drug to fix whatever ails you. It's partly how the American public became so well-versed in cholesterol, triglycerides, and high blood pressure. But there is something they are not telling you about… that experts agree SHOULD be on your radar… In fact, the most famous heart study ever conducted — the 70-year ongoing Framingham Heart study — reporting, "higher levels were associated with increased risk of new-onset heart failure in both men and women." But the Damage Doesn't Stop At Your Heart… Since your arteries flow blood to every organ in your body, high levels can have dire effects everywhere. Researchers at Moscow State University say its "toxic for the nervous and immune systems." And Johns Hopkins found it destroys your brain because it "impairs DNA repair in hippocampal neurons."In fact, a 2014 study showed patients with high levels had a 4.2-fold increased rate of clinically diagnosed dementia. What is it? An amino acid called homocysteine. I've written a special report that explains everything you need to know about homocysteine. And the twin ways your body keeps it in check. You'll get that report free. But more importantly, when you order Assure II Heart Tonic you get… My Homocysteine Support Formula FREE! [Order now](#order) There are solutions that support your body's ability to keep homocysteine in the normal range. But they are all natural. And that's why you'll never see a Big Pharma ad for them. Since they are natural, they can't be patented. And since they can't patent them, they can't sell them for a profit to the public. Which is why they don't advertise it and you've never heard about it. But I don't believe profit motive should stand between you and a healthier and happier life. Which is why every order of Assure II Heart Tonic gets my Homocysteine Support formula FREE. It contains a combination of nutrients is clinically shown to keep homocysteine levels within normal ranges. Normally, Homocysteine Support sells for $29.99 a bottle. But it's yours free with every order. In addition, you’ll get two special easily downloadable e-Reports, Supercharge Your Tired Heart and Outperform People HALF Your Age (a $19.95 value) and The Nitric Oxide Revolution (a $19.95 value). FREE e-Report No. 1 Supercharge Your Tired Heart and Outperform People HALF Your Age (a $19.95 value) In this special e-Report, you’ll learn: - How your telomeres are responsible for the aging of your primary organs including your heart, brain, skin, eyes, and more - The key nutrient that switches on your “anti-aging” gene - The list of best wines that improve your longevity - ​Not a fan of wine? The foods that house this “anti-aging” nutrient - How to use a natural supplement that actually supports good heart health. - The 6 “Must-Have” nutrients for a starving heart to be whole And much more. In this special e-Report. Yours FREE with the purchase of Assure II Heart Tonic Best Deal. FREE e-Report No. 2 The Nitric Oxide Revolution (a $19.95 value) In this exclusive e-Report, I’m going to share with you: - How low blood oxygen levels are impacting more than just your heart - The symptoms associated with poor blood flow - ​The amazing science behind nitric oxide and how it holds the key to promoting great DNA, brain, heart, and blood sugar health - ​The foods richest in the amino acids that make nitric oxide - The best (and most unlikely) fruit for increasing blood flow - The best vegetable for increasing blood flow - ​Other activities you can do to naturally increase your body’s blood flow And more to be found in this special e-Report. Yours FREE with the purchase of Assure II Heart Tonic Best Deal. Now, I know you’ve been led to believe feeling great while eating an occasional steak, or fried chicken, and drinking shot after shot of liquor is a fantasy that doesn’t exist. Truth be told, a lot of people believe that their situations, especially when it comes to aging will get worse before it gets better. And I’d hate for your skepticism to get the better of you… and for you to miss out on trying Assure II Heart Tonic for yourself. For this reason, I’m happy to take ALL the risk. 100% Beautiful Artery Guarantee I promise that by taking my Assure II Heart Tonic, you will… - Support healthy blood pressure - Promote healthy and balanced triglycerides - ​Support healthy cholesterol in the normal ranges - ​Promote healthy circulation - ​Feel more energy And make you feel like you are years, even decades, younger. But if you’re not thrilled with the results you’re getting with Assure II Heart Tonic, all you have to do is simply send me back the empty jar, or jars, within 90 days from the date of purchase. After that, you’ll receive a full refund of your purchase price. Before I sign off, I want to let you know that good heart health shouldn’t have to be as hard and limiting as the “experts” make it out to be. I’ve enjoyed wonderful heart health for decades. So have my patients. And we still get to enjoy the finer things in life. Many Americans have been living unhappy for a long time and I believe that my Assure II Heart Tonic can give them the confidence and more importantly, the happiness to enjoy living life abundantly like we were meant to. That said, why not order today? You have nothing to lose — and an opportunity to see… and feel… the power of better circulation in just 7 days. To Your Good Health, Al Sears, MD, CNS P.S. One more thing I want to tell you. When you order in the next 7 days, I'll send you another special gift. When patients first hear about my approaches to heart health, they're shocked. They can't believe how I've discouraged long bouts of cardio. The truth is… and every new patient I take on hears it from me firsthand… "There is a better way to keep your heart strong." I explain to them how the conventional wisdom regarding exercise is not only misleading, but by following that approach will quickly lead you to the emergency room. It's all revealed in The Ageless Heart Manual. Outside of coming to my clinic and scheduling and appointment with me, everything I'd go over with you in person regarding your heart and exercise is in this special bonus report. Here are some of the things you'll learn: - Why you shouldn't work out more than 10 to 20 minutes… a week! - The awful truth about cardio (how long bouts of exercise can leave you at a HIGHER risk of heart attack). - The biggest mistake beginners (even intermediates) make with their exercise routines. - Exercises that strengthen your whole body from your neck, to your back, to your knees. - The scary connection between long-term cycling and impotence (do this instead) Simply put, you can now put the days of pounding the treadmill behind you, as you achieve optimal heart health by doing 80% less than what conventional wisdom says. All while experiencing a slew of benefits beyond just heart health, proven in clinical studies to result in: - Less neck, low back, and knee pain - A better, deeper, and more restful sleep - Feeling stronger - Slowing, stopping, or better managing of diabetes - Improved weight loss - Less morning muscle stiffness - Less joint achiness I do not sell this special report on its own and is only available to you by making your order within the next 7 days. By ordering now, you'll learn how my patients have improved their heart health without having to attend cycling classes, treadmill classes, and some have even cancelled their gym memberships because everything they need to know at home, as outlined in my special report. It's a 19.95 value. But it's yours FREE by ordering in the next 7 days. BEST DEAL! Save more than $866 annually in Discounts, FREE Shipping and FREE GIFTS with VIP Auto-Delivery. I’ll try a 3-month supply for only $84.95 per jar, saving 15% per jar, with FREE SHIPPING through the convenience of Auto Delivery. Every 3 months, just before I run out, I’ll receive a new 3-month supply, and my credit card will be charged (I can cancel at any time). My price will stay the same for as long for as I’m on Auto Delivery. In addition to my 3 jars of Assure II Heart Tonic, I’ll get three FREE bottles of Homocysteine Support (at $29.99 a bottle, that’s a retail value of $89.87 free). VIP Auto Delivery entitles you to FREE SHIPPING, saving you $26.85 every 3-months. I’ll also get the FREE special e-Report Supercharge Your Tired Heart and Outperform People HALF Your Age and the FREE special e-Report The Nitric Oxide Revolution. Save over $807 per year! If I order now, I’ll also receive the e-Report, The Ageless Heart Manual, a $19.95 value, free! 1f361/ct1_0/1/lu?sid=TV2%3ArgFyVLzru GREAT VALUE! I’ll receive [3 jars](1f361/ct2_0/1/lu?sid=TV2%3ArgFyVLzru) (a three-month supply) of Assure II Heart Tonic for only $89.95 per jar plus $10.95 shipping and handling. That’s a total savings of 10% per jar! 1f361/ct3_0/1/lu?sid=TV2%3ArgFyVLzru TRIAL OFFER I’ll receive 1 jar (a one-month supply) Assure II Heart Tonic for only $99.95 plus $8.95 shipping and handling. [Get the Trial Offer](1f361/ct4_0/1/lu?sid=TV2%3ArgFyVLzru) --------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCES 1. Story, Colleen. “The History of Heart Disease.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 11 May 2018, 2. Cordain L, et al. “Plant-animal subsistence ratios and macronutrient energy estimations in worldwide hunter-gatherer diets.” Am J of Clin Nutr. 2000;71(3):682-692 3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Health Promotion, Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention. “Heart Disease Facts,” Accessed August 17, 2022 4. Madjid M, et al. “High prevalence of cholesterol-rich atherosclerotic lesions in ancient mummies: A near-infrared spectroscopy study.” Am Heart J. 2019;216:113-116 5. Burton-Freeman B, et al. “Tomato consumption and health: Emerging benefits.” Am J of Lifestyle Med. 2010;5(2) 6. Gajendragadkar P, et al. “Effects of oral lycopene supplementation on vascular function in patients with cardiovascular disease and health volunteers: A randomized controlled trial.” 2014 7. McCann J, et al. “Vitamin K, an example of triage theory: is micronutrient inadequacy linked to diseases of aging?” Am J Clin Nutr. 2009;90(4):889-907 --------------------------------------------------------------- *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. --------------------------------------------------------------- [Preferences | Unsubscribe](1f361/g-0b97/zout?sid=TV2%3ArgFyVLzru) 11905 Southern Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, Florida 33411, United States

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