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All-day energy with just one spray


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Sat, Jun 4, 2022 05:22 PM

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A simple spray has the power to keep you feeling awake, alert, and confident for as long as you need

A simple spray has the power to keep you feeling awake, alert, and confident for as long as you need to be [Click here](1770d7/ct0_0/1/ms?sid=TV2%3Aea0hZ5gAi) to view this message in your browser | [Click here](1770d7/l-002e/zout?sid=TV2%3Aea0hZ5gAi) to stop receiving our messages [] [] Al Sears, MD 11905 Southern Blvd. Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 [] June 4, 2022 [] Easy spray fits right in your pocket The New Secret to All-Day Energy without the Crash A simple spray has the power to keep you feeling awake, alert, and confident for as long as you need to be – and it gets to work in seconds. [Surfwr fun] Reader, Imagine gliding through your day with the vigor and poise you didn’t know you still had. Whether it’s household chores, a day at the office, or that important meeting you want to be sharp and prepared for…you’ll have the energy to tackle everything. Just one quick jolt of fuel, and you’re ready. As you’ll see in a moment, not only is this still possible, but you don’t need to go on a coffee binge to make this happen. Most of us remember what it’s like to have seemingly unlimited energy. When we’re young, it just comes naturally. But as we age, it gets harder and harder. And we rely on caffeine just to get us through the morning…then comes the inevitable afternoon crash. This dependence on caffeine cripples our productivity and our mood. It’s also shown to dramatically increase blood pressure and make getting a good night’s sleep next to impossible. Now, I love a good cup of coffee to start my day. And I don’t plan on giving that up – neither should you. But it doesn’t replace that boundless zeal we all remember. Here’s the good news – all-day energy is still possible at any age. It’s all thanks to a remarkable natural breakthrough – and I’m not talking about another trendy energy drink. This solution moves us beyond caffeine and artificial, toxic chemicals that do little more than sap our energy in the long run. I’m talking about a simple formula made from all-natural ingredients, including a Nobel Prize-winning compound. With just a few sprays, you can… - Banish your “brain fog” - Support crystal clear memory and concentration - Maintain immediate energy - Control feelings of stress and irritability [Surfwr fun] At first, it might feel like a double shot of espresso…except without the jitters. But it isn’t. Instead, you’re getting a boost of a completely natural compound human beings have always depended on to support our drive and mental clarity. Once upon a time, it was in most of the food we ate. This is no longer the case – and we’ve turned to stimulants like caffeine to make up for it. But thanks to the latest scientific developments, we can return to that innate “get up and go” feeling – without any strange shakes or plummeting crashes. This is the future of human energy. Here’s what I mean… Blow Away Brain Fog, Focus Like a Laser and Soothe Stress I’m sure you know what it’s like when “brain fog” rolls in. You’re talking but you lose your place mid-sentence and struggle to remember what you were going to say. Or you’re reading a book, turn the page and you realize you’ve forgotten what you read. It happens so darn fast. One minute you’re quick-witted. The next your thinking is sluggish. But this remarkable liquid helps blow away your “brain fog.” A few simple squirts into your mouth and in only a few seconds the fog will begin to melt away. You could be as sharp as a tack again — instantly. You could polish off that crossword puzzle, dive back into the latest bestseller, or finish shooting the breeze with your buddies. And it doesn’t stop there. Not only do the natural compounds in this liquid help boost your energy, and let you focus like a laser… …it also helps you ease the stress that settles on your shoulders day after day. Unexpected bills, family quarrels, and work problems all pile on the stress. And stress drains your energy and plays havoc with your mind and body.4 In just a few minutes, I’ll show you why a few sprays from that plain brown bottle could give you the zip and zing you’re lacking, why it could clear out the cotton wool in your head, and ease temporary feelings of anxiety. But first, let me show you the reason… Why Most Doctors Miss the No. 1 Reason You Feel Tired All the Time You see, there’s a vital nutrient in your body that helps maintain a healthy nervous system, produce DNA and red blood cells.5 If your body lacks this natural compound, you could suffer from fatigue, lethargy, feeling blue, age-related memory loss and a whole host of other ailments.6 But worryingly, it’s commonly misdiagnosed by doctors.7 They miss the simple reason why you’re tired, even though it can be spotted with a basic blood test.8 Many doctors misdiagnose this easy-to-fix deficiency as frightening diseases like MS9 or dementia.10 And stumped by the symptoms, other doctors simply say it’s old age. Curiously, they’re closer to the truth than they realize. As you grow older, your body’s ability to absorb this vital nutrient slows down. It’s a two-step process to digest this nutrient. First, gastric acid in your stomach separates this nutrient from your food. Second, a protein in your stomach called intrinsic factor combines with the nutrient and is absorbed by your body.11 But as you age, the levels of gastric acid and intrinsic factor fall. On top of that, many medicines can lower the levels of the vital nutrient in your body. Antibiotics, proton-pump inhibitors, peptic ulcer medications, and diabetes drugs can all interfere with your body’s ability to absorb this natural compound.12 It’s no wonder that almost half of older folks are deficient in this vital nutrient.13 It’s why office workers feel like falling asleep at their desks around 3 p.m. It’s why weary older folks nod off after dinner or watching TV. It’s why grandparents struggle to play with their grandkids. It’s why you wake up worn-out and drag yourself through the day like you’ve been run over by a steamroller… …why you feel like your head is packed with cotton wool and you stumble over simple words and struggle to end a sentence… …and why you’re nagged by endless aches. But it’s not because you’re getting older. It’s because you probably aren’t getting enough of this natural compound. That’s where my new formula comes in — to put an end to all this. And it’s packed into the liquid in that plain brown bottle I talked about earlier. Now it’s about time I told you what it is. It’s good old vitamin B12 and it helps… Refuel Your Body’s Powerhouse But don’t rush down to your nearest health store to stock up on vitamin B12 tablets. Supplements aren’t the best way to get B12 into your system. You see, vitamin B12 struggles to survive in stomach acid. It needs help to make it through your stomach. It does this by “buddying” with a protein called intrinsic factor to make it safely to your gut.14 Think of it like a weedy guy hanging out with a tough guy to make it down a dark alley. But as you age, that protein — that tough guy — gets weaker.15 That means less of that vitamin B12 supplement makes it into your system, where it can begin working its energy-generating magic. The B12 that does make it has to bind with another protein before it’s absorbed by your intestines and into your bloodstream. It’s one heck of a long and hazardous journey. Now imagine squirting a pleasant-tasting liquid rich in vitamin B12 under your tongue. The underside of your tongue has an abundance of capillaries. These tiny blood vessels begin to absorb the B12 almost instantly. It’s a whole lot quicker and easier than taking a tablet. That why I created this unique liquid packed with vitamin B12. And it’s why I believe it’s… The Fastest and Most Powerful Energy Boosters You Can Get It’s called Re-Energized. It comes in a handy spray bottle that fits easily in your pocket or purse. #offer Whenever you feel your energy start to flag, you can simply pull out the small brown bottle and spray it under your tongue. It’s that easy to take. And it doesn’t matter where you are. You could be on the tee at the 11th hole… hiking high in the mountains… or walking around a theme park. A burst of natural energy is only a few squirts away. But Re-Energized doesn’t only rely on vitamin B12 to do all the heavy lifting. There’s so much more that can be done to flood you with energy, sharpen your mind, and soothe stress. Re-Energized contains 10 potent natural ingredients that’ll help perk up your pep and pizazz, including one of… Mother Nature’s “Pick Me Ups” In the dark days of the Cold War, a weird herb was central to the Soviet military’s efforts to create a super soldier. Why? It held the answer to feeling renewed, energized, and stress-free. Under orders from the Kremlin to secure Soviet superiority, researchers in the USSR searched for a way to boost the physical and mental energy of their soldiers, athletes and cosmonauts. And they found the covert advantage in a strange herb growing in the Siberian wilderness. In fact, the herb the Soviet researchers discovered was so powerful that it became a closely-guarded military secret. The researchers were banned from discussing their results or publishing their studies outside of the USSR. Many of the studies on this herb and others like it were conducted by the Soviet Ministry of Defense in a sealed research city in the frozen wastes of Siberia. Locked away in this forbidden city, the researchers discovered this natural herb helped soldiers stay alert and energized during sleep-deprivation tests. Cosmonauts experienced better mood even after weeks of cramped living in space. The researchers tested this herb on practically every type of athlete, finding it increased endurance and cut down on recovery time. They tested it on Soviet athletes who perform a winter sport called the biathlon that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.16 After a grueling 12-mile race, they could raise their arms and shoot without their arms shaking — when normally they’d be exhausted.17 The research remained unpublished and locked away in hidden vaults under Moscow… until the Soviet empire crumbled.18 And if it wasn’t for one man, the research would still be gathering dust underneath the Kremlin. A Soviet researcher named Zakir Ramazanov smuggled out the confidential research when he escaped the country after the Iron Curtain fell.19 You might say it’s… The Herb That Came in from the Cold It’s called schisandra. And it increases your resistance to stress and disease, increases your energy, and boosts your endurance.20 Now I could walk you through page after page of my detailed research to show you precisely why schisandra boosts physical and mental performance. I could explain how schisandra increases the exchange of oxygen in tissue cells… how it helps prevent respiratory acidosis… and how this boosts endurance.21 I could tell you how schisandra enhances memory and concentration its cholinergic function and by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase… which increases levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine which is vital for memory and attention span.22 Researchers tested schisandra on sailors keeping watch at sea. It was shown that the sailors were more alert after drinking a schisandra tea. In another study, researchers tested 59 airline stewardesses before and after tiring long haul flights. The stewardesses had significantly better memories than the stewardesses who took a placebo. And in yet another study, factory workers reported a boost in energy after taking schisandra.23 It’s because of remarkable results like these and after careful research, that I included a healthy dose of schisandra in my unique Re-Energized formula. But you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand why I’ve included all these natural compounds. All you need is… The “B Student” Secret to Instant Energy Now, you’ve probably already discovered the amazing power of vitamin B12. But there’s even more to B vitamins. B vitamins are vital when it comes to flooding you with energy, blowing away “brain fog,” and soothing stress. And I’ve included the most powerful B vitamins in my Re-Energized formula. Vitamins B124 and B325 help your brain produce energy. And if your levels of B1 and B3 are low you could find it hard to concentrate and focus. You see, vitamin B1 is crucial to normal brain function. It’s an essential part of the Krebs cycle that helps produce adenosine triphosphate or ATP for short. ATP is the energy source in your brain.26 But vitamin B1 doesn’t only help fuel your brain. It helps your brain cells communicate. It helps in the production of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter that’s vital for memory and cognition.27 In a study of 120 women, half took a placebo and the other half took vitamin B1 for two months. At the start and at the end of the study, the women’s mood, memory, and reaction times were closely monitored. The researchers discovered folks who take vitamin B1 were clearheaded and their minds sharper than those who took the placebo.28 As for vitamin B3, it increases a protein called Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). BDNF has been called “Miracle-Gro for the brain” because it’s shown to boost intelligence, mood, productivity and memory.29 A nine-year study of vitamin B3 involved more than 6,000 people over 65 years old. The researchers carried out four cognitive tests every three years. The study showed boosting your vitamin B3 intake could… Cut Your Risk of Age-Related Memory Loss by Half 30 #offer The Rush Institute for Healthy Aging, Chicago studied more than 3,700 older men and women for 19 years. The people who consumed the most vitamin B3 from foods reduced their chances of developing age-related memory loss by 80%.31 But perhaps one of the most powerful B vitamins is B9. Vitamin B9 is needed to produce the neurotransmitters that allow your brain to communicate. Neurotransmitters like dopamine, epinephrine and serotonin. It’s also critical in producing and repairing the myelin sheaths that wrap the nerve cells in your brain just like the plastic tube protects the copper wiring in a power cord. If your supply of vitamin B9 falls, your neurotransmitters fail to communicate and your myelin sheaths start to fray. And that could be the cause of those “senior moments.” But taking vitamin B9 you could… Get the Memory of Someone Much Younger In a study, more than 800 people took either a B9 vitamin or a placebo for three years. Of course, at the end of the study, the scientists gave everyone a battery of tests. The folks who’d taken vitamin B9 performed as if they were years younger in the speed of their thinking… …and in recalling memories.32 Picture yourself keeping up with every plot twist of the latest best-seller… …or staying razor-sharp as you shoot the breeze with old friends. Vitamin B9 could practically turn back time and help your brain perform as well as it did years ago. And then there’s vitamins B2, B5 and B6. Vitamins B2 and B633 help protect your body against the damaging effects of stress.34 Stress boosts the levels of homocysteine in your blood.35 That’s not good. High levels of homocysteine are linked to heart disease36 and stroke.37 But vitamins B2 and B6 help lower levels of homocysteine.38 In studies of close to 50,000 people, researchers found that B vitamins could reduce homocysteine levels in the blood by up to 52%.39 Imagine cutting one of the major risk factors for stroke and heart disease by over half. And then there’s vitamin B5. It’s vital in supporting your adrenals glands.40 These glands use vitamin B5 to help produce adrenaline when you’re in stressful situations.41 The more stress you’re under, the more your adrenal glands burn through your supply of vitamin B5 to pump out adrenaline. But with a few simple sprays you could top up your body’s levels of vitamin B5. I’ve included these incredible B vitamins in my powerful Re-Energized formula. But on top of all that, I’ve included just the right amount of ginseng and green tea. Why? Well, ginseng is shown to help your brain function and boost your energy. In one trial, 30 people took ginseng daily and after four weeks they showed an improvement in their mental health and mood. And in another trial, 90 people took either ginseng or a placebo. After four weeks, the folks taking ginseng had more mental and physical energy, and lower stress levels.42 As for green tea, it helps improve brain function. Green tea contains caffeine and an amino-acid called L-theanine. These two natural compounds work together to boost your brainpower. How? Well, caffeine blocks a neurotransmitter called adenosine. This chemical binds to receptors on your neurons and slows down your brain. But caffeine fights with adenosine to bind with your neurons. And when it does, it doesn’t slow down your neurons.43 But don’t worry, although there’s caffeine in green tea, it’s not enough to give you the jitters. And as for the amino-acid L-theanine, it supports a neurotransmitter called GABA that calms your brain and soothes temporary feelings of anxiety and stress.44 You’ll find all these powerful organic ingredients in Re-Energized. B vitamins… schisandra… ginseng… and green tea. All of them in the perfect dose. Thousands of people just like you have tried Re-Energized and they’ve been thrilled at the results they’ve gotten. And I’ve made it easy and risk-free for you to try it too. I’ll tell you how in just a second. Now it wasn't easy to pack 10 natural extracts into one powerful easy-to-use spray. But, after countless hours of painstaking research and development, my team at Primal Force did it. They squeezed all brain-boosting nutrients — that would make you rattle when you walked if you took them separately — into a refreshing liquid. Simply squirt it under your tongue and swallow and you’re good to go. You could get on with your day without senior moments, “brain fog,” and the blues. Hand on heart, I believe Re-Energized is the one of the most powerful energy boosters you can get. And you can bet with more than 20 years as an MD I’ve seen a few. But don’t take my word for it. Here’s what folks just like you have to say about Re-Energized. I’ve made getting your supply of Re-Energized as easy as possible with my VIP Auto Delivery Program. Here’s how it works: Simply place your order today and we’ll send 3 bottles of Re-Energized straight to your door. A 3-month supply is $18.71 a bottle. That’s only $0.62 a day. You’d pay way more for a bad cup of coffee. With the VIP Auto Delivery Program you don’t pay a penny for shipping and handling. It’s completely FREE. That gives you a saving of $74.88 a year. And, of course, you can cancel the VIP Auto Delivery Program at any time. But whether you take the VIP service or you simply want to order a single bottle for only $24.95, you don’t risk a penny. You’re protected by a… 100% Money-Back 90-Day Guarantee If for any reason — or for no reason whatsoever — you’re not entirely happy with Re-Energized, I’ll refund every penny of the purchase price. No questions asked. No hassles or forms to fill out. No problems at all. Just return the bottle(s) within 90 days from purchase date to get your money back. It doesn’t matter if it’s empty. If you aren’t convinced Re-Energized is everything I promised, I insist on refunding you every single penny of the purchase price. And you’ve got a full 3 months to try it out. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain from trying Re-Energized right now. Simply click the [Order Now](#offer) button below... What are you waiting for? A few sprays of this remarkable liquid could flood your body with natural energy, blow away brain fog, focus like a laser, and soothe stress. And it could start to do it in 60 seconds. Why not order now and get your supply of Re-Energized? To Your Good Health, Al Sears, MD, CNS [] BEST DEAL When you join my [VIP Auto Delivery Program](1770d7/ct1_0/1/lu?sid=TV2%3Aea0hZ5gAi), you’ll pay just $18.71 per bottle and receive FREE shipping and handling for as long as you take Re-Energized spray. You’ll SAVE 25%. That’s a total savings of $74.88 every year over the 1-bottle price! You can call to adjust the timing or quantity of delivery at any time. And you can cancel any time with no hassles. For your convenience, your credit card will be automatically charged only $56.13 every 90 days to ensure a fresh, on-time delivery of your Re-Energized spray. And your satisfaction is fully promised! If you’re not satisfied for any reason… or for no reason at all… you can get a prompt refund of every penny you paid without further cost or obligation of any kind. That way, you risk nothing. 1770d7/ct1_1/1/lu?sid=TV2%3Aea0hZ5gAi Great Deal! You’ll SAVE 10% when you order a 3-month supply of Re-Energized spray for just $22.45 per bottle. [Order Now](1770d7/ct2_0/1/lu?sid=TV2%3Aea0hZ5gAi) Trial Offer Order a 1-month supply of Re-Energized spray for just $24.95, plus shipping and handling. [Order Now](1770d7/ct3_0/1/lu?sid=TV2%3Aea0hZ5gAi) References: - Nobel Prize: The Nobel Prize and the discovery of vitamins. Accessed December 5 2018. - Fletcher EA, et al. “Randomized controlled trial of high-volume energy drink versus caffeine consumption on ECG and hemodynamic parameters.” J Am Heart Assoc.2017;6(5). - Hammond D, et al. “Adverse effects of caffeinated energy drinks among youth and young adults in Canada: A Web-based survey.” CMAJ Open. 2018;6(1): E19-E25. - Jackson M. “Evaluating the role of Hans Selye in the modern history of stress.” Stress, Shock, and Adaptation in the Twentieth Century. 2014. - National Institutes of Health: Vitamine B12. Accessed October 18 2018 - NHS: Vitamin B12. Accessed October 18 2018. - Iqtidar N, et al. “Misdiagnosed vitamin B12 deficiency a challenge to be confronted by use of modern screening markers.” J Pak Med Assoc. 2012;62(11):1223-1229. - Web MD: What’s a vitamin B12 test? Accessed October 18 2018. - Jastrzębska-Kurkowska I, et al. “Vitamin B12 deficiency can mimic multiple sclerosis – report of two cases.” Case Rep Clin Pract Rev. 2006;7:64-68. - Boucher M, et al. “Deficiency or dementia? Exploring B12 deficiency after urostomy.” Br J Nurs. 2015;24(11):594-597. - National Institutes of Health: Vitamin B12. Accessed October 18 2018. - National Institutes of Health: Vitamin B12. Accessed October 18 2018 - Loikas S, et al. “Vitamin B12 deficiency in the aged: A population-based study.” Age Ageing. 2007;36(2):177-183. - Global Healing Center: What’s the most absorbable form of B-12? Accessed October 19 2018. - Global Healing Center: What is intrinsic factor? Accessed October 19 2018 - Wikipedia: Biathlon. Accessed December 5 2018 - Johnson K. “Before steroids, Russians secretly studied herbs.” National Geographic. August 19, 2016. - Morris L. “Adaptogens: The USSR sponsored wonder herbs that make your skin glow, decreases stress and fatigue.” Grazia. January 15, 2018. - Johnson K. “Before steroids, Russians secretly studied herbs.” National Geographic. August 19, 2016. - WebMD: Schisandra. Accessed October 19 2018 - ATP Science: The Benefits of Schisandra. Accessed December 6 2018 - ATP Science: The Benefits of Schisandra. Accessed December 6 2018 - Panossian A and Wikman G. “Pharmacology of Schisandra chinensis Bail.: An overview of Russian research and uses is medicine.”J Ethnopharmacol. 2008;118(2):183-212. - Gibson GE and Blass JP. “Nutrition and functional neurochemistry.” Basic Neurochemistry: Molecular, Cellular and Medical Aspects. 6th edition. 1999. - Stanford University website: Nicotinamide. Accessed October 18 2018 - Osiezagha K, et al. “Thiamine deficiency and delirium.” Innov Clin Neurosci. 2013;10(4):26-32. - Ibid. - Benton D, et al. “Thiamine supplementation mood and cognitive functioning.” Psychopharmacology (Berl). 1997;129(1):66-71. - NootropicsExpert: Vitamin B3 (Niacin). Accessed December 20 2018 - Morris MC, et al. “Dietary niacin and the risk of incident Alzheimer's disease and of cognitive decline” J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2004;75(8):1093-1099. - Challem J. “Vitamin B3 benefits: Alzheimer's prevention, heart, and mental health.” Better Nutrition. August 31, 2009. - News Medical Life Sciences: Folic acid improves memory and protects the brain from aging. Accessed October 18 2018 - Oregon State University: Vitamin B6. Accessed October 18 2018 - Ashoori M and Saedisomeolia A. “Riboflavin (vitamin B2) and oxidative stress: A review." Br J Nutr. 2014;111(11):1985-1991. - Sawai A, et al. “Influence of mental stress on the plasma homocysteine level and blood pressure change in young men.” Clin Exp Hypertens. 2008;30(3):233-241. - WebMD: Heart Disease and Homocysteine. Accessed October 18 2018 - WebMD: High Homocysteine Linked to Stroke. Accessed October 18 2018 - McNulty H, et al. “Riboflavin lowers homocysteine in individuals homozygous for the MTHFR 677C->T polymorphism.” Circulation. 2006;113(1):74-80. - Oregon State University: Vitamin B6. Accessed October 18 2018 - Advanced Orthomolecular Research: 3 NUTRIENTS TO COMBAT CHRONIC STRESS. Accessed October 18 2018 - Sargis RM. “An overview of the adrenal glands.” Accessed October 18 2018 - Healthline: 8 Proven Health Benefits of Ginseng. Accessed October 19 2018 - Healthline: Is Coffee Good for your Brain? Accessed December 1989 2018 - Tian X, Sun L, Gou L, et al. Protective effect of l-theanine on chronic restraint stress-induced cognitive impairments in mice. Brain Res. 2013;1503:24-32. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Results may vary from person to person. No individual results should be seen as typical. [Preferences | Unsubscribe](1770d7/l-002e/zout?sid=TV2%3Aea0hZ5gAi) 11905 Southern Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, Florida 33411, United States

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