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The plant that shuts down pain


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Discover the Natural Secret that Relieves Your Crippling Pain… Before Time Runs Out to view thi

Discover the Natural Secret that Relieves Your Crippling Pain… Before Time Runs Out [Click here](137d8/ct0_0/1/ms?sid=TV2%3AEzpU1d5Ac) to view this message in your browser | [Click here](137d8/g-0d7c/zout?sid=TV2%3AEzpU1d5Ac) to stop receiving our messages [] [] Al Sears, MD 11905 Southern Blvd. Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 [] March 28, 2024 [] Why the Feds Plan to Outlaw Nature's Most Powerful Painkiller Discover the Natural Secret that Relieves Your Crippling Pain… Before Time Runs Out Reader, What if you could take a pill that gives you the pain-relieving rush of morphine… Without the risk of addiction? This pill already exists. And it’s perfectly legal. But there’s a catch. The Federal government is trying hard to outlaw this powerful natural painkiller… The big drug companies want total control over this recently-discovered compound that shuts down pain signals before they reach your brain. It’s already helping millions of men and women overcome chronic pain: - Without a prescription… - Without addiction… - And without the fear of deadly Fentanyl… This painkilling compound is what I call “maximum strength CBD.” When CBD is purified and highly absorbable, it relieves pain better than anything I’ve ever seen. I’m talking about the kind of crippling pain that leaves you unable to work, sleep, or spend quality time with your family. CBD Hits Your Pain “Kill Switch” Little-known studies already show CBD relieves even the most unbearable pain and inflammation. It does this in two ways: - By activating pain-relieving neurotransmitters. - And by blocking pain signals from ever reaching your brain. It also reduces craving for opioids, lessens withdrawal symptoms, and allows more than 20 percent of people taking CBD to quit opioids altogether. So, how do you get the most potent form of CBD? And how do you free yourself from the death grip Big Pharma has over your health freedoms? I’ll explain everything. My name is Dr. Al Sears. Since the mid 1990s, I’ve been on the front lines of a war over your right to live pain free. I’ve witnessed the horror of everyday Americans being struck down when all they did was follow their doctor’s orders… Including my older brother who died from a prescription painkiller laced with fentanyl. I’ve seen it up close and it’s only getting worse. In 2017, the opioid crisis was declared a public health emergency under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act. Records from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show more than 560,000 people in the United States have died from overdoses involving prescription opioids since the epidemic began… With over 110,000 deaths in 2022 alone.1 Those are staggering numbers. All because of Big Pharma’s mad obsession to make obscene profits at the expense of American lives.2 For almost 30 years, the global drug cartels turned America into one giant “pill mill.” - Collectively, Big Pharma churned out 1 billion painkillers a year.3 - They bribed thousands of doctors to push their poison.4 - And their friends at the FDA turned a blind eye, essentially giving them a “license to kill.”5 Today, an estimated three million people in the country continue to suffer from a crippling opioid addiction… But CBD offers a way out of this ongoing tragedy. From Skeptic to Believer: How One Woman Cured Her Crippling Osteoarthritis Pain Hope Bobowski was an 80-year-old great-grandmother, swallowing up to six prescription-strength painkillers every day. “I was going downhill fast,” she admits. Hope’s osteoarthritis back pain was so severe that on most days she could hardly move. Her husband Stan had to help her get out of bed, dress her, and do all the cooking. But what bothered Hope the most was missing out on her favorite activities — working in her garden, card games with her friends, doing puzzles at the dining room table, and, most importantly, playing with her great-grandkids. One night, as Hope and her husband sat down to watch TV, a show came on explaining the benefits of a new treatment called cannabidiol (CBD). Stan suggested she try it to ease her chronic pain. Hope’s first reaction was, “No way. I’m not having anything to do with cannabis.” She’d been brought up with the strong belief that, “You didn’t go around doing drugs.” Until she realized that her Tylenol 3 contains codeine, an opioid narcotic. Even worse, her doctor was recommending she switch to an even stronger prescription opioid painkiller like OxyContin. Hope Realized She was Getting Hooked on Opioids After finding out that CBD is not marijuana, she decided to give it a shot… And the next day, “There was no pain.” Now, this great-grandmother takes CBD every night before bed. And she stopped using all of Big Pharma’s painkillers. Today, she’s an advocate for CBD, and as she puts it: “I'm spreading the word.” Hope isn’t alone. Seniors are the fastest-growing group of CBD users. In fact, according to a recent study, medical use of the plant increased 250% for those over the age of 65.6 Kick Your Pain Pills to the Curb CBD is spearheading the largest pain relief revolution we’ve seen since a Bayer chemist invented aspirin in the late 1890s. Millions of pain sufferers — like Hope — are turning to this all-natural solution to treat their pain instead of dangerous and addictive opioids. In fact, two new studies found that in every state where cannabinoids are used, opioid use has dropped dramatically. Both studies were published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association.7 And new research published in the European Journal of Internal Medicine, shows 20 percent of CBD users quit taking opiates.8 In this breakthrough study, 2,700 elderly patients treated their cancer pain with CBD. After six months, almost everyone in the study reported successful results. Their chronic pain was cut in half with no side effects. Nearly everyone reduced their painkiller use and many quit using opiates entirely. This study was so effective, it led researchers to call CBD, “Big Pharma’s worst nightmare.” The Natural Pain Killer No Doctor Will Ever Tell You About Most doctors never talk to their patients about CBD. Why? Because mainstream doctors are not allowed to prescribe it... Doctors can only prescribe drugs approved by the insurance companies. Currently, there’s only one prescription drug containing CBD. It’s an epilepsy drug called Epidiolex. And it comes with a list price of $32,500 per year!9 But new CBD drugs are in the pipeline, meaning your access to natural, inexpensive CBD is under threat. Recently, the Feds ruled CBD requires a new “regulatory pathway” because it “doesn’t qualify” as a nutritional supplement. That means they’re looking for ways to cut off your access to CBD unless you’re paying for an expensive prescription drug.10 Many experts believe the newest CBD drug in development — called Nantheia ATL5 — will finally give the FDA the excuse they need to outlaw the sale of CBD for good. So what makes Nantheia ATL5 different from the CBD you can already buy online or in your local vitamin shop? It’s a “liquid structure technology” that promises to make CBD more absorbable. But the technology to improve absorption and get CBD where it’s needed already exists. I know because I use it in my clinic. That’s why I urge you to act now and secure your access to the most effective and powerful forms of CBD available. I’ll show you how in my new e-Book: 137d8/ct1_0/1/lu?sid=TV2%3AEzpU1d5Ac In this letter, I’ll show you how to get a FREE copy of my new e-Book. Starting on page 391, you’ll discover the nano-tech breakthrough I’m using to boost absorption and supercharge CBD’s power and efficacy. The same one I use with my patients. And I’ll give you step-by-step instructions on how to find it and how to use it… But before you get your hands on this unique research, please allow me to fully introduce myself. Over Three Decades Finding Safe and Effective Cures I travel over 23,000 miles each year to help my patients and readers. I’ve pioneered non-traditional ways of treating and preventing illness. That includes ways of preserving and reclaiming the power of youth. It’s this mission that ultimately led me to many of the effective treatments and disease cures I use every day. But my research didn’t stop there... After some digging through PubMeD – a database which holds every medical study ever published – I uncovered thousands of prestigious journals, studies, and articles confirming the discoveries I use in my own practice. In fact, just the published data about the disease-curing effects of oxygen alone is staggering. But before I open the vault and reveal the “confidential cures” I’ve championed over the course of my career, let me show you why: - Disease is NOT inevitable... - Chronic illness is NOT a “natural part of aging”... - And why a serious diagnosis does NOT have to ruin your life or the life of someone you love… 137d8/ct1_1/1/lu?sid=TV2%3AEzpU1d5Ac Our Ancient Ancestors Often Had Difficult Lives... But They Never Had Heart Attacks or Strokes For a long time now, I’ve spoken out about how our ancestors had important advantages over us today. They ate healthier food. They were physically active. They did not have to contend with any of the major diseases so many of us die from today – cancer, coronary disease, diabetes, etc. Long before it became popular, I was urging my patients and readers to eat the way our ancestors did – to adopt a more “primal” diet. I emphasized clean, organic meat as being central to what our ancestors prized and mostly ate – one reason Paleolithic and Neolithic people never had heart attacks. They also breathed much cleaner air than we do – air that was free of pollutants and rich in pure, clean oxygen. But before we go any further, I want to assure you there is something you can do about it. You don’t have to sit by passively and helplessly, waiting to become another casualty of our medical system. The key to stopping heart disease is extinguishing the fires of inflammation. - And you can do it with easy “at home” therapies… - No doctor’s visit or prescription required… - For only pennies a day! Headlines and news stories serve as a constant reminder of how much of a growing threat to your health our environment has become – plummeting oxygen levels, climbing carbon dioxide levels, and a polluted atmosphere. But let’s not forget the good news. There are steps you can take to help yourself RIGHT NOW. Read my new e-Book on any device: your Kindle, phone, tablet, computer, or e-reader! Here’s just a small preview of what you’ll discover in your FREE copy of my new e-Book: [yes] The Real Protection from Deadly Alzheimer’s: Most Alzheimer’s cases are not genetic. It’s most often the result of multiple environmental factors. Specific tests can identify deficiencies and metabolic damage that causes dementia. You’ll learn the widely ignored but clear link between Syndrome Zero and Alzheimer’s disease. And I’ll share with you critical nutritional recommendations for your brain. [yes] The Oxygen Secrets that Kill Cancer: You may never realize your cells are being starved of oxygen. Over time, those dying cells lay the foundation for disease, dementia, and cancer. But now you can do something about it. When you expose bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells to oxygen... they die. [yes] Space-Age Technology Helps Rebuild Strong Bones: Osteoporosis is not just a woman’s disease, and 90% of the men with this dreadful disease that causes shrinkage of bone tissue go untreated. Studies show how a new “vibrational therapy” gives you superior bone strength. Not only does it reverse the loss of bone density with age, but it increases bone density by making old bones young again. [yes] End Crippling Pain with Nature’s Most Versatile Medicinal Plant: America’s heartbreaking opioid crisis is far from over. One American dies every five minutes from prescription painkillers. But the hemp derivative called CBD is proven to relieve even the most crippling pain and the inflammation that causes it. And it reduces the craving for opioids. [yes] How to Scrub Your Arteries Clean with Little Known “Activator X”: The secret often called the “Holy Grail of Cardiology” discovered by a Cleveland dentist who spent 20 years living among native cultures back in the 1920s and 1930s, and how you can easily use this overlooked heart disease killer. [yes] How You Can Eat Fat to Lose Fat: We’re constantly being told that fat is the enemy. We’re told we should avoid it at all costs. But don’t let the diet police scare you away from one of life’s most vital nutrients. Discover the astonishing health benefits of “good” fat, and what lies behind those stubborn, unwanted pounds that seem impossible to lose – and, more importantly, how you really can shed them. [yes] Discover the “Claw” Therapy that Could Save Your Life: There’s a life-saving detoxification therapy that can rid your body of heavy metals that have accumulated over years and are making you sick. It’s called “claw” therapy. Also known as chelation, it improves your heart health and blood vessels, improves liver and kidney function, increases blood flow to the brain, and so much more. . [yes] Do You Have Syndrome Zero? It threatens every man, woman, and child on the planet — including you. And it’s utterly ignored by medical establishments in every country, even by the World Health Organization. It goes far beyond diabetes, and I have the solution that beats Syndrome Zero and gets you off the path to chronic disease. [yes] How to Bulletproof Your Immune System: In our high-tech world, we live in a toxic soup where oxygen levels are in decline. This is critical because your immune system is fueled by oxygen. Unless you do something about it, oxygen depletion results in a dysfunctional immune system. But the good news is you can easily boost your immune system, starting today. And you can oxygenate your blood, improve circulation, and boost oxygen delivery to your cells. [yes] Curing Cancer with Immunotherapy: The surprising story of Dr. Coley who invented immunotherapy and cured his first cancer patient in 1891. Yes, the first natural cancer cure appeared on the scene in the 19th century. Discover how you can fortify your own immune system to fight cancer and the modern advances that make immunotherapy one of the most successful alternative cancer cures. [yes] Harness Your Body’s “Ageless Cells” to Treat Chronic Disease: Stem cells are revolutionizing medicine. They are the “master cells” and the basic building blocks of your entire body. Not only will they completely transform modern health by changing the way your body ages… They can cure almost every disease ever known! [yes] Natural Diabetes Cure Beats Synthetic Insulin: Mainstream medicine will tell you that diabetes can’t be reversed. And that once you have the diagnosis, you’ll be on Big Pharma’s drugs for the rest of your life. So, the FDA keeps approving brand-new diabetes drugs and insulin shots. Here’s the natural — and affordable — diabetes cure that beats Big Pharma. [yes] Get Off Those Killer Meds and Live Heart Healthy: Learn why all heart drugs are failures, including every cardiologist’s “fatal four” — Nitroglycerin for chest pain, Lipitor to lower cholesterol, Altace an ACE inhibitor for blood pressure, and Lopressor a beta blocker for blood pressure. [yes] The #1 Secret of the Healthiest People on Earth: During my travels in Tanzania, I met the Hadza, one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer groups in all of Africa. They are living proof that a primal diet leads to optimal health. And they have the world’s strongest gut — or more specifically, the community of hundreds of billions of microscopic bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live there — called the microbiome. And that’s just for starters... There’s more – much more – that I want to tell you about, and you’ll find it all in your FREE copy of my new e-Book. Inside you’ll find very simple and safe therapies you can use today. And you don’t need expensive doctor’s visits, prescriptions, or physical exams. In fact, they could save you a fortune on medical bills. PLUS, they could save you a whole lot of time, frustration and pain dealing with ineffective mainstream medical treatments. That’s why I could easily offer this book by itself… But today I’m sending it to you absolutely FREE when you become a subscriber to my private newsletter… Your only source of my ongoing research and new treatments. When the FDA Went to War on Your Health Freedoms, I Went In Search of the World’s Most Powerful Natural Cures... There’s no time to waste. It’s vital you see this now, before the FDA and “Big Government” put more restrictions on what you can do with your own body. As you’re probably aware, there’s an ongoing war on your health freedoms. Some of their attacks are covert and out of the public eye. Some are blatant and out in the open. And the combined effect is destroying your personal liberties. Let me be clear: You have the right to choose how you take care of your own body. I have been doing my best to give that choice to my patients. Now, if you will let me, I would like to give that choice to you, too. And I believe what the English philosopher John Stuart Mill said back in the 1800s: “Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.” For my part, I’m bringing together the “forbidden technologies, and confidential cures” the FDA, Big Pharma, and even left-wing factions of the US Government are actively censoring, suppressing, and trying their best to outlaw. Some of these breakthroughs are happening right in our own backyard. Yet some of them are unfolding in remote, forgotten countries that don’t get the attention or funding they deserve. And I’m working to bring ALL of these discoveries right to your eyes for you to make your own choices. The latest cancer technologies I want to share with you are powerful enough to prevent, treat, and even wipe out all 213 types of cancer, and extend your “health span” beyond anything we’ve ever imagined possible. It will change life as we know it. But as jaw dropping as this discovery is... it’s only a fraction of what’s possible. The High-Powered CBD that Wipes Out Crippling Pain is Only One of the "Confidential Cures" I Use with My Patients... For the last 25 years, I’ve made a pilgrimage around the world to the places where people are being cured of “incurable” diseases. I also go to the famous “Blue Zones,” places where people are known for their extreme longevity. Places where heart disease doesn’t exist… where Alzheimer’s is unknown… and where no one is obese. I do it to uncover what their secrets are and make them available to my patients and readers. Some of these places are well known. Others are more exotic, and I have to dig deeper or actually live among the aboriginal natives. Secrets that nature herself seems to keep confidential. The important thing for you is this: No matter how you’re feeling right now; I’ve probably discovered natural and effective secrets for you to live better and feel younger. In fact, on my recent trip to Africa, I found an incredible number of healing secrets almost unknown in the West. The healers there showed me what they use to successfully treat prostate and breast cancer. I was shocked and amazed to see photos and case studies, where people are half eaten up with cancer – and in the next picture, you can see they’ve been healed. A lesion on a woman’s breast is almost gone in 4 days. Skin cancer healed; prostate cancer gone. I Want You to Use these Breakthroughs to Unlock MORE Energy and MORE Immunity That’s why I’m inviting you to join my inner circle of confidential insiders… a select group who wants an unrestricted, in-depth look at the cures, advice and healing secrets that are transforming the lives of the people who use them. I call this membership service Confidential Cures: Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World. You see, until now, I haven’t had a way to tell you about all of these cures. I share what I can in my daily emails, but those are meant to be brief and give you just one piece of advice you can act on right away. There’s simply not enough room to cover everything I’ve found. And there’s another problem. Because I offer nutrients to my patients, I can’t say that those nutrients treat or cure diseases. Why? The FDA has a standing gag order in place, preventing ANYONE from making these claims when offering you a cure. Until now, only my patients, staff, and closest friends have had an unrestricted look at my discoveries from my travels. They’ve heard the stories, first-hand, about what is working for the patients who come to my clinic. And they’ve had a front-row seat to the latest anti-aging breakthroughs from my Wellness Research Foundation. Confidential Cures: Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World is my solution for you. Now it’s your turn. As a member of this privileged group, you’ll have unrestricted access to information and advice you can act on immediately – information that will come to you on a monthly basis. Confidential Cures is only $39 for a 12-month subscription – an unbelievably modest $3.25 a month, or about the cost of a large coffee, or cappuccino from Starbucks. Best of all, my new e-Book is yours FREE when you subscribe to Confidential Cures today. # 137d8/ct1_2/1/lu?sid=TV2%3AEzpU1d5Ac Privileged Information in an Age of Censorship Only the members of my inner circle ever see the unique, life-altering discoveries that Confidential Cures is packed with. How important and exclusive is this? Well, just remember that Confidential Cures offers you an inside look at remedies and treatments you’d never hear about otherwise – remedies that take you beyond the restrictive, “prescription only” tyranny of the big drug companies. Americans are Taking Back Their Health Freedoms… Will You Join Them? And as I mentioned earlier, today I’m opening our doors to like-minded people who are determined to seize back control of their health and lives. Everyday Americans who don’t want to fall victim to the mainstream medical establishment’s lies. If this describes you, and I believe it does if you’ve read this far, I’m confident you’ll take action. But you’ll need to act fast. With the FDA cracking down on independent scientists and doctors, who knows if this website will still be here tomorrow. Now, let me give you just a hint of what you’ll find every time you open an issue of Confidential Cures: Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World. I’ll introduce you to the Nobel Prize-winning telomere and telomerase technology – the most important, dramatic, and still largely hidden anti-aging breakthrough of all time. This alone would be worth your time and attention. But you’ll also be given the keys to dozens of hidden cures, and forbidden technologies: - 12 new ways to conquer heart disease... - Beat the 5 kinds of cancer that are still running wild... - Flush arthritis out of your joints – and live, walk, and run pain-free... - 6 easy steps toward hi-def vision and razor-sharp eyesight... - Reverse the “biological age” of your cells, tissues, and organs. And restore the energy and vibrancy you thought was gone forever. Please don’t wait to take advantage of this limited-time-only opportunity. I’m trying to hold the line on what I charge you for this – but I can’t hold costs down forever. The African plains, the Amazon jungles, the Australian desert, the Antarctic Ocean – there is nowhere I won’t go if I think I can find something of value to bring back to you. My mission with Confidential Cures is this: To show you how to use the most powerful tools on the planet to live your life with as much energy and vibrancy as you had in your younger days, and to make sure you know all of your options for erasing pain, illness, and disease. When you begin your Platinum Membership in Confidential Cures today, you’ll immediately save 23% off the regular price of $99.95. That means you’ll enjoy 2 FULL YEARS of access to the power of telomere technology plus the world’s hidden cures for just $77. In addition to the 24 issues you get with your Platinum Membership, you’ll get a head-start with a special package of additional bonuses… Absolutely FREE. Exclusive Additional Bonuses Reserved for Platinum Members Only I want to make sure you have a front-row seat right from day one of your membership. When you become a Platinum subscriber today, I’ll send you a Welcome Kit with 5 additional FREE bonuses valued at $149.75. That’s in addition to my NEW E-book I promised you... That’s already yours. But your Platinum Membership comes with 5 NEW Special Reports that are reserved only for Confidential Cures Platinum Members – just-released bonuses that aren’t sold or shared anywhere else. Take a look at the 5 additional reports you’ll get as a Platinum Member: FREE Platinum Member Bonus #1: The 10 Reasons I’m Not a Vegetarian – a $29.95 value. In this exclusive report, I reveal why I’m not a vegetarian and dispel the myth that vegetarianism is in any way healthy, compassionate, sustainable, or equitable. You’ll also discover how to avoid the worst vegetarian health offenders. FREE Platinum Member Bonus #2: The Cholesterol Fraud – And Other Dirty Little Secrets of Modern Medicine – a $29.95 value. Standard medicine has declared war on this part of your body, and I’m helping you fight back. Learn about the real ways you can prevent heart disease, and avoid the deadly effects of the war on cholesterol. FREE Platinum Member Bonus #3: Are Your Lungs Dying? – a $29.95 value. It’s the most serious consequence of aging... but no one’s doing anything about it. Your lungs determine how long you’ll live more than any other factor, but they shrink with age. In fact, modern exercise advice helps weaken and shrink your lungs even faster. In this report, I show you how to reverse the damage and breathe new life into your lungs and your body. FREE Platinum Member Bonus #4: Your 6-Week Anti-Aging Plan – a $29.95 value. You’ll get access to my exclusive guide to reset your biological clock to look and feel your best. Until now, this guide has only been available to my patients and members of my fitness program. Inside, you’ll discover a breakthrough technology that is available for the first time in medical history. The feeling of youth shouldn’t be wasted on the young, and with my 6-Week Anti-Aging Plan, you’ll have the energy and stamina to live life the way you want to! FREE Platinum Member Bonus #5: Dr. Sears Personal Guidebook to Get Lean Fast – a $29.95 value. This time-efficient system has worked for thousands of patients over the past decade. You’ll get access to my personal program for getting lean fast – a program you can only get if you come to my clinic. It’s never been used outside of my personalized fat loss and fitness programs. It includes step-by-step instructions that show you exactly what to do. Together, that’s a $149.75 value. When you add up all of these bonuses and your membership savings… That’s a Total Value of $279.65 for Just $77! That’s just $3.21 a month! For the price of a sandwich, you get 24 months of Confidential Cures PLUS special reports and bonus gifts worth $279.65. This is a one-shot deal. Ask yourself this one simple question – is my health and well-being worth the cost, once a month, of a single sandwich? And remember – when you become a Platinum Member today, you also receive, ABSOLUTELY FREE, your copy of my new E-book. 137d8/ct1_3/1/lu?sid=TV2%3AEzpU1d5Ac 137d8/ct1_4/1/lu?sid=TV2%3AEzpU1d5Ac I want you to know I stand behind everything I do. Confidential Cures is backed by my personal money-back guarantee – without exception. My Personal No-Risk, No-Hassle, 100%-Satisfaction-or-Your-Money-Back Guarantee 1. You must be completely satisfied with the discoveries and breakthroughs I share with you in Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World. If not, you may cancel your subscription at any time and receive a prompt refund for the entire year’s subscription rate. That way you can review this exclusive service with NO risk and NO regrets. 2. And if you do cancel, you can keep your FREE copy of my new e-Book with my compliments and thanks. So please hurry. I have so much to share with you. I still have a decade’s worth of discoveries that will change the way you think about your body… your medicine cabinet… and your next birthday. But I Need to Hear from You RIGHT NOW In this letter I introduced you to the breakthrough technology that Harvard University kept hidden for over 50 years... Including the hushed-up formula that dissolves artery-clogging plaque and reverses heart disease. I showed you the hidden cause — and CURE — to the most feared diseases of our time. And I invited you to try Confidential Cures RISK FREE for just a few dollars a month, with a special gift that shows you exactly how to use this life-changing technology RIGHT AWAY. Now the decision is completely yours. I wish I could click the [Subscribe NOW](137d8/ct1_5/1/lu?sid=TV2%3AEzpU1d5Ac) button for you, but this is entirely up to you. Considering how much you stand to gain, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to. Don’t wait another minute. # 137d8/ct1_6/1/lu?sid=TV2%3AEzpU1d5Ac I urge you to share in my latest Confidential Cures discoveries, and take advantage of the dramatic revelations, and unprecedented breakthroughs you’ll find in your FREE copy of my new e-Book. I’ll be with you every step of the way. To Your Good Health, [signature] Al Sears, MD P.S. — It's completely up to you whether you decide to try Confidential Cures. But what if I'm right? What if high-powered CBD can really help eliminate your excruciating pain, exactly as I say it will? Isn't it worth a few minutes of your time to check it out? P.P.S. — Remember, Confidential Cures comes with a completely risk-free, 90 day guarantee. You risk nothing but a few minutes of your time to find out more. 137d8/ct1_7/1/lu?sid=TV2%3AEzpU1d5Ac [Guarantee] 1.Deidre McPhillips, “Overdose deaths continue to rise in the US, reaching another record level, provisional data shows.” CNN. Sept 13, 2023 2. Huecker, Martin R, et al. “Opioid Addiction.” StatPearls Publishing, 28 Feb. 2019. 3. Rich S, et al. “More than 100 billion pain pills saturated the nation over nine years.” The Washington Post. Jan 14, 2020. 4. Emanuel G, et al. "Top Executives of Insys, an Opioid Company, Are Found Guilty of Racketeering." The New York Times. May 2, 2019. 5. Goodnough A. et al. "As Tens of Thousands Died, FDA Failed to Police Opioids." New York Times. Dec 31, 2019. 6. Han BH, et al. "Demographic trends among older cannabis users in the United States, 2006-13." Addiction. 2017 Mar;112(3):516-525. 7. Wen H, et al. "Association of medical laws with opioid prescribing for Medicaid enrollees." JAMA Intern Med. 2018;178(5):673-679. 8. Abuhasira R, et al. "Epidemiological characteristics, safety and efficacy in the elderly." Eur J Intern Med. 2018;49:44-50. 9. Beth Snyder Bulik. "Epidiolex rollout: $32,500 list price spurs critics as first cannabis drug hits shelves." Nov 2, 2018. 10. FDA Statement From Janet Woodcock, M.D. Principal Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Commissioner. "FDA Concludes that Existing Regulatory Frameworks for Foods and Supplements are Not Appropriate for Cannabidiol…" January 26, 2023. [Preferences | Unsubscribe](137d8/g-0d7c/zout?sid=TV2%3AEzpU1d5Ac) 11905 Southern Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, Florida 33411, United States

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The more words in the content, the more time the user will need to spend reading. Get straight to the point with catchy short phrases and interesting photos and graphics.

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Average in this category

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Number of Images

More images or large images might cause the email to load slower. Aim for a balance of words and images.

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Average in this category

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Time to Read

Longer reading time requires more attention and patience from users. Aim for short phrases and catchy keywords.

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Average in this category

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Predicted open rate

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Spam Score

Spam score is determined by a large number of checks performed on the content of the email. For the best delivery results, it is advised to lower your spam score as much as possible.

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Flesch reading score

Flesch reading score measures how complex a text is. The lower the score, the more difficult the text is to read. The Flesch readability score uses the average length of your sentences (measured by the number of words) and the average number of syllables per word in an equation to calculate the reading ease. Text with a very high Flesch reading ease score (about 100) is straightforward and easy to read, with short sentences and no words of more than two syllables. Usually, a reading ease score of 60-70 is considered acceptable/normal for web copy.

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Email Size (not include images)

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