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Wed, Dec 1, 2021 07:02 PM

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[View in Your Browser]( COVID GUARANTEE. HOW IT WORKS: PICKUP ONE OF OUR WINTER BUNDLES BEFORE DAYS END, AND IF YOU GET A BAD CASE OF COVID, WE’LL BUY BACK YOUR ORDER. Hi {NAME}, We noticed you have yet-to-secure yourself a [WINTER BUNDLE?]( [TODAY IS YOUR LAST-DAY TO SECURE SAVINGS — on our largest sale of the year.]( And due to growing global supply-tension… it may be our largest sale ever. You have less than 10 hours. Here’s the deal: We put this together, with the soul-mission of supporting your winter-vulnerability. Let’s agree, regardless of strategy; a healthy body is a prepared one! [That’s why this bundle was designed around IMMUNITY!]( So here is what I’m going to do…. 1. GRAB A BUNDLE TODAY. 2. SCALE UP TO FULL-DOSES… 3. DON’T SCALE FASTER THAN YOUR BODY ALLOWS. [If you honestly get a (bad) case of COVID between now and February, we’ll refund your order.]( That’s right… Now, we are NOT advocating recklessness: Listen to your body. Use your own overall discretion. And enjoy your Winter! ❄️ WARNING: Select products are experiencing LOW-SUPPLY… Stock up on your favorites and WINTER BUNDLES while supplies last! SAVE 25% OFF OUR ENTIRE PRODUCT STORE & 40-60% OFF WINTER IMMUNITY BUNDLES! Reminder: Our Biggest Sale of the Year Ends TONIGHT… [SECURE 40-60% OFF IMMUNITY BUNDLES!]( [SHOP 25% OFF THE ENTIRE STORE!]( [GRAB A WINTER IMMUNITY BUNDLE & STOCK-UP ON YOUR FAVORITES!]( We’re doing what we can to help you coast through your winter grind, while keeping able to spend time with those you care about, especially during holiday times…. ❄️ As always; You are 100% protected by our 60-DAY GUARANTEE. ❄️ Our products carry a minimum 3-year quality shelf-life. Yours in great health, [Ian Clark: Founder of Activation Products] ABOUT OUR IMMUNITY WINTER BUNDLE We took 4-essential products and grouped them into WINTER BUNDLES. *Available this week only in three-sizes of your choosing, at exceptional-discounts. Each product has been hand-selected and grouped together to best support your immune-defense, especially in the short-window of time we’re dealing with. We’ve already entered the cold season and any vulnerabilities need zapped asap. This bundle has ONE-MISSION; To carry you safely through the winter. 4 PRODUCTS. 4 RESULTS. - BLACK CUMIN OIL: A Remedy for All Things, but Death. - PERFECT IODINE: Your Body’s Most Important Element. - PERFECT K2&D3: Ground Zero for Bodily Defense - EASE MAGNESIUM: Alleviate Stress, Sleep Better. [1. BLACK CUMIN OIL]( A REMEDY FOR ALL THINGS, BUT DEATH Black Cumin Oil is like gasoline for your immune system; Cleopatra used it as a beauty treatment. Hippocrates used it to cure digestive and metabolic disorders. Muhammad called it “a remedy for every illness except death.” Also known as Nigella Sativa, Black Cumin has been used to heal the body successfully for 3,300 years, with more than 741 published studies, earning it prestige as the most therapeutic fatty acid ever discovered Consuming this oil can increase vitality, even in those of great health, because it supports the entire body. Its immune-building properties and active compounds have been proven to fight a never-ending list of diseases and autoimmune disorders, with significant boosting of immune cell production, bone marrow and natural interferon. Practitioners of Ayurveda and Chinese Traditional Medicine have used Nigella Sativa to treat a slew of conditions, from diabetes to cancer to digestive-parasites to chronic inflammation… even the most evasive of viruses ~ including HIV/AIDS. TREATED CONDITIONS ~ Treated conditions include: tachycardia, bradycardia, hypotension, hypertension, high-blood pressure, heart diseases, cancer, allergies, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, colds, flus, coronaviruses, bacterial-infections, fungal-infections, blood-sugar sensitivities, diabetes, bone marrow insufficiency, inflammation, acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, hair loss, headaches, migraines, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, diarrhea, digestive disturbances, intestinal parasites, insomnia, arthritis, rheumatism, muscle aches, boost immune function & metabolic processes, while aiding against liver damage. FACTS & RESEARCH ~ *Researchers at the Cancer Immuno-Biology Laboratory in South Carolina found Black Cumin helps stimulate the activity of neutrophil granulocytes; the most abundant type of white blood cell in the body. These neutrophils target cancer cells and eliminate them before developing into tumors. *A study conducted at Kimmel Cancer Center, at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia (also) revealed Nigella Sativa (Black Cumin) destroyed pancreatic cancer cells with an incredible 80 percent cancer tumor cell death, additionally halting the gene transcription process so cancer cells can’t replicate. *Research of the antibacterial properties of Black Cumin, in comparison with strong antibiotics was carried out in the medical department of the university in Dhaka, in Bangladesh; Cumin demonstrating more efficiency against antibiotic-resistant bacterias than the antibiotics themselves. PERFECT NUTRITION ~ Nature’s most therapeutic oil contains beta sitosterol, thymoquinone, myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, vitamins B1, B2, B3, calcium, folic acid, iron, copper, zinc and phosphorous. (*Nutrients necessary for natural production of hormones, provitamin D, bile acid and support against endocrine disorders, immune deficiency and cardiovascular disease…) Its rich unsaturated omega 6 & 9 acids and high-concentration of phytosterols help fortify and increase the elasticity of blood vessel walls, decrease capillary fragility and permeability, prevents thrombus formation, and decrease arterial pressure ~ by preventing formation of dangerous atherosclerotic plaque, as well as preventing development of inflammatory elements in the overall cardiovascular system. ACTIVATION QUALITY ~ Every bottle of Black Cumin Oil (Nigella Sativa) contains thousands of Perfectly Pressed™ organic seeds, with our Perfect Press method producing the purest, most nutritionally potent black cumin oil in the world today…. Without pollutants, toxins, heavy metals or microbes, while ensuring no damage to the nutritional properties. The raw fresh-pressed oil is sealed in UV-protective Miron glass bottle to maintain it’s quality, enabling a 3-year shelf-life. DAILY CONSUMPTION ~ Best taken on an empty stomach before meals, great at bedtime due to it’s bile-expelling characteristics. Continue daily for effective immunity-boosting. *Can also be added to face & body creams; for burns, psoriasis and alternative skin disorders. “…I normally don't do reviews, but this product deserves it!!!! I was impressed by the long list of health problems this stuff is supposed to address, so I figured I would try it. I am very happy to report that my biggest problem is now GONE!!! That is.....HOT FLASHES!!! “ ~ Mary A. (verified buyer) [2. PERFECT IODINE]( THE BODY'S MOST IMPORTANT ELEMENT The Iodine crisis is painted by a simple picture: The body’s most important element is responsible for more than half your immune-system — in United States alone, iodine levels have fallen by an astounding 90% over the last 90 years. Worldwide, the WHO estimates over 3-billion are iodine deficient, and today we’re all witnessing the results of it. The consequences of deficiency range from mild to severe; allowing symptoms to surface like cognitive decline, lethargy, obesity, dry skin, or hormonal and metabolic imbalances. As the deficiency becomes more exhaustive, the thyroid continually weakens and the condition becomes a devastating phenomenon to the immune system; with increase to infectious diseases and cancers. This is because Iodine is found inside every single one of your 100 trillion cells, is used in every hormonal receptor in your body, and is the essential trace mineral that supports your body’s thyroid — regulating your metabolism — vital to power your salivary glands, stomach, pancreas, cerebral spinal fluid, brain and even your I.Q. *The Japanese for reference; consume the most iodine, are regarded as highly intelligent, have the lowest rates of deadly chronic diseases in the world and their home country is currently reporting ZERO daily Covid deaths. TREATED CONDITIONS ~ Common halides (like fluoride, bromide, chloride) cause much larger amounts of iodine to correct deficiency, because they displace iodine in the thyroid and body. This is also why iodine supplementation has a natural detoxifying effect on these halides, along with heavy metals; associated with cancer, coronary heart disease, high-blood pressure, peripheral artery disease, dementia, multiple sclerosis, lupus, Crohn’s disease, rheumatism, infertility and more… Directly-treated conditions include; immune insufficiency, acute & chronic infections, viruses, thyroid & chronic diseases, obesity, fatigue, autoimmune disease, female reproductive syndromes, cancers, cognitive decline & dysfunction, endocrine disorders, skin disorders, syphilis, lung disease, diabetes, gland & organ dysfunction, fungal and yeast/candida infections. FACTS & RESEARCH ~ *Iodine for Diabetes; Dr. George Flechas discovered iodine can reduce insulin need in diabetics, with half his patients studied able to completely eliminate their glucose medications, while the other half were able to reduce amounts and/or number of medications needed to control their diabetes. *Iodine kills influenza; In a study by Nobel Prize winner Sir McFarland Burnet, mice were exposed to lethal effects of influenza, via viral mists. Death however was prevented by putting iodine solution on mice snouts just prior to placing them in chambers containing the influenza viruses. *Iodine vs Antibiotics; When antibiotics were introduced as goto treatment for disease, iodine therapy simultaneously vanished. Therapeutic actions of iodine being antibacterial, anticancer, antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-parasitic. *Hospitals & Iodine; Without iodine, hospitals would become death traps of infection and antibiotic resistant superbugs. Low-doses sterilize facilities, while higher doses were historically applied in medical emergency for serious infections and viruses. PERFECT NUTRITION ~ Since our bodies don't produce iodine, an iodine-rich diet or supplements are essential to sustain healthy levels of this trace element. Activation’s PERFECT IODINE is the perfect choice, not only for purity, but also to avoid potential allergy… As the allergy does not come from the iodine itself, but rather — common iodine associated foods (or) chemicals contained in supplements often used to stabilize the iodine. The iodine molecule has been determined too small and simple to cause an antibody response itself. But individuals with any allergies, certainly want to look for an iodine supplement that’s 100% free of seafood proteins or chemical additives of any kind. PERFECT IODINE contains the most important element for your thyroid, in a pure and isolated liquid solution for safest assimilation. It can be taken internally or used topically as a skin cleanser. Many people also keep iodine in their emergency kit for its various uses in home remedies and survival situations. ACTIVATION QUALITY ~ PERFECT IODINE is first solution that delivers a safe & simple way, to absorb the proper iodine your body requires; prepared in a pure aqueous liquid, bound inside distilled water — without pairing the iodine molecules with alcohols, plastics or chemicals. *After decades of research, this proprietary process provides a PERFECT IODINE that can easily be absorbed and safely enjoyed. Perfect iodine is made with natural ingredients, distilled water and manufactured in a GMP facility. DAILY CONSUMPTION ~ The National Institute of Health recommends adults intake 150 mcg per day, easily accomplished with a few refreshing, yet tasteless sprays of PERFECT IODINE. It’s favored to start small and build up gradually to higher doses, in order to facilitate complete replenishment while flushing out toxins through the detoxification process. *May also be used on skin for extra-support; Apply it to small cuts and scrapes, to blemished areas, or simply leverage as a convenient small-spray hand sanitizer when desired or necessary. “…I love this product. It has no taste and so many uses. I am sleeping well and have so much energy. I have been misting my face and a long time skin condition is vanishing…” ~ Sandra B. (verified buyer) [3. VITAMINS D3 & K2]( GROUND ZERO FOR BODILY DEFENSE Vitamins D3 & K2 are a renowned combo, synergistically representing the industry standard for immune health and vitally supported calcium-metabolism; Both necessary to prevent your soft tissue from calcifying while ensuring calcium to the all right places in your body — and keeping calcium OUT of the dangerous places like your arteries! Sunshine Vitamin D3 plays an important role in your immune function. For an efficient defense against invading pathogens, your immune cells, specifically T cells, require high levels of vitamin D3. If there isn’t a sufficient supply of D3 in your body, you’re more likely to get sick and carry a greater susceptibility to disease; especially acute respiratory infections. K2 has it’s own supportive role; Vitamin D is used to regulate calcium and strengthen the immune system. But without sufficient levels of vitamin K2, it’s difficult for calcium to be deposited into our bones, which enables excess calcium to be deposited in the cardiovascular system, where it can wreak havoc. Vitamin K2 with your Vitamin-D, prevents this from happening, while supporting immune-defense and immune modulation. Unfortunately most people are deficient [approximately 77%] in both, with neither (easily) bioavailable in modern foods. TREATED CONDITIONS ~ Treated conditions include; immune system disorders, infections, viruses, most chronic-diseases, heart-disease, high-blood pressure, high cholesterol, tachycardia, hypotension, hypertension, cancer, respiratory illnesses and irritations, diabetes, bone marrow insufficiency, inflammation, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive disturbances, muscle aches, calcium metabolism, arterial calcification, osteoporosis, bone-development, mood disorders, coagulation and blood-clotting issues, cystic fibrosis, and kidney disease. FACTS & RESEARCH ~ *Calcium ~ the most abundant mineral in your body, is heavily reliant on Vitamin-D and K2 for proper metabolizing. Combining vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 allows proper calcium metabolism for healthy bones, teeth mineralization, muscle strength, bone strength, recovery, cardiovascular health and essential immune function in the process. *Heart risk ~ When Vitamin-K is lacking, excess calcium can get deposited in your arteries, leading to arterial stiffening and serious cardiovascular concern. Vitamin K2 activates the matrix Gla protein (MGP), which binds excess calcium to bones and prevents it from depositing into your arteries. *Obesity ~ A recent study showed that D3 helped burn away body fat in overweight women in just 12 weeks. Vitamin K plays a key role in cardiovascular health and maintaining blood sugar balance, in accordance with healthy weight management. PERFECT NUTRITION ~ PERFECT K2/D3 was assembled with a potent blend of Vitamins K2 & D3 to completely support your natural calcium metabolism for solid bone structure, a strong flowing cardiovascular system and a fully-activated immune system. This two-in-one solution is perfectly-formulated to provide the exact K2 & D3 you need, in a fat-optimized delivery system for maximum assimilation and effectivity, ensuring proper transportation into your 100-trillion cells. Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 work together synergistically – each nutrient aiding the other in its functions. Taken together, the nutrients can effectively support (and defend) your overall health and immunity against lurking disease. ACTIVATION QUALITY ~ PERFECT K2/D3 is a (perfect) blend of bio-available K2 & D3, suspended in 100% organic MCT oil and vegan-friendly. No additives ever, nothing artificial, no contaminants, hormone-disrupters or harmful oxidative properties. You can enjoy with confidence, a happier and stronger skeletal structure and lower risk of arterial calcification or foreign invaders. Sealed nicely in UV-protective Miron glass to maintain its quality, enabling a 3-year shelf-life. DAILY CONSUMPTION ~ Simply squeeze directly on the tongue, or into a glass of non-heated liquid. Taking 0.5mL (17 drops) is the optimal dosage. We recommend monitoring the body’s response in the first days of taking K2D3 and increasing/decreasing as needed. “…Very Positive Results. When I turned 40 my body stopped absorbing vitamin D. I shattered all the bones in one leg took years to heal. I have been on high amounts of D and it has taken 20 years to get my levels up. I have been taking perfect K2D3 for one month it is amazing. Just got a test for D highest ever been and don’t have any joint pain. I will never stop taking.” ~ Judy C. (verified buyer) [4. EASE MAGNESIUM]( ALLEVIATE STRESS + GAIN QUALITY SLEEP Magnesium deficiency may be the most common nutritional problem in the industrialized world today, yet it is the single most important mineral for maintaining electrical balance and metabolism in our cells, responsible for some 700 metabolic reactions! Commonly referred to as THE MASTER MINERAL, it governs your metabolism; controlling nearly 50% of all enzymes and is bound to ATP production ~ the energetic currency of the human cell. *When Magnesium is deficient, this partly why the body experiences an internal cascade of tumultuous breakdown. 8-out-of-10 people are stated to be chronically-deficient in Magnesium, a deficiency linked to nearly 100 health conditions, some experts claiming there is not a single chronic illness in existence not associated with it’s depletion. The master-mineral is not only involved in hundreds of vital processes including cellular energy production, but essential for your body's cellular detox and waste excretion, REM and delta sleep, Vitamin-D assimilation and overall immunity. TREATED CONDITIONS ~ Treated conditions include; stress-intolerance, inability to relax, insomnia, sleep-disturbances, respiratory distress, mood-swings, menstrual cramps, calcification of arteries, heart disease, high-blood pressure, tachycardia, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, depression, anxiety, digestive disturbances, joint-pain, muscle cramps, low ATP energy production, metabolic challenges, migraines, brain fog, cognitive decline, osteoporosis, kidney stones, immune insufficiency & vitamin-D deficiency. FACTS & RESEARCH ~ *Sleep & immunity: How often a person gets sick is directly tied to their sleep. Studies show losing just one night of sleep can temporarily age your metabolism up to 30 years. 90% of American adults alone, suffer from inadequate or poor quality sleep. *Sufficient magnesium helps relax the body and the mind, contributing to proper REM and delta sleep, and proper function of GABA receptors in your brain; the neurotransmitter that allows your brain to wind down so you fall asleep deeper and repair. *Stress-intolerance: Stress is the ultimate energetic, hormonal and metabolic thief; drastically draining and enforcing depletion on your immune system: An unrested, overly stressed immune system can result in one that doesn’t function at all. *Magnesium-repletion allows muscles to loosen and your sympathetic nervous system to simmer down. Your adrenal glands avoid excessive release of cortisol and adrenaline… and your ATP energy and immune function experience proliferative success. *Calcium-signaling: Magnesium is necessary for Vitamin-D to turn on calcium absorption. This is why you require magnesium when taking Vitamin-D; stimulating the hormone calcitonin that draws calcium out of the muscles and soft tissues and into your bones. As magnesium levels restore — you’ll also dissolve and release displaced (harmful) calcium that concentrates abnormally inside our cells from wireless technology, as well as calcification of the arteries that can lead to heart disease or organ failure. *Mood & longevity: Magnesium boosts production of serotonin: Your "feel good" brain chemical and fuels your longevity further through promotion of DHEA; a life-span indicator known as your “anti-aging” hormone. Medical studies show that thoroughly absorbed magnesium naturally boosts your levels of DHEA, that normally decline with age in both men and women. PERFECT NUTRITION ~ “…The form of magnesium which the human metabolic system recognizes and assimilates most readily is the same form contained in sea water. And the simple secret to the proper administration and optimum assimilation of magnesium is to apply it transdermally, i.e. via the skin, not as an oral supplement…” ~ Daniel Reid, author; the Tao of Detox EASE is the most bioavailable magnesium in the world, formulated in a convenient residue-free transdermal solution. Materially sourced from the Dead Sea, EASE MAGNESIUM is purified pharmaceutical-grade, isolated magnesium chloride hexahydrate dispersed in pure water, using proprietary implosion technology — that shaves years off magnesium repletion. A few sprays, directly onto your skin will begin to relieve symptoms of magnesium deficiency within seconds at a time, as it’s instantly-delivered into your bloodstream, completely eliminating your deficiency over time and acting as a maintenance aid. EASE is completely free of all pollutants, heavy metals, toxins and even other minerals. ACTIVATION QUALITY ~ EASE is a 100% natural, instantly-absorbable magnesium solution that enters your bloodstream through your skin. Regular use restores healthy magnesium levels and promotes calcium absorption. Each bottle of Ease is filled to the top with nothing but 100% pure iMCH™ ~ all-natural ~ dead sea derived ~ pharmaceutical-grade ~ bioavailable magnesium. Unlike alternative transdermal magnesiums; won’t cause stinging, burning, itching, and never leaves a residue on your skin. DAILY CONSUMPTION ~ EASE fuels your body’s internal battery; boosting your energy and easing your aches and pains, helping you thrive better in your daily grind. Within minutes of spraying it on your skin, you’ll begin to feel its powerful soothing effect… because of its ability to be absorbed through your skin (being your biggest organ) it allows maximum absorption without taxing your digestive system. Apply 30-40 sprays daily; Each spray delivers approximately 22 mg of magnesium chloride hexahydrate. Alleviate overwhelm. Alleviate stress. Alleviate tension. Alleviate pain. Spray ~ Rub ~ Relief. “…A WOW product. I can really feel a difference. I really do not have sleep issues, but this really makes my sleep even better. I really noticed when I sprayed this onto my hip areas it really made them feel better very quickly... amazing. Thank you so much Ian and Activation Team.” ~ Gwen W. (verified buyer) [Button Text]( [Custom]( [Custom]( [Custom]( [Custom]( 1-866-271-7595 No longer want to receive these emails? [Unsubscribe](. Activation Products USA Inc. 848 North Rainbow Boulevard #4769 Las Vegas, Nevada 89107 *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Mission: Activation Products is here to help you. If you’re on this site, you care about your health and truly want to do something about it; you deserve the best. The top level ingredients, top level products and, ultimately, top level health. That is why we do what we do, because we've experienced incredible health turnarounds ourselves and we want the same for you. Whatever issues brought you here today can be solved. You just need to take a leap of faith. Our products are naturally improving quality of life for thousands of people right now. Don’t live your life running on empty like I did. Don’t settle for subpar health. Team: We are dedicated health enthusiasts with a shared belief in the healing power of clean, fresh and pure superfoods. We are always searching; seeking out new information, and uncovering the best health remedies so we can share them with the world. Our team includes industry experts from Canada, the USA, Germany, Spain, Greece & Australia. That being said, we are still a family owned business and intend to keep it that way. We employ several people in the small towns we operate out of and have created good paying jobs for hard working families. If you have any questions, we have built a team of customer care reps who are deeply committed to providing clients with meaningful, one-on-one support and reliable, evidence-based information about our products. Our entire team shares the vision of a healthy, happy future for our customers, our families and ourselves. Here at Activation Products, we are committed to protecting your privacy and providing a safe online experience for both you and all of our other visitors alike while offering a high-quality user experience on our website. We know that you care how the information you provide to us is used. We have developed our Privacy Policy to inform you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of Information we receive from users of the Website. We own & operate the Website. This Privacy Policy, along with our Term & Conditions, governs your use of this site. By using our site, or by accepting the Terms of Use (via opt-in, checkbox, pop-up, or clicking an email link confirming the same), you agree to be bound by our terms and this Privacy Policy. If you have provided personal, billing or other voluntarily provided information, you may access, review and make changes to it via instructions found on the Website or by emailing us at To manage your receipt of marketing and non-transactional communications, you may unsubscribe by clicking the “unsubscribe” link located on the bottom of any related email from us. Emails related to the purchase of your order are provided automatically – Customers are not able to opt out of transactional emails. We will try to accommodate any requests related to the management of Personal Information in a timely manner. However, it is not always possible to completely remove or modify information in our databases (for example, if we have a legal obligation to keep it for certain timeframes, for example). ‌

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